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Nouns, pronouns and basic noun phrase

 The forms of nouns in English language have to do with the morphological composition.
In English, there are different forms of nouns. Ukwuegbu et al (2002) identify four
forms of nouns: singular, plural, singular possessive, plural possessive.
 The singular forms: this refers to ‘one’, the plural marker ‘s’ is not added to the noun,
e.g. girl, man, shirt, and book.
 The plural forms: this refers to ‘two and above’ and it comes in different varieties.
 ‘s’ boy-boys, girl-girls, cat-cats
 ‘es’church-churches, clutch-clutches
 ‘ies’ lorry-lorries, lady-ladies
 ‘en’ child-children, ox-oxen
 ‘a’ datum-data, stadium-stadia
 ‘ae’ formula-formulae
 ‘ee’ tooth-teeth, foot-feet
 Zero inflectionaircraft-aircraft, jargon-jargon
 Singular possessive forms: possessive forms of
nouns are used to show ownership. Often, it is
marked by apostrophe followed by ‘s’ e.g. boy’s,
student’s, book’s.
 Plural possessive forms: it is also used to show
possession. Here, the apostrophe is placed in front
of the plural ‘s’, the possessive ‘s’ is dropped or it
can be added if the plural possessive doesnot end
with ‘s’ e.g. bags’, sacks’, women’s and men’s.

 Pronouns are words which have co-referential qualities in relation to a

noun or noun phrase. Put in other words, they can often replace a noun or
noun phrase in a sentence, Quirk and Grennbaum (1985). Examples are:
he, she, it, they, you, that, those, everything, myself, all, each other,
among others. When pronouns are used instead of a noun in a sentence,
what the pronoun refers to is called antecedent. Also, pronoun is often
employed in sentence to prevent unnecessary repetition. Here is an
example: ‘kola has to wait for the girl, because she told him that she
would still come’. The noun and noun phrase ‘Kola’ and ‘the girl’ are not
only replaced by pronouns ‘him’ and ‘she’, but also help in preventing
repetition.Here, we take a critical look at the sub-classes of pronouns,
usage of pronouns, functions, grammatical error usage and how pronouns
are related and different from nouns.
When do we use subject pronoun ?
Subject pronoun Singular or plural ?
I Singular-first person
You Singular
He Singular
She Singular
it singular
We Plural
You Plural
They plural
 The word Alia is repeated too often and
 Read the following sentences that makes the snetences not interisitng.
! To make the sentences better we can
replace Alia with pronouns :

 Alia wants to have many pen  Alia wants to have many pen pals
pals because alia likes because she likes making freinds. Her
pen pals come from many parts of the
making freinds. Alia’s pen world.Caroline introduces her to
pals come from many parts Hannah.Now,Hannah becomes alia’s
of the world.Caroline pen pals. Likes her hannah likes her a
introduces Alia to lot

becomes alia’s pen
pals.hannah likes Alia a lot.
Subjective Objective Possesive Possessive
adjective pronoun

I me My Mine
You You Yours Yours
He Him His His
She Her Her Hers
We Us Our Ours
They Them Their Theirs
it it its its
Subjective prounouns
I you he she

It we they

I have three dogs

She will get married
We love indonesia
It barks when it is happy
He studies in a vocational school
Objective pronouns are the objects of a
Me pronouns
 Objective him her us

It you them

 My sister is a good student.Her campus gave her scholarship

 We love animals.Last week our neighbour gave us a funny
 The fur of the cat is soft. We like to stroke it
 My brother is an elemantary school students.Sometimes i
accompany him to go to school
Possessive adjectives are words that indicate possession .Possesive adjectives are used with nouns.

+ Noun

 I have a pen pen pal is

very kind
 We run the bussiness together
. Our bussiness is good
 The kitten is funny. Its tail
moves fast when it’s happy
 Mira sedang marah
 She is angry now.
 Mira is angry now .
 Her is angry now.

 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tebtang covid 19?

 A=What do yu think about covid 19.
 I think covid 19 is very dangerous .
 A=According to you?
 Me too.

 Me too.
 I too.
Possessive pronoun also show possession but
possesive pronoun are not followed by noun.

This is my book. This book mine

His school is far from here.His is far
Her book is interesting. Hers is interesting.
Their family bussiness is good. Theirs is good
Interrogative Pronouns are used to ask questions. The
interrogative pronoun represents the thing no known (what
we are asking the question about). There are four main
interrogative pronoun: who,whom,what,which. Notice that
the possessive pronoun whose can also be an interrogative
pronoun (an interrogative possessive pronoun).

S ubject Obje ct
P e rs on Who Whom

S ubje ct Obje ct
Thing What
P e rs on/thing Which
P e rs on Whos e
Look at these example questions. In the sample answer,the noun
phrase that the interrogative pronoun represents is shown in
Que stion Answe r
Who told you? John told me S ubject
Whom did you te ll? I told Mary Obje ct
What’s happe ne d? An accide nt’s ha ppene d S ubject
What do you wa nt? I want c offe e Obje ct
Which ca me first? The porsche 911 ca me S ubject
Which will the doctor The doctor will se e the Obje ct
se e first? patient in blue firs t
There ’s one car mis sing. John’s (car) ha sn’t S ubject
Whose hasn’t a rrived? a rrive d
We ’ve found eve ryone ’s I found John’s (ke ys ) Obje ct
ke ys. Whose did you
Non de fining E xa mple s e nte nce s Note s
S ubje ct Mrs P ra tt, who is ve ry kind,is my
te a che r
Th e ca r,which wa s a
ta xi,e xploded
Th e ca rs ,which we re
ta xis ,e xplod ed
Obje ct Mrs P ra tt, whom I like ve ry Whom is corre ct but
much,is my te a che r ve ry fo rm a l, who is
Mr a nd Mrs P ra tt,who I like ve ry norma l
much a re my te a che rs
Th e ca r,which i wa s driving a t the
time ,s udde nly ca ug ht fire
P os s e s s ive My brothe r, whos e phone yo u jus t Of which is us ua l for
he a rd,is a doctor things ,but who s e is
Th e ca r,whos e drive r jumpe d out s ome time s pos s ible
jus t be fore th e a ccide n t,wa s
co mple te ly de s troye d
Th e ca r,the drive r of which
jump e d out jus t be fore th e
a ccide nt,wa s comple te ly
de s troye d.
A reflexive pronoun is used when one wants to refer back
to the subject of the sentence or clause. Reflexive
pronouns end in “self “(singular) or “selves “(plural).
There are eight reflexive pronouns:

Refle xive P ronoun

S ingula r Myself
Yourse lf
Himself,herself,itse lf
P lural Ourselves
Yourse lves
Themselve s
Look at these examples:
P ersonal pronoun Reflexive pronoun
The underlined words are NOT the The underlined words are the S AME
same person/thing person/thing

P ersonal pronoun Reflexive pronoun

John saw me I saw myselfin the mirror
Why does he blame you? Why do you blame yourself?
David sent him a copy John sent himself a copy
David sent her a copy Mary sent herself a copy
My dog hurt the cat My dog hurt itself
We blame you We blame ourselves
Can you help my children? Can you help yourselves?
They cannot look after the babies They cannot look after look
 Who did tell you ? Subject
 Which car that been lose?
 Whose car this ? This is my car.
 What do you want ? Things

1. Do you like....... pen pals?( You/your)

2. He is very diligent and loves reading. He always brings book
in ...(he/his )bag
3.The teacher tells....(we/us )to make friends with students
from english speaking countries so that... (We/us) can improve
our english
4. (His/he) spends the weekend playing guitar
5. I am going to wash .....hand (my/me)
6. As for hobbies,we are really into sport and music .So,we can
share...(my,our) experience about football players and songs.
Question :identify the personal prnouns and their antecedents.Share the
answers with your partner
 1. Prabu has a steady job.He teaches in an english course
 (he= a pronoun ; Prabu= the antecedent
 2. mother took porrodge with her to work.She at it during break time
 3. a cat makes a cute pet if it is properlt treated
 4. my daugther dog is named is very naughty .It never obeys her. Her cats , on the
other hand,obey her cheerfully.They like to please her

 5. The tacher examined the students assignment this morning. She return them after class this
 6. Hens can fly, but they will do it when they have too
 7. Anjar works for Quail airllines. He flies cargo a cross the country
 8. Mr and Ms. Wuwu are moving.they have bought a house int he suburb
 9. There goes my physics teaher.Do you know him?
 10. A new kind of car is being advertised .It runs on a battery
 Do the exercises below on relative clauses and click on the button to check your answers.
 (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on relative clauses )
 Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).
 This is the man      saved the kid.
 The house      windows are open is beautiful..
 The writer      wrote that article won the Nobel Prize.
 He bought a car      runs fast.
 He was wearing a cap      was black.
 Re write these sentences using relative clauses.
 Use who, whose and which.
 Example:
 He drank the juice. He made the juice. He drank the juice which he made.
 A lion is an animal. It is very strong.
A lion 
 A novelist is a person. He writes novels.
A novelist

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