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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource
Management and Development
S u b ti t l e
Purpose of the project

The purpose of this product” sabon de

papel” is to introduce and offer a soap
that can remove bacteria, handy and
most importantly an environment
friendly. Furthermore, this eco-friendly
soap is chemical-free and made from
only natural plant or oil-based
ingredients which are biodegradable
and will not disrupt the natural eco-
system of the environment. In addition,
this product can be useful especially in
this time of pandemic where hygiene is
necessary, this is a great product
since this comes very handy and
Objectives of the project
The objective of this Sabon de Papel or
paper soap production.

• • Generate an additional 5% profit

within the next 12 months of operations
• • Increase sales by 200 per month for
the next 6 months
• • Capture a bigger market share by the
3rd year of operation

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Description of type of Organization

Sabon De Papel or paper soap production is a
partnership type of organization that will put through a
creative approach to the business’ image. The
partnership recognizes the necessity for capital planning
and calculates the cash flow. This partnership will offer
the advantage of allowing us to draw on the resources
and expertise of the co-partners. In addition, having a
business partner is sharing the labor.

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The location of our production area is in Cental,

Baganga Davao Oriental since the area is wide it is
perfect to process the product. Also the location of
our outlet is in Yellow house, Central, Baganga,
Davao Oriental. Since it is near the center of
commerce. People can easily visit us if they want to
buy our product.

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F i g u r e 1 . S h o w s t h e l o c a ti o n o f O u t l e t .
F i g u r e 1 . O u t l e t L o c a ti o n

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Figure2. Shows the location of production area. FR
Figure2. Production Area

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Figure3. Shows the Administrative Personnel of the Business
Figure 3. Administrative Personnel

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Marketing Feasibility
Our target market are the
students, travelers and locals of
Baganga . Since we are still
facing the pandemic and proper
hygiene is one of the
precautionary measures that we
obliged to follow. Therefore, this
product is very useful because
sabon de papel or paper soap is
little and simple to carry, a few
paper soap tablets can wash their
hands, disinfecting, cleaning is a
decent accomplice for your
healthy self.

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ii. Possible rate of demand with factual bases

According to the article, ‘Forgetting to wash

your hands can cost lives’ published in May
2017 by the World Health Organization, about
400,000 babies and 30,000 women die per year
globally due to infections caused by lack of
sanitation as well as poor hand washing
practices. Moreover, initiatives such as ‘Global
Handwashing Day (15th October)’, ‘World Hand
Hygiene Day (5th May)’, and ‘World Toilet Day
(19th November)’ are promoting the use of
these products. These initiatives are making
people more aware of the importance of
washing hands. Therefore, the increasing utility
of soap products is shifting the consumer
preference and is expected to boost the soap
market growth.
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Ta b l e 1 . S h o w s t h e I d e n ti fi e d S u p p l i e r
Ta b l e 1 . I d e n ti fi e d S u p p l i e r

Raw Materials Supplier Supplier Address

Water Soluble liquid Zanjois( online shop) Las Pinas City, Metro Manila
Soap base Zanjois( online shop) Las Pinas City, Metro Manila
Essential oil Lifestyle Premium Blend (online Davao Del Sur
Shea Butter Hysstherapy (online shop) Mandaluyong City, Metro

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C. Technical/ Production Feasibility
i . B r i e f d e s c r i p ti o n o f p r o d u c t o r s e r v i c e s w i t h s a m p l e p h o t o

This paper soap is thinner that paper, super

dehydrated soap. Once mixed with water, it simply
behaves like regular soap. Also this soap is
environment friendly since dissolving the paper in
water, waste and paper recycling energy usage are
both reduced. Even if it is thrown away, the material
is biodegradable, compostable, and flushable.
Moreover, for those times when you’re travelling
light, you don’t want to lug around big bars of soap
or containers of liquid soap. That’s where paper soap
comes in handy. These one-time use soaps are
travel-friendly and dissolve in water. Learning how to
make paper soap is actually easy and fun. We’ll show
Figure 4. Shows the Product Sample you how to make paper soap with or without water-
Figure4. Sample Product soluble paper.
Propose technical / production flow chart
Figure5. Shows the flow Chart Production.
Figure 5. Production Flow Chart

Melting raw materials

ii. Materials Requirements
Ta b l e 1 . s h o w s t h e M a t e r i a l s a n d D e s c r i p ti o n
Ta b l e 1 . M a t e r i a l s a n d D e s c r i p ti o n

Raw Materials Description

Water Soluble Gives color to the product
liquid colorant
Soap base Known for healing a dry scalp, cracked heels, and eczema, a shea butter
soap base is an intense moisturizer. And it's high vitamin content makes this
soap equally moisturizing and nourishing for the skin
Essential oil For the fragrance of the product
Shea Butter They act as a “refatting” agent, restoring lipids and quickly creating
moisture. This reinforces the barrier between your skin and the
environment, keeping moisture in and reducing dry, chapped skin.
iii. Machinery or equipments
Ta b l e 2 . s h o w s t h e m a c h i n e r y a n d e q u i p m e n t n e e d e d f o r t h e
p r o d u c ti o n
Ta b l e 2 . M a c h i n e r y D e s c r i p ti o n

Equipments/ Description
Pressing Tool A press tool is embedded in a press
Machine machine, and it is designed to shape.

Stove To melt down raw materials.


The business plan details the

financial for the venture, which
requires Php5,000.00 in startup
funding. Startup funds will be
utilized to pay for the raw materials
and other pre operation expenses.
The business is expected to
generate positive net earnings in
the end of year.
i. Identified financer of the project
Ta b l e 3 . s h o w s t h e c o n t r i b u ti o n o f i t s p a r t n e r s h i p m e m b e r.
Ta b l e 3 . F i n a n c e

Financer Amount of Contribution Percentage

Canadia, Anamelia 1,000 20%
Bandayanon, Shiela 500 10%
Bete, Beah Vianca 500 10%
Borra, Mae Ann 500 10%
Camili, Jessil Ann 500 10%
De Jesus, Ana 500 10%
Francisquette, 500 10%
Linsag, Jerico Mark 500 10%

Ongcoy, Welson 500 10%

Total 5,000 100%

ii. Pre−determined total capital of the project

The pre−determined total capital of

the project is ₱5,000 with 20%
contribution from Canadia and 10%
contribution from Bandayanon, Bete,
Borra, Camili, De Jesus,
Francisquete, Linsag and Ongcoy.
The start up funds will be utilized to
pay for the supplies. Furthermore,
the business is expected to generate
positive net earnings in the first 6
months of operations.
Table 4. shows the Pre−determined total capital of the project.
Table 4. Pre−determined total capital of the project

Quantity Product Price
3 pcs. Essential Oils 100/liter Php 300.00+130(sf)
Php 430.00
3pcs. Liquid Colorant 29/15ml Php 87.00+130(sf)
Php 217.00
2kl Soap base 275/kl Php 550.00+130(sf)
Php 680.00
10 packs Container 89/20pcs. Php 890.00+50(sf)
500g Shea Butter 250/500g Php 250.00+90(sf)
Php 340.00
  Other Expenses   Php 2,393.00
  Total   Php 5,000.00
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