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Waste are unwanted or
What is unusable materials. Waste
is any substance which is
Waste ? discarded after primary
use, or is worthless,
defective and of no use.

What is waste management?
It involves the regular
collection, transportation as well
as processing and disposal or
recycling and monitoring of
different types of waste

Importance of Waste Management
➔ It is an important element of environmental protection.
➔ Its purpose is to provide hygienic, efficient and economic solid
waste storage, collection, transportation and treatment or disposal
of waste without polluting the atmosphere, soil or water system.
➔ These services can save your business a considerable amount of
➔ Proper management of waste is important for building sustainable
and livable cities.

Waste Hierarchy Life-cycle of the Product
It refers to the "3 Rs" Reduce, It begins with design, then proceeds
Reuse and Recycle and it is the through manufacture, distribution,
cornerstone. and primary use and then follows
through the waste hierarchy's stages
of reduce, reuse and recycle.

Principles of
It reflects the understanding that global
economic growth and development can Management
It mandates that the polluting party
not be sustained at current production pays for the impact on the
and consumption patterns. environment.

Resource Efficiency Polluter-pays Principle


Waste Handling
➔ Curbside collection is the most common method of disposal in
most European countries, Canada, New Zealand, United
States and many other parts of the developed world in which
waste is collected at regular intervals by specialised trucks.
➔ This is often associated with curb-side waste segregation.
➔ In rural areas, waste may need to be taken to a transfer
station. Waste collected is then transported to an appropriate
disposal facility.

Waste Segregation
➔ This is the separation of wet waste and dry waste. The purpose is to
recycle dry waste easily and to use wet waste as compost.
➔ When segregating waste, the amount of waste that gets landfilled
reduces considerably, resulting in lower levels of air and water pollution.
➔ It is important to remember that waste segregation should be based on
the type of waste and the most appropriate treatment and disposal.
➔ This also makes it easier to apply different processes to the waste, like
composting, recycling and incineration.

Waste Disposal and Management

Landfill Recycle
It is a site for the disposal of waste It is a resource recovery practice that
materials by burial. Landfill is the refers to the collection and reuse of
oldest form of waste treatment. waste materials.This process involves
breaking down and reusing materials

Incineration Re-use
It is a disposal method in which solid It mean purchasing non-disposable
organic wastes are subjected to items or it can mean passing an item
combustion so to convert them into along to another person for
residue and gaseous products. continued use.

3 r’s of waste management
It is changing discarded
03 materials into new
products in order to
Reuse avoid using more virgin
It is taking old or resources.
unwanted items you
might otherwise throw
away and finding a new
use for them. 01 02 Reduce
It is simply creating
less waste. It’s the
best method for
keeping the
environment clean.


Refuse what you do not need;
reduce what you do need; reuse
what you consume; recycle what
you cannot refuse, reduce, or
reuse; and rot the rest.
~Bea Johnson


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