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Social Science

Lesson 2
Social science has
several field including….
Social Science
• Social Science view community as composed of
people interacting with one another
• Social Science is an umbrella term for the various
fields of study which examine social relations
and human society.
• Basically, from a social science perspective, a
community is described as a “group of people in
a particular area interacting together”.
Social science has
several field including….
• It is the study of people throughout the world,
their evolutionary history, how they behave,
adapt to different environments, communicate
and socialise with one another
The Four Subfields
1. Archaeology
2. Biological Anthropology
3. Cultural Anthropology
4. Linguistic Anthropology
• Archaeologists study human culture by
analyzing the objects people have made. They
carefully remove from the ground such things
as pottery and tools, and they map the
locations of houses, trash pits, and burials in
order to learn about the daily lives of a
• They also analyze human bones and teeth to
gain information on a people’s diet and the
diseases they suffered.
Biological Anthropology
• Biological anthropologists seek to understand
how humans adapt to different environments
and what causes disease and early death. To do
this, they study humans (living and dead)
Cultural Anthropology
• Sociocultural anthropologists explore how
people in different places live and understand
the world around them. They want to know
what people think is important and the rules
they make about how they should interact with
one another
Linguistic Anthropology
• Linguistic anthropologists study the many ways
people communicate across the globe. They are
interested in how language is linked to how we
see the world and how we relate to each other.
“ a land where people do not have our common
diseases, such as heart ailments, cancer, arthritis,
high blood pressure, diabetes, tuberculosis, fever,
asthma, liver trouble, gall bladder trouble,
constipation or many other ailments that plague the
rest of the world.

Moreover, there are no hospitals, no insane asylums,

no drug stores, no tobacco stores, no police, no jails,
no crimes, no murders and no beggars.

Furthermore, there are no insects to destroy the

crops or fruit trees, therefore no need for poisonous
Hunza - The Hunza valley is in the western
Himalayas. China lies to the north-east, Afghanistan
to the north-west and Pakistan to the south. It is
approximately 8,000 feet (2,440m) above sea level.

 In this region, healthy people lived to be 120 or

even 140 years of age.
 The only occupation that existed in the Hunza
was farming.
There were three main produce:

• Fruits. These included apricots, peaches,

pears, apples, plums, grapes, cherries,
mulberries and figs. Many of these were sun-
dried on the roofs of the houses.

• Vegetables. These included potatoes,

tomatoes, all types of beans, lettuce, cucumbers,
many types of melons and almost all types of
vegetables grown in the West.

• Grains. The main one was wheat. Other grains

grown were rye, oats, barley, corn, millet and
Dr. Hoffman believed that another contributing factor to
the health and longevity of the Hunza people was their
relaxation and lack of stress.

They were unaffected by the worries, restlessness,

confusion, stress and strife of the outside world. They were
happy because:

• They did not have worries

• They had wonderful terraced farms
• They always had abundant water to irrigate
• Their crops where always bountiful.
• There was abundant harvest to be stored for winter
• They were healthy
• There were no crimes, no police and no jails.
• The branch of knowledge concerned with the
production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.
• Why are some countries rich and some countries
• How can data help us understand the world?
• Why do we ignore information that could help us
make better decisions?
• It often involves topics like wealth and finance,
but it’s not all about money. Economics is a
broad discipline that helps us understand
historical trends, interpret today’s headlines, and
make predictions about the coming years.
Why should I care about economics?
• Economics affects everyone’s lives. Learning
about economic concepts can help you to
understand the news, make financial decisions,
shape public policy, and see the world in a new
Political Science
• Political science focuses on the theory and
practice of government and politics at the
local, state, national, and international levels.
We are dedicated to developing understandings
of institutions, practices, and relations that
constitute public life and modes of inquiry that
promote citizenship.
• a social science concerned chiefly with the
description and analysis of political and
especially governmental institutions and
• The science of mind and behaviour
• The mental or behavioral characteristics of an
individual or group
• The study of mind and behavior in relation to
a particular field of knowledge or activity
• Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and
the social causes and consequences of human behavior.
Sociologists investigate the structure of groups,
organizations, and societies, and how people interact
within these contexts.
• Social movements, Racial inequality, Social media and
culture, Population aging, Gender in the workplace,
Immigration and migration, Social and economic
inequality, Sexuality and family formation

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