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Science of Nutrition

is Not Just About

Foods On The Table

FIGURE 1 Schematic drawing by
Mme. Lavoisier of her husband measuring
the carbonic acid output of his collaborator
Armand Seguin, while she
noted down the results. (Wellcome Institute,
The stomach
contents that
move into the
duodenum are
called chyme
As the food is chewed, it is mixed with
saliva, which contains
α-amylase. This amylase begins the
digestion of starch by attacking the
internal α-1,4-glucosidic bonds

The salivary α-amylase is

denatured in the stomach as the
food is mixed and acidifi ed with
the gastric hydrochloric acid.
The glycosidic bonds of the
disaccharides are attacked by the
provide bulk to
disaccharidases, maltase, lactase,
the diet, which,
or sucrase
in turn, helps to
regulate the rate absorbable monosaccharides,
of food glucose, fructose, and galactose
passage from the
mouth to the anus
Raffi nose, an α-galactose 1 → 6 glucose 1
→ 2 β-fructose, and trehalose, an α-
glucose 1 → 1 α-glucose

some of metabolic products (short-

chain fatty acids) may be of use
Unavailable carbohydrates also act as adsorbants of noxious or potentially noxious
materials in the food, and they assist in the excretion of cholesterol and several
minerals, thereby protecting the body from overload

Populations consuming high-fi ber diets

have a lower incidence of :

The glycolytic sequence.

The citric acid cycle. This cycle is sometimes
called the Krebs cycle or the tricarboxylate
Bahan makanan penukar
Found BY francois Magandie in the early 1800s

Structure of body protein

Consists of linier polymers

of Amino Acids and make
up approximately 17% of
body mass
To maintain body structure (eg,collagen)

To facilitate mobility (e.g, actin and myosin for muscle contraction)

In transport (e.g, oxygen transport by hemoglobin, membrane transport systems)

In metabolism (e.g, enzymes)

In regulation (eg.growth factors, transcription factors)

Immune function (e.g, immunoglobulins)

Almost one half of body protein is contained in just

four: the structural protein collagen, actin, myosin,
oxygen transporting protein haemoglobin
Metabolisme Protein.
Overview of protein and amino acid
Body protein metabolism

Amino acids Non protein
Dietary protein
N&C derivatives


TCA cycle intermediate CO2 + Energy

and Urea

Food lipids (fats and oils) are digested initially in the mouth and then in the
stomach and intestine

Digestion can proceed only when the large particles of the food are made smaller
through chewing

The action of the tongue and later the churning action of the stomach mix the food
particles with the various digestive juices and with hydrochloric acid in the stomach
 separate the lipid particles, exposing more surface area for enzyme action and
providing the opportunity for emulsion formation
the mastication of food and its mixing with
the acid-stable lingual lipase

Separate the lipid

the churning action of exposing more
the stomach mix the food surface area for
particles with the enzyme action
various digestive juices
The stomach and with hydrochloric Providing the
contents that acid opportunity for
move into the
duodenum are
called chyme formation. are
The proteins of lipid–protein complexes
denatured by gastric hydrochloric acid and
attacked by the proteases (pepsin, parapepsin
I, and parapepsin II) of the gastric juice with
the resultant release of lipid

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