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Medha Patkar
After tracing the history of dam-building, specifically the Sardar Sarovar Project in
the Narmada river which traverses the three states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, and
Madhya Pradesh, this chapter analyzes the Narmada Bachao Andolan protest
movement which started in the 1980s and was led by Medha Patkar and others

The NBA's major aim was to provide project information and legal representation
to the concerned residents of the Narmada valley. Through the NBA, Patkar
sought help for those rendered homeless and without livelihoods because of the
construction of the Sardar Sarovar and other large dams along the Narmada.

state of Gujarat
The Narmada Bacho Andolan may be a Non -Governmental Organisation which
was formed to assist the farmers , tribal people and other people who are nature
lovers within the state of Gujarat to protest against the river valley project. It was
started by Medha Patkar and Baba Amte.
Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) forces end of World Bank funding of
Sardar Sarovar dam, India, 1985-1993 

The Narmada Bachao Andolan could

halt the building of the Sardar
Sarovar Dam from 1994 to 1999. The
National Alliance for people's
movement was formed. On October
2000, the Supreme Court gave the
approval for the construction of
Sardar Sarovar Dam. The court
decided that the height of the dam
be raised to 90 m.
gross national income (GNI), the sum of GNI per capita is the gross national
a country's gross domestic product income, converted to U.S. dollars
(GDP) plus net income (positive or using the World Bank Atlas method,
negative) from abroad. divided by the midyear population.

The gross national
income (GNI), previously
known as gross national
product (GNP), is the
total domestic and
foreign output claimed by
residents of a country,
consisting of gross
domestic product (GDP),
plus factor incomes
 earned by foreign
residents, minus income
earned in the domestic
economy by
GNP deducts the part that leaves
the country and gives a more
meaningful indicator of the Irish
economy. Gross National Income
(GNI) is a similar measure to
Gross National Product. The
difference between them are the
subsidies the European Union
(EU) pay to us, and the taxes we
pay to them.
We use averages a
they are useful for
comparing differi
quantities of the s
category. There ar
limitations of
calculating averag
because this does
give any informat
about the distribu
of a thing between
people. For examp
the per capita inco
does not show the
distribution of inc
Averages are used to compare different countries, states or regions.
Averages have many limitations.
1) These don’t give us the true picture regarding the distribution of income.
2) Averages don’t give us any information regarding the non-materialistic
goods and services.

For example, the per capita income does not show the distribution of
income. It does not show the percentage of the poor in the population.

Kerala, with lower per capita income has a better human development
ranking than Haryana. Hence, per capita income is not a useful criterion
at all and should not be used to compare states. Do you agree? Discuss.
No, I do not agree with the statement that per capita
income is not a useful criterion at all. Though per
capita income is not the only criterion and it has
limitations, we cannot say that it is not useful at all.
because human development ranking is determined
using a combination of factors such as health status,
education level, and income. However, per capita
income is one of the factors used to calculate
development and cannot be neglected. 
Per Capita Income is the
main criterion used by the
World Bank in classifying
different countries. The
limitation of this criterion
are: → It doesn't show
the distribution of
income. → It also ignores
other factors such as
infant mortality rate,
literacy level, healthcare,
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN's
global development network, advocating for change and connecting
countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build
a better life.
What has UNDP done for Nadia
India? Rasheed is the
•Sustainable Cities for Climate
Resilience(the capacity to
UNDP Deputy
recover quickly from Resident
difficulties) Representative
•Making peace with nature. in India. She
•Responding To Triple Crises assumed her
Of Environment, COVID-19
Pandemic And Hunger.
duties in
•Transformation of Production, November
Consumption Chain Key for 2018.
Sustainable Development.
•India Says YES to Beat Plastic
In what respects is the criterion used by the UNDP for
measuring development different from the one used by
the World Bank?

i) UNDP measures development on the parameters of

education, health and per capita income whereas World Bank
measures the same only on the basis of per capita income.
ii) UNDP ranks the countries on the basis of development
whereas World Bank classifies them into three categories: rich
countries, middle income countries and poor countries.
iii) UNDP has a broader framework to measure development
whereas World Bank has a narrow framework to measure the
Declining ground water is a major problem for us , these days.
- Over population in some areas.
- Overwhelming Industrialization and Urbanization.
- Poor irrigation facilities, which constantly use ground water for field,
resulting in rapid decline of water levels.
- Unsustainable developmental goals.
All these are major reasons for over use of ground water.

Yes, definitely Development is possible without over use. This is what we

know as ' Sustainable development' . Sustainable development uses today
resources judiciously , so that the future generation too has their fair share
of resources. Promoting sustainable development can to lots to preserve
ground water levels.
Exhaustion of natural resources is threat to natural resource
because sustainable development is the concept of preserving the
natural resources in such a way that it can be used by future
generation. If the natural resources will be depleted by harmful
human activities such as deforestation, mining or pollution than
sustainable development could not be implemented.
The aim of sustainable development is is the development which
satisfies the requirements of the present without endangering the
capacity of future generations to satisfy their own demands and
this will not be implemented without the preservation of natural
587.335 million tonnes
As of 1 April 2021, India had estimated crude oil
reserves of 587.335 million tonnes (MT), decreasing
by 2.65% from the previous year. The largest
reserves are found in the Western Offshore (37%)
and Assam (27%).

The following states in India have oil

fields: Assam, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and
Andhra Pradesh.
In this question, there are two statements
marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) .

1. Assertion : The crude oil reserves are going

down for the entire world, and the countries
need to find substitute fuel for crude oil.
2. Reason : A country that is dependent on
imports for crude oil will demand more
crude oil in the future. *
•This statement is true.
•Crude oil reserves were formed from the immense
pressure applied on the fossils and remains of dead plants
and animals, millions of years ago.
•The formation of crude oil is a long and tedious process
in nature. The rate of formation of oil is much less than
the rate of its depletion.
•Hence, it is a non-renewable source of energy. So, its
reserves are going down and alternative sources need to
be found.
Reason: A country that is dependent on imports for
crude oil will demand more crude oil in the future.
•This statement is true.
•From the aforementioned points for Assertion, it follows
that a country will need to import more crude oil as its
reserves get depleted.
•This high demand is likely to hike up prices.
Therefore, we can conclude that Both Assertion and
Reason are true, but the Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
Page 15-
Yes, crude oil is essential for the
development of a country as it
provides the base of industrial
advancement. 97% of the energy
required for transportation is provided
by crude oil.
India ranked as the world’s fourth largest importer of crude oil in
2018. Its imports of crude stood at about 49 lakhs barrels per day.
Though India has vast deposits of crude oil and natural gas, very
little is tapped and that does not meet its domestic needs. Hence, it
has to import 82% of its crude oil requirements.
India depends on countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran for its
crude imports. Political changes and upheavals these countries are
prone to, effect exports to countries like India. Embargos (ban)
also impact export of crude oil from these countries.
The Indian government is working on bringing down this
dependability from the current 82% to 67%, by the year 2022.
Imports are very expensive than exports .
1. Rising crude oil prices, but these days crude oil
price decreases
2. because of the domination war between Middle
East countries and Russia
3. for being main oil supplier which is beneficial for
4. India as well as other countries of the world.
Is essential for the development
process in a country?

Yes, crude oil is essential for the

development of a country as it
provides the base of industrial

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