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The Gospel Of Christ

The Gospel Of Christ

Something Jesus wants you to hear

Mark 16:15
The Gospel Of Christ

Gospel = “good news”

Luke 2:10
The Gospel Of Christ

God’s power to save

Romans 1:16
The Gospel Of Christ

Beware of different gospels

Galatians 1:6-9
The Gospel Of Christ

Beware of different gospels

Galatians 1:6-9
The Gospel Of Christ

The gospel must be obeyed

1Peter 4:17; 2Thessalonians 1:7-9
The Gospel Of Christ

So let me ask you...

 Have you heard the good news?
 Do you know how to be saved?
 Is the gospel you heard the true gospel?
 Have you obeyed the gospel of Christ?
The Gospel Of Christ

The Gospel
In Brief
The Gospel Of Christ

There are facts to believe

The Gospel Of Christ

The facts of the gospel...

 Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and
raised from the dead! 1Co 15:1-8
 Jesus is both Lord and Christ Ac 2:33-36
 Jesus will return again Ac 1:9-11
 Jesus will judge the world Ac 17:30-31
The Gospel Of Christ

There are commands to obey

The Gospel Of Christ

The commands of the gospel...

 Believe the gospel of Christ Mk 16:15-16
 Confess our faith in Christ Ro 10:9-10
 Repent of our sins Ac 2:37-39
 Be baptized to wash away sins Ac 22:16
 Be faithful unto death Re 2:10
The Gospel Of Christ

There are promises to receive

The Gospel Of Christ

The promises of the gospel...

 Remission of sins Ac 2:38-39
 Gift of the Holy Spirit Jn 7:37-39
 The family of God Mk 10:28-30
 Eternal life Ro 6:22-23
The Gospel Of Christ

The gospel of Christ in brief...

 Believe the facts of the gospel
 Obey the commands of the gospel
 Receive the promises of the gospel
The Gospel Of Christ

Have you obeyed the gospel...?

“He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but
he who does not believe will be condemned.”

- Mark 16:16
Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every
one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit.” - Acts 2:38
The Gospel Of Christ

Why not obey the gospel today...?

Then those who gladly received his word were

baptized; and that day about three thousand souls
were added to them. - Acts 2:41

“And now why are you waiting? Arise and be

baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the
name of the Lord.” - Acts 22:16
The Gospel Of Christ

Is Baptism Integral
To The Gospel?
The Gospel Of Christ

Consider The Examples Of Conversion

 Found in the book of Acts
 Illustrating the preaching of the gospel
 Showing what people were told, what they
did, in order to be saved
 In each example, people were baptized!
The Gospel Of Christ

Is Baptism Necessary
To Be Saved?
The Gospel Of Christ

The Doctrine Of Baptism

 Forgiveness of sins! Ep 1:7; Ac 2:38; 22:16
 Gift of HS! Jn 7:37-39; Ac 2:38; 1Co 12:13
 Union with Christ! Jn 15:4-5; Ga 3:27
 Newness of life! Ro 6:3-7; Co 2:1-13
 Salvation! Mk 16:16; 1Pe 3:21; He 9:14
The Gospel Of Christ

If when baptized, you are...

 Buried with Christ into His death Ro 6:3-4
 Raised with Him to newness of life Ro 6:4-5
 Crucified with Him, freed from sin Ro 6:6-7,17-18
 Clothed with Christ Ga 3:27
 Washed from sins Ac 22:16
 Forgiven of sins Ac 2:38
 Baptized into the body of Christ 1Co 12:13
Then what is your condition without baptism?
The Gospel Of Christ
Baptism Is Integral To The
“In an apostolic sermon it comes as its logical
conclusion. An effort ought to be made to restore
this note in our preaching.”
- George Beasley-Murray, Baptism In The New Testament

“Baptism has been instituted that it should lead us to

the blessings (of this death) and through such death to
eternal life. Therefore it is necessary that we should
be baptized into Jesus Christ and His death.”
- Martin Luther, Commentary on Romans 6
The Gospel Of Christ

“And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized,

and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.”
Acts 22:16

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