Respiratory System

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Respiratory System

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Organs of the Respiratory System

 Nose
 Pharynx
 Larynx
 Trachea
 Bronchi
 Lungs—alveoli

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Figure 13.1 The major respiratory organs shown in relation to surrounding structures.

Nasal cavity
Oral cavity
Nostril Pharynx


Left main
Right main (primary)
(primary) bronchus
Left lung
Right lung


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Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory
 Gas exchanges between the blood and external
environment occur only in the alveoli of the lungs
 Upper respiratory tract includes passageways
from the nose to larynx
 Lower respiratory tract includes passageways
from trachea to alveoli
 Passageways to the lungs purify, humidify, and warm
the incoming air

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The Nose

 The only externally visible part of the respiratory

 Nostrils (nares) are the route through which air enters
the nose
 Nasal cavity is the interior of the nose
 Nasal septum divides the nasal cavity

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Figure 13.2b Basic anatomy of the upper respiratory tract, sagittal section.

Cribriform plate
of ethmoid bone
Sphenoidal sinus Frontal sinus
Posterior nasal
Nasal cavity
• Nasal conchae (superior,
Nasopharynx middle, and inferior)

• Pharyngeal tonsil • Nasal meatuses (superior,

middle, and inferior)
• Opening of
pharyngotympanic • Nasal vestibule
• Nostril
• Uvula
Hard palate
• Palatine tonsil Soft palate

• Lingual tonsil Tongue

Laryngopharynx Hyoid bone

Esophagus • Epiglottis
• Thyroid cartilage
Trachea • Vocal fold
• Cricoid cartilage
(b) Detailed anatomy of the upper respiratory tract
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The Nose

 Olfactory receptors are located in the mucosa on

the superior surface
 The rest of the cavity is lined with respiratory
mucosa, which
 Moistens air
 Traps incoming foreign particles
 Enzymes in the mucus destroy bacteria chemically

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The Nose

 Conchae are projections from the lateral walls

 Increase surface area
 Increase air turbulence within the nasal cavity
 Increased trapping of inhaled particles
 The palate separates the nasal cavity from the
oral cavity
 Hard palate is anterior and supported by bone
 Soft palate is posterior and unsupported

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The Nose

 Paranasal sinuses
 Cavities within the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and
maxillary bones surrounding the nasal cavity
 Sinuses:
 Lighten the skull
 Act as resonance chambers for speech
 Produce mucus

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Figure 13.2b Basic anatomy of the upper respiratory tract, sagittal section.

Cribriform plate
of ethmoid bone
Sphenoidal sinus Frontal sinus
Posterior nasal
Nasal cavity
• Nasal conchae (superior,
Nasopharynx middle, and inferior)

• Pharyngeal tonsil • Nasal meatuses (superior,

middle, and inferior)
• Opening of
pharyngotympanic • Nasal vestibule
• Nostril
• Uvula
Hard palate
• Palatine tonsil Soft palate

• Lingual tonsil Tongue

Laryngopharynx Hyoid bone

Esophagus • Epiglottis
• Thyroid cartilage
Trachea • Vocal fold
• Cricoid cartilage
(b) Detailed anatomy of the upper respiratory tract
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The Pharynx

 Commonly called the throat

 Muscular passageway from nasal cavity to larynx
 Continuous with the posterior nasal aperture
 Three regions of the pharynx
1. Nasopharynx—superior region behind nasal cavity
2. Oropharynx—middle region behind mouth
3. Laryngopharynx—inferior region attached to larynx

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The Pharynx

 Oropharynx and laryngopharynx serve as

common passageway for air and food
 Epiglottis routes food into the posterior tube, the
 Pharyngotympanic tubes open into the
 Drain the middle ear

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Figure 13.2a Basic anatomy of the upper respiratory tract, sagittal section.

• Nasopharynx
• Oropharynx
• Laryngopharynx

(a) Regions of the pharynx

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The Pharynx

 Tonsils are clusters of lymphatic tissue that play a

role in protecting the body from infection
 Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid), a single tonsil, is located
in the nasopharynx
 Palatine tonsils (2) are located in the oropharynx at the
end of the soft palate
 Lingual tonsils (2) are found at the base of the tongue

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Figure 13.2b Basic anatomy of the upper respiratory tract, sagittal section.

Cribriform plate
of ethmoid bone
Sphenoidal sinus Frontal sinus
Posterior nasal
Nasal cavity
• Nasal conchae (superior,
Nasopharynx middle, and inferior)

• Pharyngeal tonsil • Nasal meatuses (superior,

middle, and inferior)
• Opening of
pharyngotympanic • Nasal vestibule
• Nostril
• Uvula
Hard palate
• Palatine tonsil Soft palate

• Lingual tonsil Tongue

Laryngopharynx Hyoid bone

Esophagus • Epiglottis
• Thyroid cartilage
Trachea • Vocal fold
• Cricoid cartilage
(b) Detailed anatomy of the upper respiratory tract
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The Larynx

 Commonly called the voice box

 Functions
 Routes air and food into proper channels
 Plays a role in speech
 Located inferior to the pharynx
 Made of eight rigid hyaline cartilages
 Thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple) is the largest

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The Larynx

 Epiglottis
 Spoon-shaped flap of elastic cartilage
 Protects the superior opening of the larynx
 Routes food to the posteriorly situated esophagus and
routes air toward the trachea
 During swallowing, the epiglottis rises and forms a lid
over the opening of the larynx

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The Larynx

 Vocal folds (true vocal cords)

 Vibrate with expelled air
 Allow us to speak
 The glottis includes the vocal cords and the
opening between the vocal cords

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Figure 13.2b Basic anatomy of the upper respiratory tract, sagittal section.

Cribriform plate
of ethmoid bone
Sphenoidal sinus Frontal sinus
Posterior nasal
Nasal cavity
• Nasal conchae (superior,
Nasopharynx middle, and inferior)

• Pharyngeal tonsil • Nasal meatuses (superior,

middle, and inferior)
• Opening of
pharyngotympanic • Nasal vestibule
• Nostril
• Uvula
Hard palate
• Palatine tonsil Soft palate

• Lingual tonsil Tongue

Laryngopharynx Hyoid bone

Esophagus • Epiglottis
• Thyroid cartilage
Trachea • Vocal fold
• Cricoid cartilage
(b) Detailed anatomy of the upper respiratory tract
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The Trachea

 Commonly called the windpipe

 4-inch-long tube that connects to the larynx
 Walls are reinforced with C-shaped rings of
hyaline cartilage, which keep the trachea patent
 Lined with ciliated mucosa
 Cilia beat continuously in the opposite direction of
incoming air
 Expel mucus loaded with dust and other debris away
from lungs

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Figure 13.3a Anatomy of the trachea and esophagus.


Trachealis Lumen of Seromucous
muscle trachea
gland in
(a) Anterior
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Figure 13.3b Anatomy of the trachea and esophagus.

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The Main Bronchi

 Formed by division of the trachea

 Each bronchus enters the lung at the hilum
(medial depression)
 Right bronchus is wider, shorter, and straighter
than left
 Bronchi subdivide into smaller and smaller

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Figure 13.1 The major respiratory organs shown in relation to surrounding structures.

Nasal cavity
Oral cavity
Nostril Pharynx


Left main
Right main (primary)
(primary) bronchus
Left lung
Right lung


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The Lungs

 Occupy the entire thoracic cavity except for the

central mediastinum
 Apex of each lung is near the clavicle (superior
 Base rests on the diaphragm
 Each lung is divided into lobes by fissures
 Left lung—two lobes
 Right lung—three lobes

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The Lungs

 Serosa covers the outer surface of the lungs

 Pulmonary (visceral) pleura covers the lung surface
 Parietal pleura lines the walls of the thoracic cavity
 Pleural fluid fills the area between layers
 Allows the lungs to glide over the thorax
 Decreases friction during breathing
 Pleural space (between the layers) is more of a
potential space

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Figure 13.4a Anatomical relationships of organs in the thoracic cavity.

Intercostal muscle
Parietal pleura
Lung Pleural cavity
Trachea Visceral pleura

Apex of lung Left

superior lobe
Right superior lobe Oblique
Horizontal fissure
Left inferior
Right middle lobe lobe
Oblique fissure
Right inferior lobe
(in pericardial cavity
of mediastinum)
Base of lung
(a) Anterior view. The lungs flank mediastinal structures laterally.

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Figure 13.4b Anatomical relationships of organs in the thoracic cavity.

(in posterior mediastinum)
Root of lung
at hilum
• Left main bronchus
Right lung • Left pulmonary artery
•Left pulmonary vein

Left lung

Thoracic wall

Pulmonary trunk
membranes Heart (in mediastinum)
Anterior mediastinum

(b) Transverse section through the thorax, viewed from above

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The Lungs

 The bronchial tree

 Main bronchi subdivide into smaller and smaller
 Bronchial (respiratory) tree is the network of branching
 All but the smallest passageways have reinforcing
cartilage in the walls
 Conduits to and from the respiratory zone
 Bronchioles (smallest conducting passageways)

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Respiratory Zone Structures and the
Respiratory Membrane
 Terminal bronchioles lead into respiratory zone
structures and terminate in alveoli
 Respiratory zone includes the:
 Respiratory bronchioles
 Alveolar ducts
 Alveolar sacs
 Alveoli (air sacs)—the only site of gas exchange
 Conducting zone structures include all other

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Figure 13.5a Respiratory zone structures.

Alveolar duct Alveoli

Respiratory bronchioles Alveolar duct

bronchiole Alveolar sac

(a) Diagrammatic view of respiratory

bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli

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Figure 13.5b Respiratory zone structures.

duct Alveolar


(b) Light micrograph of human lung tissue, showing

the final divisions of the respiratory tree (120×)

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Respiratory Zone Structures and the
Respiratory Membrane
 Alveoli
 Simple squamous epithelial cells largely compose the
 Alveolar pores connect neighboring air sacs
 Pulmonary capillaries cover external surfaces of

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Respiratory Zone Structures and the
Respiratory Membrane
 Respiratory membrane (air-blood barrier)
 On one side of the membrane is air, and on the other
side is blood flowing past
 Formed by alveolar and capillary walls
 Gas crosses the respiratory membrane by
 Oxygen enters the blood
 Carbon dioxide enters the alveoli

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Respiratory Zone Structures and the
Respiratory Membrane
 Alveolar macrophages (“dust cells”)
 Add protection by picking up bacteria, carbon particles,
and other debris
 Surfactant (a lipid molecule)
 Coats gas-exposed alveolar surfaces
 Secreted by cuboidal surfactant-secreting cells

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Figure 13.6 Functional anatomy of the respiratory membrane (air-blood barrier).

Red blood
cell nucleus Capillary


Capillary O2
Nucleus of
epithelial cell
Respiratory Alveolar epithelium
Fused basement
Capillary endothelium
Alveoli Red blood Surfactant- Squamous
(gas-filled cell in secreting epithelial cell
air spaces) capillary cell of alveolar wall

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Respiratory Physiology

 Functions of the respiratory system

 Supply the body with oxygen
 Dispose of carbon dioxide
 Respiration includes four distinct events
(discussed next)
 Pulmonary ventilation
 External respiration
 Respiratory gas transport
 Internal respiration

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Respiratory Physiology

 Four events of respiration

1. Pulmonary ventilation—moving air into and out of
the lungs (commonly called breathing)
2. External respiration—gas exchange between
pulmonary blood and alveoli
 Oxygen is loaded into the blood
 Carbon dioxide is unloaded from the blood

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Respiratory Physiology

 Four events of respiration (continued)

3. Respiratory gas transport—transport of oxygen and
carbon dioxide via the bloodstream
4. Internal respiration—gas exchange between blood
and tissue cells in systemic capillaries

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Mechanics of Breathing

 Pulmonary ventilation
 Mechanical process that depends on volume changes
in the thoracic cavity
 Volume changes lead to pressure changes, which lead
to the flow of gases to equalize pressure

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Mechanics of Breathing

 Two phases of pulmonary ventilation

 Inspiration = inhalation
 Flow of air into lungs
 Expiration = exhalation
 Air leaving lungs

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Mechanics of Breathing

 Inspiration (inhalation)
 Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract
 Intrapulmonary volume increases
 Gas pressure decreases
 Air flows into the lungs until intrapulmonary pressure
equals atmospheric pressure

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Figure 13.7a Rib cage and diaphragm positions during breathing.

Changes in anterior-posterior and Changes in lateral

superior-inferior dimensions dimensions

Ribs are elevated

as external

Full inspiration
intercostals contract)

Diaphragm moves
inferiorly during
(a) Inspiration: Air (gases) flows into
the lungs

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Figure 13.8a Changes in (a) intrapulmonary pressure and (b) air flow during inspiration and expiration.

Inspiration Expiration
to atmospheric pressure

Pressure relative

+1 pressure



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Mechanics of Breathing

 Expiration (exhalation)
 Largely a passive process that depends on natural
lung elasticity
 Intrapulmonary volume decreases
 Gas pressure increases
 Gases passively flow out to equalize the pressure
 Forced expiration can occur mostly by contraction of
internal intercostal muscles to depress the rib cage

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Mechanics of Breathing

 Intrapleural pressure
 The pressure within the pleural space) is always
 Major factor preventing lung collapse
 If intrapleural pressure equals atmospheric pressure,
the lungs recoil and collapse

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Figure 13.7b Rib cage and diaphragm positions during breathing.

Changes in anterior-posterior and Changes in lateral

superior-inferior dimensions dimensions

Ribs are depressed

as external
intercostals relax

muscles intercostals relax)

Diaphragm moves
superiorly as
it relaxes
(b) Expiration: Air (gases) flows out of

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Figure 13.8 Changes in (a) intrapulmonary pressure and (b) air flow during inspiration and expiration.

Inspiration Expiration

to atmospheric pressure

Pressure relative



Volume of
Volume (L)

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Respiratory Volumes and Capacities

 Factors affecting respiratory capacity

 Size
 Sex
 Age
 Physical condition
 Tidal volume (TV)
 Normal quiet breathing
 500 ml of air is moved in/out of lungs with each breath

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Respiratory Volumes and Capacities

 Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)

 Amount of air that can be taken in forcibly over the
tidal volume
 Usually around 3,100 ml
 Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
 Amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a tidal
 Approximately 1,200 ml

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Respiratory Volumes and Capacities

 Residual volume
 Air remaining in lung after expiration
 Cannot be voluntarily exhaled
 Allows gas exchange to go on continuously, even
between breaths, and helps keep alveoli open
 About 1,200 ml

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Respiratory Volumes and Capacities

 Vital capacity
 The total amount of exchangeable air
 Vital capacity = TV + IRV + ERV
 4,800 ml in men; 3,100 ml in women
 Dead space volume
 Air that remains in conducting zone and never reaches
 About 150 ml

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Respiratory Volumes and Capacities

 Functional volume
 Air that actually reaches the respiratory zone
 Usually about 350 ml
 Respiratory capacities are measured with a

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Figure 13.9 Graph of the various respiratory volumes in a healthy young adult male.


5,000 Inspiratory
reserve volume
Milliliters (ml)

4,000 3,100 ml
3,000 4,800 ml Total lung
Tidal volume 500 ml capacity
Expiratory 6,000 ml
reserve volume
1,200 ml
Residual volume
1,200 ml

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Nonrespiratory Air Movements

 Can be caused by reflexes or voluntary actions

 Examples
 Cough and sneeze—clears lungs of debris
 Crying—emotionally induced mechanism
 Laughing—similar to crying
 Hiccup—sudden inspirations
 Yawn—very deep inspiration

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Table 13.1 Nonrespiratory Air (Gas) Movements

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Respiratory Sounds

 Sounds are monitored with a stethoscope

 Two recognizable sounds can be heard with a
1. Bronchial sounds—produced by air rushing through
large passageways such as the trachea and bronchi
2. Vesicular breathing sounds—soft sounds of air filling

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External Respiration, Gas Transport, and
Internal Respiration
 Gas exchanges occur as a result of diffusion
 External respiration is an exchange of gases occurring
between the alveoli and pulmonary blood (pulmonary
gas exchange)
 Internal respiration is an exchange of gases occurring
between the blood and tissue cells (systemic capillary
gas exchange)
 Movement of the gas is toward the area of lower

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Figure 13.10 Gas exchanges in external and internal respiration.

Inspired air: Alveoli

of lungs:

CO2 O2
O2 CO2 O2 CO2


Pulmonary Pulmonary
arteries Alveolar
capillaries veins

Blood Blood
leaving leaving
tissues and lungs and
entering entering
lungs: tissue

O2 CO2 O2 CO2
Systemic Systemic
veins arteries

respiration CO2 O2

Tissue cells:

O2 CO2
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External Respiration

 Oxygen is loaded into the blood

 Oxygen diffuses from the oxygen-rich air of the alveoli
to the oxygen-poor blood of the pulmonary capillaries
 Carbon dioxide is unloaded out of the blood
 Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood of the
pulmonary capillaries to the alveoli

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Figure 13.11a The loading and unloading of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

(a) External respiration in the lungs

(pulmonary gas exchange)

Oxygen is loaded into the blood, and

carbon dioxide is unloaded.

Alveoli (air sacs)

O2 CO2

of O2 Unloading
of CO2

Hb  O2 HbO2 HCO3  H H2CO3 CO2  H2O

(Oxyhemoglobin Bicar- Carbonic Water
is formed) bonate acid

Red blood cell

Pulmonary capillary
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Gas Transport in the Blood

 Oxygen transport in the blood

 Most oxygen travels attached to hemoglobin and forms
oxyhemoglobin (HbO2)
 A small dissolved amount is carried in the plasma

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Figure 13.11a The loading and unloading of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

(a) External respiration in the lungs

(pulmonary gas exchange)

Oxygen is loaded into the blood, and

carbon dioxide is unloaded.

Alveoli (air sacs)

O2 CO2

of O2 Unloading
of CO2

Hb  O2 HbO2 HCO3  H H2CO3 CO2  H2O

(Oxyhemoglobin Bicar- Carbonic Water
is formed) bonate acid

Red blood cell

Pulmonary capillary
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Gas Transport in the Blood

 Carbon dioxide transport in the blood

 Most carbon dioxide is transported in the plasma as
bicarbonate ion (HCO3–)
 A small amount is carried inside red blood cells on
hemoglobin, but at different binding sites from those of

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Gas Transport in the Blood

 For carbon dioxide to diffuse out of blood into the

alveoli, it must be released from its bicarbonate
 Bicarbonate ions enter RBC
 Combine with hydrogen ions
 Form carbonic acid (H2CO3)
 Carbonic acid splits to form water + CO2
 Carbon dioxide diffuses from blood into alveoli

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Figure 13.11a The loading and unloading of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

(a) External respiration in the lungs

(pulmonary gas exchange)

Oxygen is loaded into the blood, and

carbon dioxide is unloaded.

Alveoli (air sacs)

O2 CO2

of O2 Unloading
of CO2

Hb  O2 HbO2 HCO3  H H2CO3 CO2  H2O

(Oxyhemoglobin Bicar- Carbonic Water
is formed) bonate acid

Red blood cell

Pulmonary capillary
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Internal Respiration

 Exchange of gases between blood and tissue

 An opposite reaction from what occurs in the
 Carbon dioxide diffuses out of tissue cells to blood
(called loading)
 Oxygen diffuses from blood into tissue (called

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Figure 13.11b The loading and unloading of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

(b) Internal respiration in the body

tissues (systemic capillary gas exchange)
Oxygen is unloaded and carbon
dioxide is loaded into the blood.

Tissue cells

of CO2
of O2

CO2  H2O H2CO3 H  HCO3

Water Carbonic Bicar-
acid bonate HbO2 Hb  O2
Plasma ion

Systemic capillary

Red blood cell

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Control of Respiration

 Neural regulation: setting the basic rhythm

 Activity of respiratory muscles is transmitted to and
from the brain by phrenic and intercostal nerves
 Neural centers that control rate and depth are located
in the medulla and pons
 Medulla—sets basic rhythm of breathing and contains a
pacemaker (self-exciting inspiratory center) called the
ventral respiratory group (VRG)
 Pons—smoothes out respiratory rate

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Control of Respiration

 Normal respiratory rate (eupnea)

 12 to 15 respirations per minute
 Hyperpnea
 Increased respiratory rate, often due to extra oxygen

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Figure 13.12 Neural control of respiration.

Breathing control centers:

• Pons centers
• Medulla centers

Afferent Efferent nerve impulses from

impulses to medulla trigger contraction of
medulla inspiratory muscles:
• Phrenic nerves
• Intercostal nerves
Breathing control
centers stimulated by:

CO2 and H increase Nerve impulse

from O2 sensor Intercostal
in tissue. muscles
indicating O2
decrease Diaphragm

O2 sensor
in aortic body
of aortic arch

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Control of Respiration

 Non-neural factors influencing respiratory rate

and depth
 Physical factors
 Increased body temperature
 Exercise
 Talking
 Coughing
 Volition (conscious control)
 Emotional factors such as fear, anger, and excitement

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Control of Respiration

 Non-neural factors influencing respiratory rate

and depth (continued)
 Chemical factors: CO2 levels
 The body’s need to rid itself of CO2 is the most
important stimulus for breathing
 Increased levels of carbon dioxide (and thus, a
decreased or acidic pH) in the blood increase the rate
and depth of breathing
 Changes in carbon dioxide act directly on the medulla

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Control of Respiration

 Non-neural factors influencing respiratory rate

and depth (continued)
 Chemical factors: oxygen levels
 Changes in oxygen concentration in the blood are
detected by chemoreceptors in the aorta and common
carotid artery
 Information is sent to the medulla
 Oxygen is the stimulus for those whose systems have
become accustomed to high levels of carbon dioxide as
a result of disease

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Control of Respiration

 Non-neural factors influencing respiratory rate

and depth (continued)
 Chemical factors (continued)
 Hyperventilation
 Rising levels of CO2 in the blood (acidosis) result in
faster, deeper breathing
 Exhale more CO2 to elevate blood pH
 May result in apnea and dizziness and lead to alkalosis

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Control of Respiration

 Non-neural factors influencing respiratory rate

and depth (continued)
 Chemical factors (continued)
 Hypoventilation
 Results when blood becomes alkaline (alkalosis)
 Extremely slow or shallow breathing
 Allows CO2 to accumulate in the blood

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Respiratory Disorders

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

 Exemplified by chronic bronchitis and emphysema
 Shared features of these diseases
1. Patients almost always have a history of smoking
2. Labored breathing (dyspnea) becomes progressively
3. Coughing and frequent pulmonary infections are
4. Most COPD patients are hypoxic, retain carbon
dioxide and have respiratory acidosis, and ultimately
develop respiratory failure

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Respiratory Disorders

 Chronic bronchitis
 Mucosa of the lower respiratory passages becomes
severely inflamed
 Excessive mucus production impairs ventilation and
gas exchange
 Patients become cyanotic and are sometimes called
“blue bloaters” as a result of chronic hypoxia and
carbon dioxide retention

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Respiratory Disorders

 Emphysema
 Alveoli walls are destroyed; remaining alveoli enlarge
 Chronic inflammation promotes lung fibrosis, and lungs
lose elasticity
 Patients use a large amount of energy to exhale; some
air remains in the lungs
 Sufferers are often called “pink puffers” because
oxygen exchange is efficient
 Overinflation of the lungs leads to a permanently
expanded barrel chest
 Cyanosis appears late in the disease

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Homeostatic Imbalance 13.13 The pathogenesis of COPD.

• Tobacco smoke
• Air pollution

Continual bronchial Breakdown of elastin in

irritation and connective tissue of lungs

Chronic bronchitis Emphysema

• Excessive mucus • Destruction of alveolar
produced walls
• Chronic productive • Loss of lung elasticity

• Airway obstruction
or air trapping
• Dyspnea
• Frequent infections

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Respiratory Disorders

 Lung cancer
 Leading cause of cancer death for men and women
 Nearly 90 percent of cases result from smoking
 Aggressive cancer that metastasizes rapidly
 Three common types
1. Adenocarcinoma
2. Squamous cell carcinoma
3. Small cell carcinoma

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Developmental Aspects of the Respiratory
 Lungs do not fully inflate until 2 weeks after birth
 This change from nonfunctional to functional
respiration depends on surfactant
 Surfactant lowers surface tension so the alveoli do not
 Surfactant is formed late in pregnancy, around 28 to 30

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Developmental Aspects of the Respiratory
 Respiratory rate changes throughout life
 Newborns: 40 to 80 respirations per minute
 Infants: 30 respirations per minute
 Age 5: 25 respirations per minute
 Adults: 12 to 18 respirations per minute
 Rate often increases again in old age

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Developmental Aspects of the Respiratory
 Asthma
 Chronically inflamed, hypersensitive bronchiole
 Respond to irritants with dyspnea, coughing, and

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Developmental Aspects of the Respiratory
 Youth and middle age
 Most respiratory system problems are a result of
external factors, such as infections and substances
that physically block respiratory passageways

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Developmental Aspects of the Respiratory
 Aging effects
 Elasticity of lungs decreases
 Vital capacity decreases
 Blood oxygen levels decrease
 Stimulating effects of carbon dioxide decrease
 Elderly are often hypoxic and exhibit sleep apnea
 More risks of respiratory tract infection

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