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Line of Fire – Recognize and Avoid.

What is “line of Fire”.
A line of fire is path an object will travel should go wrong.
An example of line of Fire.

Placing yourself in the path of a projectile

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Line of Fire – Recognize and Avoid.
Line of Fire hazards are one of the most deadly hazards found
in construction.
A large number of injuries can be prevented if before each task
we stop, think and consider that could go wrong with the task.

Think about the line of travel of the tools.

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Line of Fire – Hazards

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Line of Fire – Hazards

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Line of Fire – Recognize and Avoid.

 Barricade the area & post warning notice.

 Unauthorized personnel not allowed entering in
Operation area.
 Involved workforce to be trained about the hazards
contained within this operation.
 Use mandatory PPE’s
 Do not stand in front of the object.
 No work shall be execute without supervisor.

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Line of Fire – Recognize and Avoid.
Remember stop, Think and consider before carrying out any task.
Always thinks what if ?

Thank You.

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