GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management

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Dr. Kato Samuel Namuene

Department of Forestry and Wildlife,

Head of Service Admissions and Records,
Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,
University of Buea
Tel/WhatsApp: (+237) 679731093

• Disasters, natural and anthropogenic, keep increasing in magnitude and

frequency world wide. E.g.:
• Natural disasters like Floods, drought, landslides, desertification, hurricanes,
typhoons, el-ninos and the number of earthquakes keep increasing
• Land degradation due to irresponsible land use by man, deforestation,
overgrazing etc., exacerbate natural disasters like floods, desertification etc.


• World population has risen from 1.6 billion in 1900 to 7.8 billion in 2020

• Population growth has caused mass migrations to various previously uninhabited areas
on earth including disaster prone areas like landslide, volcanic and flood prone areas.

• There is need for nations worldwide to take action in reducing, mitigating and managing
the impacts of disasters.

• The UN in 1987 designated the 1990s as the international Decade for Natural Disaster
Reduction (IDNDR), while the United Nations Disaster Relief Organization (UNDRO) was
created to mitigate and manage relief measures in disaster areas.

• Geographic Information System (GIS) is any
system that integrates, captures, stores,
analyzes, shares, manages, and displays data
that is linked to location.

• GIS integrates many types of data, analyzes

spatial location and organizes layers of
information into visualizations using maps and
3D scenes. ​

• GIS reveals deeper insights into data, such as

patterns, relationships, and situations, helping
Figure 1: GIS layering to produce a map (Source: National Geographic Society)
users make smarter decisions.   4
• Remote sensing is the science of obtaining
information about objects or areas from a distance,
typically from sensors called remote sensors,
mounted on aircrafts or satellites.
• NASA, ESA and other space agencies observe the
Earth and other planetary bodies via remote sensors
that detect and record reflected or emitted energy.
• Remote sensors, which provide a global perspective
Figure 2: Remote sensing revealing earthquake in Nepal (Source: UN)
and a wealth of data about Earth systems, enable
data-informed decision making based on the current
and future state of our planet.
• GIS and remote sensing encompass various tools that enable fast acquisition of
pre and post disaster data for disaster management. E.g.:

• For damage assessment in a timely manner, evaluate the situation and plan
evacuation and rehabilitation of populations in disaster risk areas if need be.

• During pre-disaster phase, GIS and remote sensing can be applied in identifying
and developing adequate systems and resources before the occurrence of
disasters to ensures a more coordinated and effective response.

•The field of GIS started in the 1960s as computers and early
concepts of quantitative and computational geography

• The Canada Geographic Information System resulted in the

first computerized GIS in the world in 1963, developed by
Roger Tomlinson, who gave GIS its name.

• The Canadian government wanted to create an inventory of

its natural resources, that is, create a design for automated Figure 3: Father of GIS Roger Tomlinson

(Source: GIS lounge)

computing to store and process large amounts of data.
• GIS gives people the ability to create their own digital map layers to help
solve real-world problems.

• GIS has also evolved into a means for data sharing and collaboration,
inspiring a vision that is now rapidly becoming a reality:
• a continuous, overlapping, and interoperable GIS database of the world,
about virtually all subjects.

• Today, numerous organizations are sharing their work and creating maps
that reveal patterns, trends, and relationships about everything.

•Remote sensing began in the 1840s as balloonists at Nadar took pictures of the
ground using the newly invented photo-camera.

Figure 4: Aerial view of the district of Etoile, Texas, USA taken by by Nadar, in July 16, 1868
(Source: Wiley online library)

• The first available archives in remote sensing data was in 1868

• In 1907, a German called Julius Neubronner, used pigeons
equipped with cameras to take aerial shots and sold the
snapshots as a postcard

• The army recovered his invention during World War I for

Figure 5: Camera mounted on pigeon
espionage, replacing the pigeons with air planes. (Source: Wiley and Sons)

Figure 6: Camera mounted on an air plane 10

(Source: Wiley and Sons)
• The term “remote sensing” was initially introduced in 1960. Before 1960 the term
used was generally aerial photography.

• The 1960s and 1970s saw the primary platform used to carry remotely sensed
instruments shift from air planes to satellites.

• Satellites can cover much more land space than planes and can monitor areas on a
regular basis.

• Images were now digital and coloured, with better screen resolution as compared to
the black and white produced erstwhile.

2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems

2.1 GIS Implementation

• GIS implementation requires careful planning and a fairly significant
investment in computer equipment, network technology, database
connectivity, and other required tools.
• GIS systems are made up of the following components:

In terms of hardware, a PC with at least 2 GB RAM and 500GB hard disk
space on the hard disk is the basic requirement. 12
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
• GIS software elaborate and analyze field data, maps or satellite imagery to produce
maps. There are two types of GIS software: Desktop GIS and Web Map Server.

• Desktop GIS usually serves all GIS tasks of geographical analysis such as viewing (GIS
Viewer), edit (GIS Editor), and analyze (GIS Analyst) data. E.g. ArcGIS, QGis, MapInfo etc.

• Web Map Servers (WMS) are used to distribute maps and data over the internet.
Spatial Database Management Systems (SDMS) are mainly used to store the data, but
often also provide (limited) analysis and data manipulation functionality. E.g. GEBCO
WMS, Google Earth Enterprise Server, NASA Earth Data web map service etc.
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
2.1.3 GIS data types
• Data type tells the computer what type of information to store in memory about an
object. There are two data types in GIS: raster and vector data. Raster data type

• Raster data type is any type of digital image
represented in grids and consists of rows
and columns of cells, with each cell storing a
single value.
• Additional values recorded for each cell may
Figure 7: Raster data (Source: Esri)
be a discrete value, such as land use, a
continuous value, such as temperature, or a
null value if no data is available. 14
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems Raster data type

• Although it may portray various properties of objects in the real world, raster data
don’t exist as separate objects; rather, they are represented using pixels of various
different color values
• The resolution of the raster data set is its cell width in ground units.
• Raster data can be stored in various formats;
• from a standard file-based structure of Tagged Image Files (TIF),
• Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG), etc.
• to Binary Large Object (BLOB) data stored directly in a Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS).
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems Vector data type
• Vector Data type is any geographical
feature which can be drawn as a
geometrical shape.
• Different geographical features are
expressed by different types of
• points (for single location),
• Lines (for rivers, roads, railroads,
trails, etc…) Figure 8: Vector data (Source: Chen and Shi, 2018)

• polygons (for lakes, park boundaries,

buildings, city boundaries, etc). 16
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems

2.1.4 Shape files (.shp)

• Polygons convey the most amount of information of the file types. Linear figures can
measure distances and polygon features can measure perimeter and area.
• Each of these geometries is linked to a row in a database that describes their
attributes. E.g., a database that describes lakes may contain a lake's depth, water
quality and pollution level.
• A shapefile is a simple, nontopological format for storing the geometric location and
attribute information of geographic features. Geographic features in a shapefile can be
represented by points, lines, or polygons. The workspace containing shapefiles may also
contain database tables, which can store additional attributes that can be joined to a
shapefile's features.
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems

2.1.4 Shape files (.shp)

• This information can be used to make a map to
describe a particular attribute of the dataset.
• E.g., lakes could be coloured depending on level of
• Different geometries can also be compared; GIS
could be used to identify all indigenous
communities (point geometry) that are within one Figure 9: Map produced from vector data
(Source: Fava et al., 2010)
kilometer of a firestorm (polygon geometry) that
can be affected sooner or later.

2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems

2.1.5 Human Resource

• The continued growth of increasingly powerful GIS systems has
increased the amount of practical applications for this field, and created
a demand for skilled GIS trained employees.

• Therefore, GIS requires expert and skilled people who are willing to
learn and confront their knowledge with the local and indigenous ones
in order to have a real impact on development issues.

2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems

2.1.6 Layers
• Layers are the contents of a map.

• They include a wide range of

information about people, the earth,
infrastructure, life etc.

• Layers are composed of imagery,

tiles, features etc.
Figure 10: GIS layers (Source: The Quarry Life Award)
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
2.2 Remote sensing
• Remote sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an
area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation at a distance (typically from satellite or
• Remote sensors collect remotely sensed data. Some examples are:
• Cameras on satellites and airplanes take images of large areas on the Earth's surface,
allowing us to see much more than we can standing on the ground.
• Cameras on satellites can also be used to make images of temperature changes in the
• Sonar systems on ships can be used to create images of the ocean floor without
needing to travel to the bottom of the ocean.
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
2.2.1 Remote Sensing Implementation
Remote sensing terminology
• Satellite Image: Data based on reflected or emitted electromagnetic radiation by satellites.
• Aerial Image: Data based on reflected or emitted electromagnetic radiation from an airplane.
• Sensor: A particular instrument used to collect either satellite images or aerial photographs.
• Band: A range of values in the electromagnetic spectrum to which a sensor is sensitive.
• Color Composite: An image created from a combination of bands using the Red, Green, and
Blue channels. If the red, green, and blue bands are in the red, green, and blue channels the
image is referred to as a true-color composite.
• Pixel: The lowest resolvable unit in any remotely sensed image, the dimensions of which are
referred to as the resolution of the image. 22
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
2.2.1 Remote Sensing Implementation Remote sensing terminology
• Panchromatic imaging system: The sensor is a single channel detector sensitive to radiation within a
broad wavelength range. If the wavelength range coincide with the visible range, then the resulting image
resembles a "black-and-white" photograph taken from space.
• Multispectral imaging system: The sensor is a multichannel detector with a few spectral bands. Each
channel is sensitive to radiation within a narrow wavelength band. The resulting image is a multilayer
image which contains both the brightness and spectral (colour) information of the targets being observed.
• Superspectral Imaging Systems: A superspectral imaging sensor has many more spectral channels
(typically >10) than a multispectral sensor. The bands have narrower bandwidths, enabling the finer
spectral characteristics of the targets to be captured by the sensor.
• Hyperspectral Imaging Systems: A hyperspectral imaging system is also known as an "imaging
spectrometer". it acquires images in about a hundred or more contiguous spectral bands. The precise
spectral information contained in a hyperspectral image enables better characterisation and identification
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
2.2.1 Remote Sensing
Implementation Remote Sensors

• Remote sensors collect data by detecting the
energy that is reflected from Earth, and can
either be passive or active remote sensors. Passive remote sensors
• They do not emit their own radiation, but
Figure 11: Passive remote sensing (Source: Crop copter)
receive natural light and thermal radiation from
the earth's surface 24
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
• Most passive systems used in remote sensing applications operate in the visible, infrared,
thermal infrared, and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. E.g.:

• Accelerometer: An instrument that measures acceleration (change in velocity per unit


• Hyperspectral radiometer: An advanced multispectral sensor that detects hundreds of

very narrow spectral bands throughout the visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared
portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

• Imaging radiometer: A radiometer that has a scanning capability to provide a two-

dimensional array of pixels from which an image may be produced.
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
• Radiometer: An instrument that quantitatively measures the intensity of electromagnetic radiation in
some bands within the spectrum.

• Sounder: An instrument that measures vertical distributions of atmospheric parameters such as

temperature, pressure, and composition from multispectral information.

• Spectrometer: A device that is designed to detect, measure, and analyze the spectral content of
incident electromagnetic radiation.

• Spectroradiometer: A radiometer that measures the intensity of radiation in multiple wavelength


• Landsat: Landsat uses a scanner for imaging. Equipped with spectrometers they measure signals at
several spectral bands simultaneously, resulting in multispectral images which allow numerous
interpretations. The Landsat Programme is a series of earth-observing satellite missions jointly
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems Active remote sensors
• Active sensors, provide their own source
of energy to illuminate the objects they
• They emit radiation in the direction of
the target to be investigated.
• The sensor then detects and measures
the radiation that is reflected or
Figure 12: Active remote sensing (Source: Crop copter)
backscattered from the target e.g.:

2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
• Radar: An active radio detection and ranging sensor emits microwave radiation in a
series of pulses from an antenna and then produces a two-dimensional image of the
surface by by estimating the range and magnitude of energy reflected by the target.

• Lidar: A light detection and ranging sensor that uses a laser radar to transmit a light
pulse and a receiver with sensitive detectors to measure the reflected light.

• Laser altimeter: An instrument that uses lidar to measure the height of the platform
(spacecraft or aircraft) above the surface with respect to the mean Earth’s surface,
used to determine the topography of the underlying surface.

2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems
• Ranging Instrument: A device that measures the distance between the instrument
and a target object.

• Scatterometer: A high-frequency microwave radar designed specifically to

measure backscattered radiation. Over ocean surfaces, measurements of
backscattered radiation in the microwave spectral region can be used to derive
maps of surface wind speed and direction.

• Sounder: An instrument that measures vertical distribution of precipitation and

other atmospheric characteristics such as temperature, humidity, and cloud
2. Implementing GIS and Remote Sensing Systems Remote sensing data acquisition

2.1ElectromagneticWaves Used in Remote Sensing 

Figure 13: Electromagnetic waves used in remote sensing  (Source: Ko Ko Lwin) 30

3. GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
• Some specific uses of GIS and remotely sensing in disaster risk management
• Large forest fires can be mapped from space, allowing rangers to see a much
larger area than from the ground.
• Tracking clouds to help predict the weather or watching erupting volcanoes, and
help watching for dust storms.
• Tracking the growth of a city and changes in farmland or forests over several
years or decades.
• Discovery and mapping of the rugged topography of the ocean floor (e.g., huge
mountain ranges, deep canyons, and the “magnetic striping” on the ocean floor).

3. GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management

3.1 Methods and procedures

• GIS and remote sensing consists of
three stages: Data acquisition, data
processing through Geographic
Database (GDB) and data

• Geospatial technologies like GPS and

satellite imagery, among others, are
Figure 14: Geographic information process
useful tools for geographic data (Source: UN Statistical Division)

3. GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management

3.1.1 Creating vector files

• The GIS software we will use for this course is the Quantum GIS (QGIS).

• QGIS is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) so you use it for free
without ever paying for licenses

• Other packages like ArcGIS, MapView, MapInfo etc. are used only after paying
for their license, but, they have same functionality as QGIS.
• To use the QGIS application you need to first download it. Use the
following links
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Download QGIS
64 bits:
32 bits:

Mac OS

Linux (Chose your linux distro)
• To install QGIS, double click the downloaded file and follow onscreen
3. GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management

3.2 QGIS Basics

• This is not a complete
QGIS course.
• We will only cover some
basics in GIS and remote
• We will apply the
knowledge in disaster
risk management
Figure 15: QGIS main window (Source: Berkeley Advanced Media Institute)
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
3.2.1 Adding a data source
• You can use a GPS to capture points in real world, then import the data into QGIS
• Or you can survey points using a theodolite, and enter the coordinates manually to
create new features.
• Or you could use remote sensing data, such as satellite imagery or aerial photography.
• To begin, Create a folder where all your GIS files will be saved. Name it “QGIS Practice
• For our example, you’ll be using the digitizing remote sensing approach with a raster
image. An image file called “Firestorm.tif” will be shared to add to the folder you
created erstwhile 36
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding raster data
i. Click on Layer ‣ Add Layer ‣ Add Raster Layer. The
Data Source manager | Raster dialog box opens.
ii. Click the ellipse in front of the Raster Dataset box.
iii. Navigate to the folder you created and open the
“Firestorm.tif” image file.
iv. Click ”Add”. You can follow the same procedure to
add other images
v. Click “Close” when done
Figure 18: Data Source manager | Raster dialog box

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding raster data
• The image (s) you have added will load into your map, and will also appear in the
“Layers” pane.

• Notice the name and a checkbox before the name.

Figure 19: Layers pane showing images and shape file 38

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Manipulating raster data
• Click the zoom in and zoom out buttons then click the image to zoom it.

• You can also zoom a layer by right clicking the name in the “Layers” pane and either
choose “Zoom to Layer” or “Zoom to Native Resolution”
• You can move layers by pointing and dragging them to the intended position up or down
• You can pan images or maps by clicking the pan tool then drag the image to your
intended position
• You can delete an image or any other object in the “layers” pane by right clicking and
choosing “Remove Layer” or click the “Remove Layer” button on the “Layers” pane.
• Display/hide layers by clicking the check box next to them 39
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management The raster toolbar

• Select the image you want to edit by clicking on it in the “Layers” pane
• Use the raster toolbar to edit the image; point each button to see a pop up of its
• Use the “Increase Brightness” and ”Decrease Brightness” tools to add or reduce
image brightness.
• Use the “Increase Contrast and ”Decrease Contrast” buttons to increase or reduce
image contrast.
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
• In disaster risk zones, its good to identify roads and locations of people and their
property, to enable proper dispensations to be put in place to control damage due to
• Each vector will be created as a separate layers in shape files, and a combination of
all will give us a broad picture of the area of interest Creating Vectors and shape files

• You will use polygons, circles, ellipses and other vectors to draw shapes around risk
areas to make them outstanding in your maps and store the information in shape
files Adding the second layer: Polygons and other shapes

• In this exercise, We want to identify a house that may be burnt if the raging fire resurfaces,
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding polygons and other shapes
• Before you can add new vector data, you need a vector dataset to add it to.
• To create a vector dataset:
i. Navigate to and click on the menu entry: Layer ‣ Create Layer ‣ New Shapefile Layer.

Figure 20: Create a new Vector dataset

The “New Shapefile Layer” dialog box opens.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding polygons and other
ii. In the file name box, click the ellipse and navigate to the
folder you created in 1. Name the vector with the
extension .shp, e.g. Risky house.shp and click ”Save”.
iii. Choose “Polygon” from the Geometric Type list box. This
means you will use only polygons on this shapefile.
iv. Your new shape has to be identified in the shapefiles
dataset where changes you make in the shapefile will be
saved. In the “New field” area, Type a name (at most 8
characters) e.g. “RiskyHse”, and click “Add to field list”. Figure 21: New Shapefile Layer dialog box

v. Click “Ok” when done. 43

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding points
• Points are used to identify hotspots in the map.
• To create a vector using points:
i. Navigate to and click on the menu entry: Layer ‣ Create Layer ‣ New Shapefile Layer.

Figure 20a: Create a new Vector dataset

The “New Shapefile Layer” dialog box opens.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding points
ii. In the file name box, click the ellipse and navigate to the
folder you created in 1. Name the vector with the
extension .shp, e.g. Risky communities.shp and click ”Save”.
iii. Choose “Point” from the Geometric Type list box. This
means you will use only points on this shapefile.
iv. Your new shape has to be identified in the shapefiles
dataset where changes you make in the shapefile will be
saved. In the “New field” area, Type a name (at most 8
characters) e.g. “RiskyCom”, and click “Add to field list”.
Figure 21a: New Shapefile Layer dialog box
v. Click “Ok” when done.
vi. The new shapefile will now appear in the “Layers” pane.
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding lines
• Lines are used to identify roads in the map.
• To create a vector using lines:
i. Navigate to and click on the menu entry: Layer ‣ Create Layer ‣ New Shapefile Layer.

Figure 20b: Create a new Vector dataset

The “New Shapefile Layer” dialog box opens.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding lines
ii. In the file name box, click the ellipse and navigate to the
folder you created in 1. Name the vector with the
extension .shp, e.g. Risky roads.shp and click ”Save”.
iii. Choose “Line” from the Geometric Type list box. This
means you will use only lines on this shapefile.
iv. Your new shape has to be identified in the shapefiles
dataset where changes you make in the shapefile will be
saved. In the “New field” area, Type a name (at most 8
characters) e.g. “RiskyRd”, and click “Add to field list”.
Figure 21b: New Shapefile Layer dialog box
v. Click “Ok” when done.
vi. The new shapefile will now appear in the “Layers” pane.
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
• All four created layers will now appear in the layers
• The layer at the top will appear above all other
• You can drag and drop layers upwards and
downwards to alter their positions.
• The raster layer “Firestorm” has to be at the
bottom position so that you can see changes made Figure 22: Layers pane showing shape files and an image
on the shapefiles appear on the map

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
3.2.2 Digitizing the map with vectors
• In order to begin digitizing, you’ll need to enter edit mode to prevent you from
accidentally editing or deleting important data. To digitize the map:
• In the Layer panel, select the shape file you want to digitize by clicking on it.
• Click on the Toggle Editing button: . This will appear next to the chosen shapefile
• If you can’t find this button, check that the ”Digitizing” toolbar is enabled. There should
be a check mark next to the View ‣ Toolbars ‣ Digitizing menu entry.
• As soon as you are in edit mode, you’ll see the digitizing tools on the “Digitizing” toolbar
are now active

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Digitizing toolbars
• To start digitizing with vectors, check that the following toolbars are enabled:
i. Digitizing toolbar

ii. Advanced Digitizing toolbar

iii. Shape Digitizing toolbar

• Point each button to see a pop up of its name.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Using polygons and other shapes to identify risk areas
• Click the “Risky house” shape file in the ”Layers” pane.
• Click on the Toggle Editing button: . This will appear next to the chosen shapefile
• Chose “Add Polygon” from the “Digitizing” toolbar.
• To use a circle, an ellipse, a rectangle, or a regular polygon, choose “Add Circle” , “Add
, “Add Rectangle” , or ”Add Regular Polygon” from the Advanced Digitizing
• Drag the mouse around the area of interest and right click when done to create the vector.
• Repeat same action to create more polygons to identify all risk areas.

Figure 23: Polygon identifying a house in a firestorm map
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Using polygons and other shapes to identify risk areas
• To delete the polygon, choose “Delete Part” from the “Advanced Digitizing” toolbar then
click on the polygon.
• To move polygons, choose “Move Feature” from the “Advanced Digitizing” toolbar then click
on the polygon and drag it to the desired direction.
• To modify polygons, click the “Layers Styling” button on the ‘Layers” pane then choose colours

Figure 24: Layers pane buttons

• Use the “Vertex” tool to select multiple shapes.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Using lines to identify roads
• Click the “Risky road” shape file in the ”Layers” pane.
• Click on the Toggle Editing button: . This will appear next to the chosen shapefile
• Chose “Add Line Feature” from the “Digitizing” toolbar.
• Drag the mouse around the area of interest and right click when done to create the vector.
• Repeat same action to create more lines to identify all roads.

Figure 24: Lines identifying road in front of risky house in map
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Using lines to identify roads
• To delete the line, choose “Delete Part” from the “Advanced Digitizing” toolbar then click on
the line.
• To move lines, choose “Move Feature” from the “Advanced Digitizing” toolbar then click on
the road and drag it to the desired direction.
• To modify lines, click the “Layers Styling” button on the ‘Layers” pane then choose colour.s etc

Figure 24a: Layers pane buttons

• Use the “Vertex” tool to select multiple shapes.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Using points to identify hotspots
• Click the “Risky communities” shape file in the ”Layers” pane.
• Click on the Toggle Editing button: . This will appear next to the chosen shapefile
• Chose “Add Point Feature” from the “Digitizing” toolbar.
• Drag the mouse around the area of interest and right click when done to create the vector.

Figure 25: Points identifying hotspots near risky house in map 55

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Using points to identify hotspots
• To delete the line, choose “Delete Part” from the “Advanced Digitizing” toolbar then click on
the line.
• To move lines, choose “Move Feature” from the “Advanced Digitizing” toolbar then click on
the road and drag it to the desired direction.
• To modify lines, click the “Layers Styling” button on the ‘Layers” pane then choose colour.s etc

Figure 24b: Layers pane buttons

• Use the “Vertex” tool to select multiple shapes.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management The complete map with all layers

Figure 25: Complete map of disaster risk areas

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Measuring distances and areas in map Measuring distances
• You can measure distances between places in maps to inform communities about the distances between their location
and the risk areas. To do this:
• Click on Measurement tool. in the Attribute Toolbar
• Choose “Measure Line”. The Measure window will open: 

Figure 26: Measure line window

• Choose the measurement units .

• Point your cursor in the map image and click on the starting point.
• Draw a line: left-clicking will create a node and right-clicking will mark the end point. In the Measure window you can
read the distance.  58
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Measuring distances and areas in map Measuring distances

Figure 27: Measure the length of a road 59

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Measuring distances and areas in map Measuring surface area
• You can measure the surface area, e.g. of a community at risk in maps to inform communities about the distances
between their location and the risk areas. To do this:
• Click on Measurement tool. in the Attribute Toolbar
• Choose “Measure Area”. The Measure window will open: 

Figure 28: Measure window

• Choose the measurement units .

• Point your cursor in the map image and click on the starting point.
• Draw a line: left-clicking will create a node and right-clicking will mark the end point. In the Measure window you can
read the distance. 
• Click on Close in the Measure window (otherwise the line, area or angle will stay in the map image)
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Measuring distances and areas in map Measuring surface area

Figure 29: Measure surface area

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
3.2.3 Printing and exporting maps
• GIS map file is not an image; it saves the state of the GIS program, with
references to all the layers, their labels, colors, etc.

• Users need the same GIS program to open these files

• However, QGIS can export its map file to a format that any computer can read
and print out; image, PDF etc.

• Both exporting and printing is handled via the “Print layout” dialog box.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Printing maps

• Click on the Project ‣ Layout Manager menu entry to open
this tool. The “Layout manager” dialog box opens.
• Click the ”Create” button and Type a name (name
it ”DRiskMap”) and click ”Ok”. The map opens for printing

Toolbox Figure 29: The Layout Manager dialog box

Item Properties pane

Figure 30: Map to print
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding the map

• Click the “Add New Map” button in the toolbox or choose “Add Map” from the “Add Item” menu.
• Drag the mouse (the pointer is now a crosshair) on the window to add your map.

Figure 31: Map to print layout 64

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster
Risk Management Adding labels to map
• Click the “Add New Label” button in the toolbox or choose
“Add Label” from the “Add Item” menu.
• Click next to the point where you want to label and click “Ok” in
the “New Item Properties” dialog box that opens.
• Resize the placeholder that opens to fit it well in position.
• In the “Item Properties” pane on the right side of the screen;
• Type the label in the label text box
• Choose the font and font size in the “Appearance” combo box
• Choose the text colour in the Font Colour
• Repeat above steps or use copy and paste to create other labels.
• Label each point starting from top right as: Bonakanda, Bova 2,
Figure 32: Add labels 65
Bova 1, Buea Town, Small Soppo (bottom left)
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding a legend

A legend or key is a list of symbols which is a visual explanation of the symbols used on the map. To add a legend;
• Click the “Add New Legend” button in the toolbox or choose “Add Legend” from the “Add Item” menu.
• Point and click where you want to place the legend and click “Ok” in the “New Item Properties” dialog box that opens.
• In the “Item Properties” pane on the right side of the screen, Type the Title of the legend in the “Title” text box.
• Notice that all layers are included in the legend

Figure 33: Map with legend
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Customize a legend

• To delete an item from the legend, locate the item in the “Legend
Items” part of the “Item Properties” pane, click on the item and
click the minus sign
• To add an item to the legend, locate the item in the “Legend Items”
part of the “Item Properties” pane, click on it and click the plus sign,
then choose it from the “Add Layer to Legend” dialog box and click
“OK”. Remove the “Firestorm” item
• To move items up and down in the legend, locate the item in the
“Legend Items” part of the “Item Properties” pane, click on it and Figure 34: Legends Items in the “Item Properties” pane

click the up arrow to move it up and the down arrow to move it

down. 67
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding a scale bar

A scale bar is a line or bar divided into parts, representing map scales as compared to real time measurements. To
add a scale bar;
• Click the “Add New Scale Bar” button in the toolbox or choose “Add Scale Bar” from the “Add Item”
• Point and click where you want to place the scale bar and drag the mouse to create it.

Figure 35: Map with legend and scale bar
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding a north arrow

A north arrow is used to indicate the direction of North. To add a north arrow;
• Click the “Add New North Arrow” button in the toolbox or choose “Add North Arrow” from the “Add
Item” menu.
• Point and click where you want to place the north arrow and drag the mouse to create it.

Figure 36: Map with legend, scale bar and north arrow
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Adding a title to the map

• Click the “Add New Label” button in the toolbox or choose “Add Label” from the “Add Item” menu.
• Click where you want to place your title and follow instructions about adding labels explained above.

Figure 37: Map with legend, scale bar, north arrow and title
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Printing and exporting the map

• To print the map, Click the “Print Layout” button in the “Layout” toolbar or choose “Print” from the
“Layout” menu.
• In the “Print” dialog box that opens, choose your printer then click “Print” to print
• To export the map as PDF, click the “Export as PDF” button in the “Layout” toolbar or choose
“Export as PDF” from the “Layout” menu. Choose where you want to save the file and click “Save”
• To export the map as PDF, click the “Export as Image” button in the “Layout” toolbar or choose
“Export as Image” from the “Layout” menu. Choose where you want to save the file and click “Save”
• These will cause the print layout to close. To reopen it, choose Project ‣ Layouts and locate the layout in
the “Layouts” list.
• If you are in the print layout view and you want to open a different layout from the one you are working
with, choose Layout ‣ Layouts and locate the layout in the “Layouts” list.
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
4. Where to find free satellite images
4.1 Google Earth
• Google Earth is a software from Google which is free to use. You can assess Google Earth
online through the link:

• You can also download Google Earth Pro and install in your computer from the link:

• The Google Earth interface is similar to that of QGIS as Figure 38 illustrates.

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
4.1.2 The Google Earth Screen

Slide to

Layers Layout;
pane drag left
and right
to rotate
earth for
maps of

Figure 38: Google Earth screen

• To save the image: Click File > Save > Save Image 73
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
4. Where to find free satellite images
4.2 Free online satellite image sources
• United States Geological Survey (USGA) can be assessed through the link:

• Remote Pixel Canada can be assessed through the link:

• NASA EARTHDATA Search can be assessed through the link:

GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
5. Individual Exercise
1. In this map, digitize:
a. Roads using lines
b. The largest buildings
Using polygons
d. Flooded houses using
2. What is the length of the
main road?
3. Export the map as image
And PDF and send to my email:
GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management
5. Group Exercise
1. In this map, digitize:
a. Roads using lines
b. All green areas using polygons
c. The tsunami using a polygon
d. Risky houses using points
2. What is the distance between the safest road and
the tsunami?
3. As a manager which action(s) will you take in such a
4. Each group will explain their map and actions at the
end of this session for 10 minutes, then;
5. Each group will export the complete map as image
and as PDF and send to my email: 76

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