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Wayang kulit

Wayang kulit history

The term use, Wayang, comes
from the Indonesian word for
“shadow” and Kulit means “skin”
or “leather”.
 Wayang Kulit, shadow poetry
using figures made from water
buffalo hide.
Wayang Kulit History
It is also the oldest freestanding
puppet form: the earliest
references to it date from the
It has been debated whether or
not puppetry is indigenous to
Indonesia or was introduced from
India or China
The stories are usually from the hindu
- Serat Menak- a story about the heroism
of Amir Hamza.

Ramayana-Bima Arjuna
At the
At the back

Wayang kulit puppets being

munipulated in a shadow-play
in Jakarta
Varieties of Wayang

Wayong Klitik
 flat, wooden, carved and painted
puppets that perform on a stage
Wayang golek
 three-dimensional, costumed,
wooden rod puppets that perform on
an open stage.
Wayang Beber
 Illustration on long scrolls that are unrolled
by the puppet master, “Dalang” as he recites
the story and chants.
Wayang Wong/Orang
 Dance and drama performance that
involve live actors who dance, sing and, talk.
Wayang Topeng
 Dance and drama performances that
involves live actors to wear mask.
 Wayang Kulit performance consist
of shadows cast on a cotton screen
and oil lamp. In java, a halogen
electric light is most often used as
light source.
 WAYANG SANDOSA has employed
spotlight, colored lights and other
The colours of the puppets have
Symbolic meanings.
The colours indicate an emotional or
Gold- for Dignity and Calmness
Red- for Tempestuousness
Black – for Anger
White- for Innocence
The fundemental components of a
performance include:
•A pupperteer, dhalang/ dalang .
•A hammer used by the dhalng to
knock on the puppet box, Cempala
•Metal plates that the dalang hits
with his foot, kepyak.
• A traditional Indonesian orchestra ,
• Shadow puppet, Wayang Kulit.
• A light source, Blencong
• Female singers and a male chorus.
Pesindhen and Penggerong
• A screen frame and screen, Gwanag and
Kelir, the main focus of the
• Banna logs, Gadebog the
pointed sticks of the wayang
base handle pierce the peeled
trunk of a banana tree and the
spongy substance holds the
puppets in place
• A puppet box, Kothak .
Gamelan is the tradition music of
Indonesia and is used for traditional
dances, shadow plays and sacred temple
 The Gamelan orchestra accompanies
Dalang who manipulates the puppets from
behind the screen.
 The orchestra is on the same side of
the screen providing continues music
appropriate to each screen.
Gamelan means “to hammer”.
It is a form of percussive music.
The musicians use wooden and podded
mallets to hit bronze key instrument to
make different levels of sound for two
different tunings, quite different in
character named Slendro and Pelog.
The instrument also include double-headed
drums and bamboo flutes.
The drummer and gender player have unspoken
communication with the Dalang to coordinate
fine visual and musical element s of the
Gender refers to an instrument which
accompanies Wayang performance .
Changes in tempo and volume accompany the
events in the performance to build the drama
of the story and hold the attention of the
The Javanese gamelanInstrument
(As a group)
2 basic kinds of Indonesian
music scale
-Five equidistant tone in octave.
- Heptatonic seven tones scale with
The intrument of gamelan

Bonang Gender Gong

Kendang Kenong/Kethuk Peking

The intrument of gamelan


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