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Analog Electronics


Block Diagram of an Op-Amp
Operational Amplifiers

Op-amp is an electronic device that amplify the difference of

voltage at its two inputs.

Most op-amps operate from plus +V

and minus supply voltages, which –

may or may not be shown on the

schematic symbol.

Very high gain dc coupled amplifiers with differential inputs.

One of the inputs is called the inverting input (-); the other is called the
non-inverting input. Usually there is a single output.
The Ideal Op-Amp

Ideally, op-amps have characteristics (used in circuit analysis):

o Infinite voltage gain
o Infinite input impedance (does not load the driving sources)
o Zero output impedance (drive any load)
o Infinite bandwidth (flat magnitude response, zero phase shift)
o Zero input offset voltage.

The ideal op-amp has characteristics that

simplify analysis of op-amp circuits.
Vin Zin = ‘ AvVin Vout

The concept of infinite input impedance is Av = ‘

Zout = 0

particularly a valuable analysis tool for +

several op-amp configurations.
The Practical Op-Amp

Real op-amps differ from the ideal model in various respects. In addition to finite
gain, bandwidth, and input impedance, they have other limitations.

o Finite open loop gain.

o Finite input impedence. –
o Non-zero output impedence.
o Input current. Vin Zin AvVin

o Input offset voltage.

oTemperature effects.
Input Signal modes

The input signal can be applied to an op-amp in differential-mode or in




Differential-mode signals are

applied either as single-ended
(one side on ground) or
double-ended (opposite

phases on the inputs). Vin
Signal modes

Common-mode signals are

applied to both sides with the Vin
same phase on both.

Usually, common-mode Vin
signals are from unwanted –
sources, and affect both Vout
inputs in the same way. The +
result is that they are Vin
essentially cancelled at the Common-mode
output. signals
Differential Amplifier

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