Short Story Writing

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Short Story

30 Short Story Writing Ideas
 Your character is running late and has to take the bus instead of walking.
 At school or work, your character gets an unusual assignment.
 Your character finds something he or she had lost.
 Your character has to choose between two things that he or she loves.
 Your character is out talking a walk when he or she sees a dog that…
 Your character tries a new restaurant. The chef comes out and tells him or her…
 Your character finally gets to take an exciting vacation to beach. On the shore, he or she
 During a thunderstorm, your character suddenly remembers…
 Your character leaves in the morning but has to go back home after forgetting to bring…
 Your character has an accident and…
 At a basketball game, your character is surprised when…
 Your character gets an interesting offer from a friend. Does he or she take it?
 Your character has an argument with his or her best friend. They argued because your
character said…
 Your character meets someone with the same name.
 On your character’s favorite holiday, he or she is excited to…
 Your character decides to take a new class or join a new club. All goes well until the
teacher or club leader says…
 Your character gets a visit from an old friend—but the friend has changed and doesn’t
seem to be the same person.
 Your character has to give a speech. On the way up to the podium…
 Your character meets his or her favorite celebrity. When your character asks for a picture…
 Your character finds a wallet with a large wad of bills stuffed inside lying on the street.
What does he or she do?
 Your character has the chance to move to a new town. Does he or she take it?
 At the grocery store, your character sees __________ in the produce section. He or she
decides to…
 Your character sits down to write a story. He or she is inspired by…
 Your character receives a surprise package in the mail. What’s inside?
 Your character has an especially bad toothache and goes to the dentist. At the dentist’s
office, your character is surprised to see…
 Your character goes to see a movie that he or she has been waiting to see for months—
only to be seated next to someone who is talking loudly the whole time.
 Your character wins a big prize from a local radio contest.
 When your character’s birthday comes around, he or she is excited to enjoy a favorite slice
of cake. Your character is surprised, however, when the cake turns out to be…
 One night, your character wakes up from an especially realistic dream. In the dream, he or
she was…
 Your character is out at the mall and sees a bunch of television cameras from the local
news station. Suddenly, a reporter comes up to your character and wants to interview him
or her because…
 With endless possibilities and a whole world of new things to discover, it’s easy to see why
stories are one of the best forms of creative writing for kids.

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