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Chapter 4

In the shortest path:
 we think of weights (as representing any measure:
time, cost, penalties, loss) that accumulates
linearly along a path,
we want to minimize the sum of the
It is a generalization of breadth-first search
to weighted graphs.

 The shortest path might not be unique.

 when we look at shortest paths from one vertex to all other
vertices, the shortest paths are organized as a tree.
 Therefore, without loss of generality we can assume that when
we are finding shortest paths, they have no cycles, i.e., they
are simple paths.
 Since any acyclic path in a graph G=(V,E) contains at most |V|
distinct vertices, the shortest path also contains at most |V|-1
Single-source: Find shortest paths from a
given source vertex s ∈ V to every vertex v
∈ V.
Single-destination: Find a shortest path to a
given destination vertex t from each vertex v.
 Single-pair: Find shortest path from u to v.
If we solve the single-source problem with
source vertex u, we solve this problem also.
 All-pairs: Find shortest path from u to v for
all u,v ∈ V.
The single-source shortest-paths problem:
given a graph G=(V,E), we want to find a
shortest path from a given source vertex s  V
to each vertex vV.
Two algorithms:
 Dijkstra algorithm
 Bellman-Ford algorithm
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Each part of the optimal path is an is also optimal itself.
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Each part of the optimal path is an is also optimal itself.
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
s x y z s x y z
s x y z s x y z
0 Inf Inf Inf Nil Nil Nil nil
10 5 S s
9 6 y y
8 z

s x y z t s x y z t

s x y z t s x y z t
- - - - - 0 Inf Inf Inf Inf
s s 5 10
y y y 14 7 8
z 13
t 9
Negative-weight edges
Dijkstra’s algorithm relies on the fact that a shortest
path from s to t goes only through vertices that are
closer to s. This is no longer the case for graphs with
negative edges.
Dijkstra’s will not provide the correct result in case
of a graph with negative-weight
Negative-weight edges
Bellman-Ford algorithm allows negative-weight edges in
the input graph and produces a correct answer as long as
no negative-weight cycles are reachable from the source.
Typically, if there is such a negative-weight cycle, the
algorithm can detect and report its existence.
NB: Negative weight cycle is obtained when the sum of
the edge-weights in cycle is negative.
Bellman-Ford ‘s algorithm
 Allows negative-weight edges.
Computes d[v] and π[v] for all v ∈ V.
It returns TRUE if no negative-weight cycles reachable
from the source s, and it returns FALSE otherwise.
Bellman-Ford ‘s algorithm

The algorithm guaranteed to converge

after |V|− 1 passes, assuming no
negative-weight cycles.

s r x y z s r x y z
- - - - - 0 Inf Inf Inf inf
s r x y z s r x y z
- - - - - 0 Inf Inf Inf inf
s r r s,r -1 1 1 4,2
x -2
Find the shortest paths
from A to all vertices.
Cases with negative edges and
negative weight cycle
Cases with negative edges and
negative weight cycle
RUR to
USD Using a convenient algorithm
RUR to
USD Using a convenient algorithm
RUR to
USD Using a convenient algorithm
Shortest paths
Dijkstra algorithm (only positive weight-
Bellman-Ford algorithm (non-negative cycle)
Single-destination ?
 Single-pair
Dijkstra algorithm (only positive weight-
Bellman-Ford algorithm (non-negative cycle)
All-pairs ?
Single Destination
Single destination Problem:
Find a shortest path to a given destination
vertex t from each vertex v.
Solution: ?
3 A
S 2
4 1 B
C 3
Single Destination
 Find G of the graph G (Reverse the direction of each edge
in the graph)
 Apply Dijkstra’ /Bellman-Ford algorithm (pb of single
 Deduce the required shortest paths for the single
destination in G
Single Destination
Example: Find all the shortest
paths to the vertex x of the
graph G

x s y z
0 Inf Inf inf

x s y z
- - - -

x s y z
0 Inf Inf inf
10 4 2

x s y z
- - - -
x x x
Shortest paths
Single-source: Dijkstra algorithm &
Bellman-Ford algorithm
Single-destination: Dijkstra algorithm &
Bellman-Ford algorithm (applied on G)
 Single-pair: result already provided by
Dijkstra algorithm & Bellman-Ford
All-pairs ?
All-pairs Problem:
Find shortest path from u to v for all u,v ∈ V.
Solution :
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Example : 8
1 3
We shall find the
shortest paths from: 7 2 5

4 3
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Dynamic algorithm, the problem
should be solved by taking sequence of
decisions. 8
In each stage we will take a decision 1 3

So what decision we should take? 5 2

7 2
I need to check if the shortest path is
going via some other vertices 4 3
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
[ ] [ ]
0 3 ∞ 7
( 0) 8 0 2 ∞
− 1 − 1
𝐷 = (0) 2 − 2 −
5 ∞ 0 1 Π =
2 ∞ ∞ 0 3 − − 3
4 − − − 1 3

5 2
7 2

4 3
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
[ ] [ ]
0 3 ∞ 7
( 0) 8 0 2 ∞
− 1 − 1
𝐷 = (0) 2 − 2 −
5 ∞ 0 1 Π =
2 ∞ ∞ 0 3 − − 3
4 − − −

[ [ ] ]
1 3
0 3 ∞ 7 Π (1)= − 1 − 1 − ¿4 ¿ − 2

¿ 0 ¿ ¿2 ¿ ¿ ¿ 0 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿2 2
8 0 ¿ ¿ 2 − ¿ ¿ 7

4 3
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
[ ][ ]
0 3 ∞ 7 − 1 − 1
( 0) 8 0 Π2(0) =
∞ 2 − 2 −
𝐷 = 3 − − 3
5 ∞ 0 1
2 ∞ ∞ 0 4 − − −

[ ][ ]
0 3 ∞ 7 1 3
0 1 − 1 2
) 8 0 2 15
5 8 0 Π (1)
1 = 2 0 2 1 2
2 5 ∞ 0 3 1 0 3 7 2
4 1 − 0
4 3
Floyd-Warshall algorithm

[ ]
0 1 − 1
(1) 2 0 2 1
Π =
3 1 0 3 8
4 1 − 0

[ ]
1 3

[ ]
15 ¿ 8¿0 ¿¿5¿¿0¿ (2) 0 1 ¿
Π= 1¿1¿0¿ ¿1¿¿0¿
80¿ 7 2 5

20 ¿ 4 3
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
[ ][ ]
0 3 5 7 0 1 2 1
( 2) 8 0 2 (2)
15 2 0 2 1
𝐷 = Π 1=
5 8 0 3 1 0 3
2 5 7 0 4 1 2 0 8
1 3
( 3)

𝐷 =¿ 7 2 5 2

4 3

[ [ ]
0 3 5 06 1 2
7 0 (3) =
2 33 0 2
( 3)
= Π
5 8 0 31 1 0
2 5 7 40 1 2
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
[ [] ]
0 3 5 6
0 1 2 3
( 3) 7 0 2 3
𝐷 = (3) 3 0 2 3
5 Π 0=
8 1
3 1 0 3
2 5 7 0
4 1 2 0 8
1 3

[ ]
) 0 ¿ 6
= 1¿2¿5¿7 ¿0¿ 2 5 2
0 ¿ ¿ 7

4 3

[ ][ ]
0 3 5 6 0 1 2 3
5 0 4 0 2 3
Π2 =
( 4) (4 ) 3
𝐷 = 4 1 0 3
3 6 0 1
2 5 7 0 4 1 2 0
Floyd-Warshall algorithm

[ [] ]
0 3 5 6
0 1 2 3
( 4) 5 0 (42 3
4 0 2 3
= Π
3 6 0= 1
4 1 0 3
2 5 7 0
4 1 2 0 8
1 3

5 2
7 2

4 3
[ ] [ ]
0 3 5 6 0 1 2 3
( 4) 5 0 2 3 (4 ) 4 0 2 3
𝐷 = Π =
3 6 0 1 4 1 0 3
2 5 7 0 4 1 2 0

From All pairs Shortest Paths

1 1 length 3 1 3
11,2, 3 length 5
1 1,2,3,4 length 6 2
2 5
2 2 2,3,4, 1 length 5
22,3 length 2
2 2,3,4 length 3 4 3
3 33,4,1 length 3
3 3,4,1,2 length 6
33,4 length 1

4 44,1 length 2
44,1,2 length 5
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
1. Initialize the matrices and Π (0) =( 𝜋 𝑖𝑗 )

2. Select intermediate vertex k and calculate , and

(𝑚 ) (𝑚 −1)
𝐷 (𝑖 , 𝑗)=min {𝐷 ( 𝑖 , 𝑗 ) , 𝐷(𝑚 −1) ( 𝑖 , 𝑘) + 𝐷(𝑚 −1) ( 𝑘, 𝑗 ) }

( 𝑚−1) (𝑚− 1) (𝑚− 1) (𝑚− 1)
𝜋 𝑖𝑗(𝑚 )= 𝜋 𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝑓 𝐷 (𝑖 , 𝑗) ≤ 𝐷 (𝑖 , 𝑘)+ 𝐷 (𝑘 , 𝑗 )
𝜋 ( 𝑚− 1)
𝑘𝑗 𝑖𝑓 𝐷(𝑚−1) ( 𝑖 , 𝑗 ) >𝐷(𝑚−1) ( 𝑖 ,𝑘 ) +𝐷(𝑚−1) ( 𝑘, 𝑗 )
Floyd-Warshall algorithm
1. Initialize the matrices and Π (0) =( 𝜋 𝑖𝑗 )

2. Select intermediate vertex k and calculate , and

3. after selecting the last intermediate vertex n, the matrix contains the length
of the shortest paths between each pair and determine these shortest paths. (n is
the number of vertices of the graph)
Floyd-Warshall algorithm

( )
0 3 8 ∞ −4
∞ 0 ∞ 1 7
( 0)
𝐷 = ∞ 4 0 ∞ ∞
2 ∞ −5 0 ∞
∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0

( )
− 1 1 − 1
− − − 2 2
(0 )
Π = − 3 − − −
4 − 4 − −
− − − 5 −
( )
0 3 8 ∞ −4
∞ 0 ∞ 1 7
( 0)
𝐷 = ∞ 4 0 ∞ ∞
2 ∞ −5 0 ∞
∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0

( )
− 1 1 − 1
− − − 2 2
(0 )
Π = − 3 − − −
4 − 4 − −
− − − 5 −
Result of the algorithm

Fro All pairs Shortest Paths Fro All pairs Shortest Paths
m m
Ori Orig
gin in


Result of the algorithm

From All pairs Shortest Paths From All pairs Shortest Paths
Origin Origin
1 1 4 4
1 4
1 4
1 4

2 5 5
2 5
2 5
2 5

3 3
End of Chapter
Single-source shortest paths
in directed acyclic graphs
Matrix multiplication
Input :
The adjacency matrix of weights of the graph G
Matrix multiplication
Input :
The adjacency matrix of weights of the graph G
Matrix multiplication
Input :
The adjacency matrix of weights of the graph G (V,E)

Output :
where = ( is the shortest path from vertex i to vertex j)
Matrix multiplication
 All sub-paths of a shortest path are shortest paths.
 Suppose that we represent the graph by an adjacency matrix
Create L an nxn matrix Example
For to n do
for to n do
for to n do

Return L’

In this example, the number of

vertices are 5, then the shortest
paths cannot have more than 4
edges, that's‘ why we need to
calculate. Remember that (i.e.
is the minimum length of any
path between all pairs with at
most 1 edge)
Extend (L,W,n)
Create L’, an nxn matrix
For to n do
for to n do
for to n do

Return L’
In this example, the number of
vertices are 5, then the shortest
paths cannot have more than 4
edges, that's‘ why we need to
calculate. Remember that (i.e.
is the minimum weight of any
path between all pairs with at
most 1 edge)
…. No change in

◦ ….

for all k
We can compute using the similarity with the matrix multiplication

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