State of The Environment

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W4 – Permasalahan Lingkungan dalam Isu Global

Cindy Rianti Priadi
 Eutrofikasi
 Mindmap systems dynamics
 Topik Esai
 Any Questions?
Sebelum mulai
 Niatkan dan Doa Bersama
Preview: State of the Environment
 Definisi State
 Kerusakan laut
 Sekilas tentang perubahan iklim
 Siklus karbon bumi
 Asidifikasi laut
Coral Bleaching
Draw a systems dynamics mindmap on coral bleaching

You can go back to textbooks but do not ask your friends

You will complete it during class
 Nyalain kamera dan berkenalan yuk!
 Yang ditunjuk, silahkan sampaikan kota tempat tinggal, dan 5 hal tentang dirinya!
 Kemudian share mindmap
Kerusakan Laut
Hobi berlibur
Coral Triangle
Coral Triangle
State of Coral Triangle = Biodiversity
 76% (605) of the world's coral species (798).
 15 regionally endemic coral species, and shares 41 regionally endemic species with Asia
 37% (2,228) of the world's coral reef fish species (6,000), and 56% of the coral reef fishes in
the Indo-Pacific region
Besides being beautiful:
Importance of Coral (Value – Impact)
 1 % area = 25 % of marine species
protect shorelines, support fishing industries, provide tourist dollars
 Biodiversity: annual economic net benefits per km 2 of a healthy coral reef in Southeast
Asia range from $23,100 to $270,000 (Burke et al. 2002). Coral Triangle = 98,177 km 2
of coral reefs
 annual benefits > $10 billion
 The annual benefits from coral reef-related goods and services (from tourism, coral
reef fisheries, and shoreline protection only) in Indonesia and the Philippines reach $3.3
billion (Burke et al. 2012)
Our earth is (supposedly) self regulatory
Natural Carbon cycle
Ocean as a carbon sink
How does CC shift the carbon cycle in the
State: pH problem
State of the Environment: Carbonate balance
Ocean Acidification
So what?
Terima kasih

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