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Baptista, Diana Rose

Ferido, Khylyn Kzzy
Lansang, Frances
Racca, Billy Joe
Raguindin, Maricel
Fascism comes from the
Italian word “fascio”, meaning
a bundle, which in this case
represents “bundles of
Its origins go back to Ancient
Rome, when the “fasces” was
a bundle of wood with an ax
head, carried by leaders.
Fascism is a movement that
promotes the idea of a “forcibly
monolithic”, regimented nation
under the control of an
autocratic ruler.
Key Features:
• A fascism is a political system based on a very
powerful leader, state control of social and
economic life, and extreme pride in country and
race, with no expression of political
disagreement allowed.

• Fascism is generally defined as a political

movement that embraces far-right nationalism
and the forceful suppression of any opposition,
all overseen by an authoritarian government.
• Fascism means control, for which private
property and business are allowed, but in
coordination with the state.

• In fascism, its movement emphasized loyalty

to the state and its leader.

• Fascists strongly opposed Marxism, liberalism

and democracy, and believe the state take
precedence over individual interests.
Fascism and Totalitarianism
• Fascist ideology is totalitarianism, which
means a political system that controls
every aspect of life, so that there is no
private sphere or independent
Cultural Social
• censorship • supported by
middle class,
• indoctrination
• secret police and military

Economic Chief
• economic CHARACTERISTICS Examples
functions OF FASCISM • Italy
controlled by the • Germany
state • Spain

Political Basic Principles

• Authoritarianism
• Nationalist
• State are more important
• Racist (Nazism) than the individual
• One-party rule • Charismatic leader
• Supreme leader • Action oriented
Benito Mussolini
 Fascism gains power in Italy because of
disappointment over the Versailles Treaty,
inflation and unemployment in Italy.

 He founded Fascist Party in 1919.

 Mussolini promises great changes and as

he gain power, he became a dictator in
October 1922.

 He is known as II Duce or “the leader”

Mussolini’s Rise to Power (II Duce’s
Abolished democracy and outlawed all parties but

Government forced radios and publications to

broadcast fascist doctrines

Strengthened Italy’s economy

Became model of fascism

Adolf Hitler
 The German brand of fascism is
called “Nazism”.

 Adolf Hitler became “der Fuhrer”,

the leader of Germany’s Nazi Party,
was one of the most powerful and
notorious dictators of the 20th

 Tried to seize power in Munich,

similar to Mussolini, in 1923. 
 He wrote the Mein Kampf, “My
Struggle” in prision.

 Revived Nazi Party in 1924 and he

becomes “Chancellor”, and Nazis
had become the largest political
party during his time.
Hitler Controls Germany

 Hitler became totalitarian, controlling everything,

especially the economy

 Put Germans to work building factories, highways,

weapons, and serving in military

 Decreased unemployment

 Used propaganda in radio, press literature, and films

 Burned books and churches couldn’t criticize

1. Unrivaled security.

- You can barely overstate the significance of

militarism in improving the security of every
citizen. Usually, this form of leadership would
prioritize the rights and integrity of the state to the
citizens. Additionally, building the military and
strengthening it was the only way that fascists
would stay in power for long. Fascism highlighted
the need for a thriving military at all times.
2. Nationalism and Patriotism.

- This mode of governance focused on building

the nation. With the leaders highlight the necessity
to support their vision and developing the nation’s
economy, patriotism will come out naturally. For
instance, the Italians were much prouder of their
country during fascism. For this reason, it will be
fair to assume that it is a result of fascism. The
same is said for Germany, too, especially during
the Nazi regime.
3. Improved welfare.

- There is no denying that this system of governance

tends to focus on the welfare of each individual.
Typically, the government will invest lots of money on
enhancing security. From getting new weapons to
ensuring soldiers are adequately trained, you can barely
overlook the impact it will have on the everyday life of
citizens. Further, the government will spend a
significant amount of money on cultural improvements.
It will be fair to mention that these improvements will be
a conduct to enhancing national pride too. 
4. Unmatched social-economic equality.

- Fascism ensures that there is hardly any

social class in society. Its systems, allocate
wealth that will often depend on how much
people need. This way, attaining economic and
social balance becomes an effortless
5. Potentially less crime.

- Having enhanced internal peace and order

is no secret. Thanks to enhanced information
systems, theft, burglary, and other petty crime
should be unheard of in these states. What is
more, fascists could readily make strict rules
against corruption and other crimes, deterring
any potential mischief. 
6. Straightforward decision-making

- There is no denying that this system hardly

allows any instances of bureaucracy. That is
because power is absolute, and it is central to one
person. With this, the decisions will often be
dependent on those at the apex of governance,
mostly the ruler. Nothing could come in handier in
avoiding delays than this. Besides, faster decision-
making means that handling emergencies will be
1. Limited freedom of speech and
human rights.

- One of the pillars of fascism is to kill the

opposition. Whether you want to criticize or
rebuke the government, you will barely have
the avenue. Any dissenting voice will often
result in imprisonment or even death. 
2. Enhances political and power abuse.

- Undoubtedly, power rests on one individual

whenever you are talking about fascism. From
controlling the economic space to ensuring that the
social lives of each citizen changes, these aspects
could take a toll on an individual. Regardless of their
initial objectives or intentions, it will be hard not to go
astray. Remember that with time, these individuals will
feel not only superior but also entitled.
3. Negative impact on the economy.

- Most fascists will often have the entire

economy at their disposal. If they are
inexperienced in running it, this could end up
being detrimental. While at it, they could
come up with policies and instruments that
end up suppressing investment. This way, it
becomes relatively hard for the country’s
economy to grow in the long run.
4. Poor governing ethics.

- There is no denying that the control of

such governments is often by impulse. You
will also witness that they depend on the
goodwill of the authoritarian in place,
which could end up detrimental. 
5. Disregard for international law.

- Fascists usually hardly pay attention to

what the other countries around them want or
say. Thanks to their disregard for international
law, their authority is absolute. This way, they
will not want to be in global communities or
even lead the country in such realms. 
Impacts of Fascism
• For others, fascism appeared to bring
stability , well-being and national
honour for which authoritarianism
government was a price worth paying

• For large numbers of Italians, an

oppressive fascist regime brought
economic hardship and a loss of basic
human rights.
• One significant fascist economic belief was that
prosperity would naturally follow once the nation
has achieved a cultural and spiritual re-
awakening. Different members of a fascist party
would often make completely opposite statements
about the economic policies they supported. Once
in power, fascists usually adopted whatever
economic program they believed to be most
suitable for their political goals. Long-lasting
fascist regimes made drastic changes to their
economic policy from time to time.
Implications of Fascism
• Fascist legislation mirrored ideological values which
the regime claimed to represent, and among these
values were the hierarchy of gender and the
supremacy of the male. The military virtues of the
‘new fascist man’ left little room for women; the role
of the women was defined in terms of family and
motherhood, and was never intended to be anything
other than subordinate. As a consequence, women
faced adverse treatment in almost all spheres –
political, economic, and social.
• Fascism is an effective political ideology whose central theme is
the notion of an organically combined national community,
exemplified in the belief in strength through unity. The individual,
in a factual sense, is nothing; individual identity must be
completely absorbed into the community or social group. To
simply elaborate, Fascism is an authoritarian Nationalist political
ideology that promotes nation above the individual, and that
stands for a centralized autocratic government controlled by a
dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regulation, and
powerful suppression of opposition. It often claims to be
concerned with concepts of cultural decline or decadence, and
seeks to achieve a national rebirth by subduing the interests of the
individual, and instead promoting cults of unity, energy, and

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