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Retelling the

Morning in Nagrebcan

Presented by:
Ceniza Pauline and Esteros Mary Ann
Manuel Estabillo Arguilla
He wrote about 150 short
stories, a number which

were printed in such well-

known publications.
Definition of NAGREBCAN

The Ilocano word “nagrebcan” also has two

interpretations. The first, meaning a “place of ruins” or
“destroyed,” and the other, from the word
“nagrebaan,” which means “boundary.”
Where is the setting?
It was sunrise in Nagrebcan.
The fine, bluish mist, low over the
tobacco fields, was lifting away the
morning breeze..

Nana Tiang
Baldo Ambo Elang Ciaco
Morning in Nagrebcan
Morning in Nagrebcan It was the usual early start of day in
Nagrebcan where people start off on their daily chores. It
was very peaceful, Baldo had just woken up, he played with
his puppy, it was his favorite one among the five, a white
one with black spots. Her mother asked him to get some
burning coals and putting them on a rice straw from a
neighbor. After he did what his mother told him he went
back to his favorite puppy.
He saw his brother Ambo eating a banana without
peeling it first, he told his brother to peel it first
before eating but his brother
just ignored him telling him that it wasn't his
banana and he wasn't the one eating it, he did not
As he finished eating he started
playing with the four puppies, but
after a while he got bored but when
he saw Baldo holding the other one
he want to take it from his brother
because he wants to play with it.
Baldo refused but Ambo did not give
up, this resulted in their fight.
Tang Ciaco saw the puppy snarling with its
hairs standing, he thought that it was mad so he
went to the kitchen and took a piece of
firewood. He beat the poor puppy and it was
flown to the air, until blood went out from its
mouth, he did not stopped until it was fully
dead, then he threw the corpse on the
After he killed the puppy he went to the
boys and beat them, their mother can't do
anything because she knows she would only get
After the boys were beaten, their father went off to
work, Baldo and Ambo went to the cornfields to
search for the corpse of the puppy, when they found it
they buried it. And above the resting place of the poor
puppy they rolled a rock.
THEME The theme of the story is morning is time of
renewal. Renewal because every day we encountered
different problems and at the end of the day, we see
ourselves passed all the struggles. Every morning, we
feel renewed and we hoped to see a brighter morning
ahead us.
Thank you
for listening!

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