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Module 2.


GE – Sci 101 Science, Technology and Society (with Concepts in
Climate Change and DRRM)
Institute of Arts and Sciences

Explain the role of Science and Technology in Philippine nation

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

• Mathematician and Astronomer

• Proposed that the sun is stationary and is the
center of the universe and Earth revolved around
• His proposal is contrary to Ptolemy’s geometric
model of the universe and Aristotle’s uniform
circular motion of all ecclesiastical bodies.
• Copernicus heliocentric model of the universe
– distance of the planets from the sun bare a direct
relationship to the size of their orbits.
Charles Darwin
• Author of The Origin of Species (1859)
and Descent of Man (1871).
• Darwin had two (2) natural evolution
– Evolution
• man descended from apes.
• natural species have changed or evolved over a
long time.
Charles Darwin
– Natural Selection
• Through this period of evolution, organism
compete with one another over space, food, and
other things for survival, or avoid being eaten,
resist disease, or become parasites in order to
• referred to as “struggle for existence and the
elimination of the unfit” natural process of survival.
Sigmund Freud
• Born on May 6, 1856
• Austrian physician
• Emphasized the role of psychoanalysis in dealing with
• Freud theorized three (3) aspects of personality that
significantly influenced human behavior.
• These are the structures or levels of the mind (conscious,
pre-conscious, and unconscious);
• the structures or the levels of personality (id, ego, and
• and the psychosexual stages of development (oral to genital).
Information Technology
• Education evolved through technology.
• One of the greatest influencers that
technology has on our adolescent lives
other than for entertainment purposes is
the learning factor it possesses.
Information Technology
• Technology has not only benefited our learning
styles, techniques, and the quality of work but
the convenience in which help is always
readily available in some way, shape, or form.
• Information technology has altered the way
students are being taught.
• On education, it has opened up a whole
learning environment.
• Distance learning has become easier.
Mesoamerican Science and
• Science and Technology were the most
advanced of all pre-Columbian civilizations.
• The Mayans knew how to make paper and
have a pictorial script (often referred to as
Maya hieroglyphs).
• This allowed the Maya to record all
knowledge on long strips of paper, which
they folded harmonica-style into books.
Mesoamerican Science and
• The lack of astronomical instruments was
overcome by aligning stars with two
objects that were separated by a large
distance, a technique that achieved great
accuracy of irregular measurement.
• As a result, the Maya developed the most
accurate calendar ever designed.
Asian Science and Technology
• Global material wealth had increased at a snail
• There is a burst of knowledge and innovation that
ignited economic growth in a way never before
• The revolution followed two centuries of
painstaking scientific discovery.
• Global per capita income then quickly gained
altitude fueled by relentless scientific learning and
Science and Technology in the Middle
• Jordan is a typical society that represents
S&T in the Middle Egypt because it has
already become technology a hub.
• First, Jordan government is laying the
foundation for a digital transformation
which will provide high-speed connectivity
between public facilities, hospitals,
schools, and other agencies.
Science and Technology in Africa
• Science and technology are very important innovation for
Africa’s development.
• The technology and innovation of Africa are enablers for
achieving continental development goals.
• For this reason, the heads of state and Government of
American Union held a summit in 2014 to adopt a 10-year
Science and Technology Innovation Strategy for Africa.
• The Agenda stresses the diversification of sources of
growth and a strong need to sustain the current robust
economic performance of Africa so that a large section of
people of Africa are lifted out of poverty.

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