Educ 102 Teaching As A Profession, Vocation and Mission

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This chapter consist of two
lesson. The lesson 1 dwells
on teaching as a profession.

The lesson 2 discusses

teaching as a vocation and

Presentation title 2
Teaching as a
“Professional is not a Profession
label you give yourself,
it’s a description you Learning outcomes:
hope others will apply to
you.” - Explain the meaning of
teaching as a profession
– David Maister - Trace the historical
development of teaching as a
profession in the Philippines
Presentation title 3

A. Teaching as a Profession
What does the word “PROFESSIONAL” mean to you?
Example-Your father tells floor tile setter whom he asked to work on a
newly constructed bathroom “ gusto ko yung gawang propesyonal ,
malinis at maganda”
- “ how unprofessional of you to act that way, teacher ka pa naman”.
What does the word “PROFESSIONAL” means to you?

Presentation title 4
Teaching as a profession

Professional is one who conforms to the technical or ethical standards of a profession. So

two elements of this profession ( TEACHING ) are Competence and a Code of Ethics.
The other elements of a profession are:
• Initial Professional Education- completed a University/College program
• Accreditation- programs are accredited by CHED to ensure Competence
• Licensing- mandatory not voluntary (PRC)- LET
• Professional Development- continuous professional or personal growth,
mandated by RA 10912- Continuing Professional Development or CPD
Act 2016
• Professional Societies – being part of the professional community,
• Code of Ethics

Presentation title 6
• The teaching profession is
governed by the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers. Violation of
the Code of Ethics for professional
teachers is one of the grounds for
revocation of the professional
teacher’s Certificate of Registration
and suspension from the practice of
the teaching profession ( Section
23., RA. 7836).
Presentation title 7
B. The Historical Development of Teaching
as a Profession in the Philippines
• Presidential Decree 1006- The first legal document that professionalized
teaching issued by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos.
• R. A 7836 known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of
1994, was passed to … “promote quality education by proper supervision
and regulation of the licensure examination and professionalized of the
practice of teaching profession.” ( Section 2 )
• During Pre-Hispanic period there was no formal schooling in the country.
• During the Spanish period, Educational Decree of 1863 provided for a
normal school run by Jesuits to educate male teachers in Manila. Normal
Schools for women were not established until 1875. So it was the Spaniard
who started training teachers in normal schools.
Presentation title 8

Paz Ramos, once Dean of College of Education of the University of Diliman claims:
The foundation of teacher education in the Philippines were laid by the
Spanish government during the mid-eighteen century. It is said to have

begun on August 4, 1765, when King Charles of Spain issued a Royal
Decree requiring each village to have a “maestro.” On November 28,
1772, another Royal Decree specialized the qualification of teachers.
However, it was not until 1863 that there was a specific attempt to
systematize and update the education of the Filipino Teachers.
- Schools during Spanish era were closed for a time by Aguinaldo’s government.
- During the American regime, American soldiers served as the first teachers.
- In 1901, the Philippine Commission enacted into law Act 74 which created the
Department of Public Instruction.
- Due to shortage of teachers, Thomasites became teachers.
- Due to urgent need of teachers, Filipinos ( bright ones ) were given opportunities to be educated in American College/ Universities. Financed by the
government - pensionados

- Act 74 of 1901 also provided for establishment of Philippine Normal School ( PNS )
- Philippine Normal School formally opened in September 1901, as an institution for
the training of teachers.
- In 1928, it became a junior college offering a two-year programs offering a two-year
program to graduates to secondary schools.
- 1949, PNS renamed PNC ( Philippine Normal College ) and offered the four-year
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education.

Presentation title 10
Teaching as a Vocation and Mission
Explain teaching as a vocation and a mission

Some teachers regard teaching as just a job. Others see it as their

missions. What’s the difference ?

- If you keep on teaching out of love, it’s a mission.

- If you teach because it does not interfere with your other
activities, it’s a job.
- If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes your
efforts, it’s a mission.
- If you quit because no one praises or thanks you for what you
do, it’s a job.
- If our concern in teaching is success plus faithfulness in our
job, teaching is a mission.

Presentation title 11
Teaching as a Vocation

 Vocation, comes from a latin word “vocare” which means “to call.”
 Teaching is more than a noble profession. It is a vocation – a calling.
 If there’s a call, there must be a caller and someone who is called. There must also be a
 CHRISTIAN – caller is GOD
 MUSLIMS – caller is ALLAH
 Believers in the SUPREME BEING will look at his voiceless call to have a vertical
 Non- Believers. The call is experienced but viewed solely along a horizontal
dimension .It’s like man calling another man never a Superior being calling a man.
 When someone practices teaching as his vocation, they teach with dedication.
 In
Presentation titlesummary, vocation is only for some who are really dedicated not just to work but also 12
Teaching as a Mission

 Teaching is also a mission. The word mission comes from the Latin
word “missio” which means “to send” we are sent into the world to
accomplish a mission.
 Teaching is your mission means it is the task entrusted to you in
this world.
 To teach is to influence every child entrusted in your care to
become better and happier because life becomes more meaningful.
 Teaching is touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of
Presentation title 13
Teaching may not be a
lucrative position. It cannot
guarantee financial security.
It even means investing in
Dr. your personal time, energy,
and resources. Sometimes it

Josette T. means disappointments,

heartaches, and pains. But
touching the heart of people
Biyo and opening the minds of
children can give you joy
speech and contentment which
money could not buy. These
are the moments I teach for.
Presentation title
These are the moments I live 14
The “Pwede na” mentally: Enemy of
excellent Mission Preparation and
• Striving for • This •“Pwede
excellent – element na” is
another brings us to
element of a
inimical to
the issue of excellent
profession “ Pwede
Presentation title 15

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