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RS 12A: Christology
What have you learned
from our last discussion?
Understand the beginning of the Church
Cite ways on how to become a good Ignacian
Marian leader
Compose a prayer to Jesus Christ as the origin
and foundation of the Church
Jesus formed his followers into a community and founded the Church as a visible
manifestation of His Kingdom.
He appointed Peter to be the head of the Church. Through them, the Church will
be ordered and shaped.
Jesus chose twelve apostles with Peter as their head.
Representing the twelve tribes of Israel, they are the foundation stones of the new
The twelve and the other disciples share in Christ’s mission and his power.
By all his actions, Christ prepares and builds his Church.
Draw a symbol that shows the structure of the
Then, explain why you chose that symbol in 2-3
Jesus called them His apostles, and their names are written in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and
He appeared to them after His death and resurrection, and gave them authority to baptize, to
teach, and to make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19-20) to “preach the gospel to the whole
creation” (Mk. 16:15)
 Among the the
understand many
Sacredearly followers
Scriptures of Jesus,
and to preach He selected
repentance and trained
and the forgiveness of sinstwelve
24:45-48) men who became
to forgive his closest disciples and gave them special authority to
sins (Jn 20:21)
continue Hisother
Jesus also had own disciples,
mission.e.g seventy people sent out in pairs to prepare the way of Jesus
(Lk 10: 1-2).
They were to be His witnesses in all the parts of the world to tell everyone that the Kingdom of
God is coming.
 The apostles faithfully carried out Jesus’ commission/order by proclaiming the Gospel in
several places besides Jerusalem.
As a result, the sinners repented, confessed their sins, and were baptized into Christ and His
As the apostles were getting older, they prepared other men to share in their ministry and to
succeed them when they were gone.
Upon the death of the apostles, the early Christian communities continued there work.
In Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, he greets them with the words,
“To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are Philippi, with the bishops
and deacons.”
These were the titles used to designate positions of leadership in
the local Church- namely,
1. Bishop overseer (episkopas)
2. Elders or presbyters (presbyteroi)
3. Deacons or servants ((diakanoi)
 From which came the present day Hierarchy of the clergy
1. Bishops
2. Priests
3. Deacons
a Jewish fisherman
Formerly called Simon, renamed Peter, which means Aramaic is
Kepha, in Greek Petros, meaning rock.
Recognizes and confesses Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of God
(Mk 8:29) and with that he was blessed by Jesus
Jesus made him the rock of foundation for the future Church and gave
him authority to continue Jesus’ mission (Mt 16: 18-19)
Attempted to walk on water with Jesus until he sank for lack of faith
Took initiative to wake up Jesus during the storm
Jesus is commissioning Peter to be a “good shepherd”
During passion, denied Jesus three times but redeemed himself when
he was given the chance to declare his love again to the Risen Chirst
Jesus had seen in Peter the potential leader that he was strong,
decisive/important, courageous, befitting of the rock foundation on w/c
the Church would be established.
he was an active leader of the early Christian
 finding a replacement for Judas Iscariot
Preaching bravely about the Kingdom of God
Performing miracles of healing
Courageously facing leaders of the temple
Ministering in Samaria
Allowing the Gospel to be preached to the Gentiles
To him, the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, a symbol
of authority, were given with the instructions: “Whatever
you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.”
Acc. To the Catechism of the Catholic Church (751-752)
the word “CHURCH” (Latin ecclesia, from the Greek e-ka-
lein, meaning to “CALL OUT OF” means a convocation or
an assembly.
Ekklesia is used frequently in the Greek Old Testament for
assembly of the chosen people before God – Mt. Sinai
The equivalent Greek term kyriake, from w/c the English
word Church.
The German Kirche are derived, means “what belongs to
the Lord”.
In Christian usage, the word “CHURCH” designates the
liturgical assembly, & also the local community or the whole
universal community of believers.
Jesus Himself often used the expression
“KINGDOM” over the term “CHURCH” to describe
the object of His mission.
He was here to announce the coming of the Kingdom
of God.
His message about the Kingdom and His healing
attracted large crowds.
When we look at Jesus’ preaching of the kingdom and
His brief statements about the Church, they seem to be
related to one another.
The Church is the visible manifestation of the
Kingdom of God.
Why do you think Jesus empowered only twelve
men and not a crowd?
A part of the task of the apostles at the beginning of
the Church was to preach repentance and
forgiveness of sins. In what way is this integral part
of the Church membership?
• Answer the given worksheet at home and return
it on the next meeting.
• Failure to submit the Assessment 2 will pray the
Holy Rosary by recording yourself while praying
• Thank you everyone. God Bless us all!
Goal: To let the students share their differentiated talents as Ignacian Marian members
of the Church whom they understand its origin, nature, characteristics
and its mission and ministries in the world.
Role: Express their Church membership through their differentiated talents as Ignacian
Audience: Teacher, & students
Situation: Produce an output according to your talent. Choose one only.
Product: New Hope: Gen Z Evangelizers’ Talent show
Tal Dancer Orator/ Artist Composer Singer
ent talumpati
Ou Present Verse Drawing Write a Sing a
tpu Interpretative Choir on or poster poem/slogan song
t Dance : Any Mother about about Mother about
Marian Song or Ignacia. Mother Ignacia/ Mother
Ignacian Song Ignacia/ Church. Ignacia
Church. / Mary.

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