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Group 2

Kinds and Classification of Research

The Scientific Method and Its Principle
Designing the Study

Identify what are the kinds and classification of research,

its scientific method as well as its principles, and what is
research design
Kinds and Classification of Research

1. According to purpose
Trecee and Trecee, Jr. states that there are
three broad different kinds of research such as
predictive, directive, and illuminative
Predictive or Prognostic Research
has a purpose of determining the future operation of the
variables that are under investigation

Directive Research
determines what should be done based on the findings

Illuminative Research
concerned with the interaction of components of
variables being investigated
2. According to goal
research may be classified as basic or pure
research and applied research

Basic or Pure Research

done for the development of theories or principles
mostly in the field of psychology and sociology
Applied Research
Is the application of the results of pure research. It test
the efficacy of the theories and principles.
3. According to the level of investigation
French categorizes research according to the
levels of investigations into exploratory,
descriptive, and experimental research
Exploratory Research
studies the variables pertinent to a specific situation
Descriptive Research
studies the relationship of variables
Experimental Research
studies the effect of the variables on each other
4. According to the type of analysis
Weiss classifies research into analytic research and
holistic research

Analytic Approach
the researcher attempts to identify and isolate the components
of the research situation
Holistic Approach
begins with the total situation, focusing attention on system
first and then on its internal relationhsip
5. According to scope
Under this category is action research. It is done on a
very limited scope to solve a particular problem. In
education, it used by teachers to promote and
evaluate the pupil’s growth with specific and general
objectives to improve educational practices.
6. According to choice of answers to problems
This type of research is concerned with finding
answers to problems into evaluation and
developmental research
Evaluation Research
all possible courses of action are specified and identified and
the researchers tries to find the most advantageous

Developmental Research
Focus on finding or developing a more suitable instrument or
process than has been available
7. According to statistical content
Have different types namely quantitative research and
non-quantitative research

Quantitative or Statistical Research

Uses statistics such as correlation, chi-square, analysis of
variance and etc. in testing the hypothesis to determined the
results of the study.
Non- quantitative Research
This type of research in which the use of statistics is
practically nil however descriptive data is gathered rather than
quantitative data
8. According to time element
Time element of research best classified as historical,
descriptive and experimental research
Historical Research
Describe as what was
Descriptive Research
Describe as what is
Experimental Research
Describe as what will be
The Scientific Method of Research
The following are the sequential steps in the scientific
method of research;
 Determining (recognizing) a problem
 Forming a hypothesis
 Doing a library search
 Designing the study
The Scientific Method of Research

 Developing instrument for data collection

 Collecting the Data
 Analyzing the Data
 Determining the implications and conclusion from the findings
 Making recommendation for further research
Principles of the Scientific Method

Rigid Control
Refers to the manipulation of the research variable
Refers to no bias or partiality in treating the results of the
Systematic Organization
Refers to the proper and accurate tabulation of data as well as
presenting them in statistical tables ready for interpretation

Rigorous Standards
Refers to the standard or principle that serves as basis for
evaluating the findings of the study
Designing the Study
Aside from choosing the right problem, forming hypothesis,
and library search, designing a study also includes deciding
on the method of research to be used and the study of
Designing the Study


Descriptive Three major research method

Designing the Study

Different methods on collecting data

Designing the Study
Pure random

Different sampling designs


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