Test 22-09

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Passive form

• They elect their president= present

• The president is elected
Be +past
• They elected the president=preterit
• The president was elected colonne ou –ed)

• They had elected the president= pluperfect

• The president had been elected This gives
you more
• They will elect their president=future
• The president will be elected
G Blake, Georgy
• Former soviet spy, ancien, former British intelligence officer
• He lives in Russia with his wife
• He celebrates his 90th birthday
• He was a notorious spy (sadly, badly famous)
• He was in captivity in North Korea for 3 years
• He worked for the KGB
• He was a mole (taupe)
• He changed sides but never considered himself as a traitor because he was
brainwashed and he believed that what he did was right
• He handed information over the western side from the Russian side.
Avec le present perfect, le moment de l’énonciation
est le plus important , c'est le moment où on fait un
retour sur quelquechose qui a eu lieu antérieurement.

passé Le present présent futur Le futur

Participe passé (3e colonne) Représente ce
Qui représente l’action passée moment présent

Moment où on exprime
un fait, c 'est ce moment
présent qui est important
• 1-Action est finie, on insiste sur résultat,
constat : b,e

• 2-L'action est terminée mais le moment Associe les phrases avec chaque valeur
précis de cette action est incertain:g,i a- I have just arrived
b- Oh! You have broken my chair!!!
c-I have eaten ten biscuits and it s only the beginn
• 3-L'Action a débuté dans le passé mais on d- I have been a teacher for 17 years
e- What have you done now?Im not happy
n'exclut pas sa continuation:c f- they have just eaten
g- I have met you but don't remember where
h- How long have you been friends?
• 4-Action récente :a,f i-have you read the newspaper this week?

• 5-Action non achevée, J'indique la durée de

l'action(since/for= depuis) :d,h
For each situation write the past participle
• Fall, fell, fallen
• Bring, brought, brought
• Catch, caught, caught
• See, saw, seen ais.fr/

• Swim, swam, swum

• Sleep,slept, slept
• Sweep, swept, swept
• Grow, grew, grown
• Show, showed, shown
Future and when !!!
When I am older, I will live in England
• What will you do in ten years ? Après when : présent
• I will play football with my friends Sauf pour phrases interrogatives:
When will you stop talking?
• I will be a doctor
I will be a trader/a clerk
• Where will you live?
• I will live in New York/ London/ in Brazil/ Amsterdam/
• What will you buy with your first salary?
• I will save to buy the car of my dream/ a plane ticket to travel.
• What will you not do for sure later?
• I will not be a gardener
The future tense
• I will go to the cinema when it opens
• Will you come with me ?
• Sujet +will +base verbale

When I am older, I will live in
Après when : présent
Sauf pour phrases
When will you stop talking?
• To be bound to: être destiné à, être sûr d’arriver de se produire
• To smear: tâcher, barbouiller
• Redeeming: qui rachète, qui rattrape un défaut, circonstance atténuante
• To libel: diffamer
• To traduce: parler méchamment et accuser à tort
• To broaden: élargir
• A pun: un jeu de mot
• Blurry: flou
• Iron: fer, repasser
• To fill, to be filled
• To argue:se disputer
• To struggle: avoir du mal,
• The plot: l’intrigue
• Hence: ainsi
• To matter: être important
• The chores: les tâches ménagères

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