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Mole Concept Part 1


Students should be able to:

1. Define mole and molar mass

2. Perform calculations involving the mole.

Relative atomic mass (Ar) , molecular mass(Mr) and formula mass compare the
masses of atoms, molecules and formula units with one-twelfth the mass of a
carbon atom.
The entities have no units.

1. Relative atomic mass of nitrogen (N2) = 2 x 14 =28
2. Relative molecular mass of glucose (C6H12O6) = (6 x 12) + (12 x 1) + (6 x 16)=180
3. Relative formula mass of magnesium carbonate(MgCO3) = (24) + (12) + (3 x 16) = 84

A mole is the amount of substance that contains the same number of particles as there
are atoms in 12.00 g of carbon-12.
The number of particles in a mole is , which is known as Avogadro’s number(N A)
One mole of any substance will contain particles
1. 28 g of nitrogen (N2) contains particles
2. 180 g of glucose (C6H12O6) contains particles
3. 84 g of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) contains particles
In other words, a mole is the amount of a substance that contains particles of the
Molar Mass
Molar mass(M) is the mass, in grams, of one mole of a substance.
The molar mass of an element or compound is the relative atomic mass, molecular mass or
formula mass amount expressed in grams per mole. Unit :
1. Molar mass of nitrogen (N2) = 28
2. Molar mass of glucose (C6H12O6) = 180
3. Molar mass of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) = 84

Mass to Moles
Molar mass can be used to calculate number of moles
1.How many moles are in 10g of CaCO3?

Molar mass of CaCO3 = (40) + (12) + (3 x 16) = 100

This tells us that 100 g is the mass of 1 mol

Therefore, 10 g has x 1 mole = 0.1 mol
NB. We abbreviate mole as mol

Moles to Mass
2. What is the mass of 0.2 mol of sulphuric acid (H2SO4)?

Molar mass of H2SO4 = (2 x 1) + (32) + (4 x 16) = 98

1 mol of H2SO4  98 g
0.2 mol of H2SO4  x 98 g = 19.6 g

NB. We sometimes use a forward arrow instead of an equal sign.

Moles and Number of Particles
Some terminology:

Substance Example Type of Particles

Element Metals, Noble gases Individual Atoms
Molecular element Oxygen Molecules made up of
Covalent compound Water atoms
Ionic compound Sodium chloride Formula units made up of

NB. It’s important to identify the type of particles as units in your answer in
questions related to number of particles.

Moles to Number of Particles
1. Calculate the number of atoms in 0.5 mole of copper, Cu.

1 mol of Cu  atoms

Therefore, 0.5 mol of Cu  x atoms = 3.0 atoms

Number of Particles to Moles
1. Calculate the number of moles of CO2, that contain CO2 molecules.

molecules  1 mol of CO2

Therefore, molecules  x 1 mol = 0.33 mol CO2

Let’s apply to compounds

1 mol of water, H2O, consists of 1 mol of H2O molecules OR 2 mol of

hydrogen atoms and 1 mol of oxygen atoms.

2 mol of potassium carbonate, K2CO3, consists of 2 mol K2CO3

formula units OR 4 mol of ions, 2 mol of ions.

Mole to Number of Particles Cont’d
Calculate the number of hydrogen atoms in 1.5 mol of methane, CH4.

1 mol CH4  4 mol H atoms

1.5 mol CH4  x 4 mol = 6 mol H atoms

1 mol H atoms  atoms

Therefore, 6 mol H atoms  x atoms = atoms

Test Yourself
1. Calculate the number of molecules in 1.8g of water, H20.

2. Calculate the mass of molecules of hydrogen chloride, HCl.

3. Calculate the number of aluminium ions, , in 40.8 g of aluminium oxide, Al2O3.

4. Calculate the mass of 0.25 mol of sodium sulphate, Na2SO4.

5. Calculate the number of moles in 20g of neon.


Chemistry for CSEC 2nd Edition. Tindale, et al.

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