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Interactive Session with Emerging Leaders

February 05, 2021

விதைத்துக்கொண்டே இரு. முளைத்தால் மரம், இல்லையேல் உரம் -
சே குவேரா
What matters most…..
• Knowledge: What we know

• Skills: What we do or perform

• Attitudes: How we feel about what we know and do

My Success declarations.
S -  I Strongly BELIEVE in myself.
U - I Understand my life and live with PURPOSE.
C -  I Create POSITIVE mentality attitude.
C-   I Commit to EXCELLENCE.
E -  I Educate myself CONTINUOUSLY.
S-   I Stay focused on my DREAMS and Goals.
S -  I Surround myself with highly successful PEOPLE.
RR Reflections

Thank you

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