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Arctic Ocean

America Asia
Ocean Pacific
Africa Ocean
Pacific Indian
Ocean Ocean

Southern Ocean
The USA or the United States
of America is the second
largest country on the North
American continent - after
The U.S. (United States) are a
union of states. Of the 50
states of the USA, 49 are
located on the American
mainland and one state,
Hawaii, is located in the
Pacific Ocean.
The national flag of the USA has 13 stripes and 50
white stars on blue background.  The 13 stripes refer to
the 13 British colonies that declared independence
from the kingdom of Great Britain in 1776 and the 50
stars refer to the 50 U.S. states.
The USA is the third largest country in the world.
The USA is the third most populous country in the world after China and India. The
USA is home to 332 million inhabitants. 
Currency: US dollar ($)
The capital city of the USA is called Washington D.C. Washington D.C. is the city
where the White House is located, the residence of the President of America.
Washington D.C. has about 7.5 million inhabitants.
Largest city in the USA is New York with
almost 8.4 million inhabitants is the USA's
biggest city.
The Statue of Liberty is a national
monument of the USA, a symbol of
freedom, democracy and justice. This is one
of the most famous sculptures in the USA
and in the world, often called "the symbol
of New York and the USA“.
It is located in New York and its height is 93
Since its opening, the statue is used as a
There are a museum and observation
Вживання дієслова to be із особистими займенниками:

(+) long form (+) short form (-) long form (-) short form ?

I am Яє I’m I am not I’m not Am I?

He is Він є He’s He is not He’s not Is he?
She is Вона є She’s She is not She’s not Is she?
It is Воно є/Це є It’s It is not It’s not Is it?
You are Ти є/Ви є You’re You are not You’re not Are you?
We are Ми є We’re We are not We’re not Are we?
They are Вони є They’re They are not They’re not Are they?

Я учень. Ви мої друзі. Ми в школі, а вони у дворі.

Я є учень. Ви є мої друзі. Ми є в школі, а вони є у дворі.
I am a pupil. You are my friends. We are at school, and they are at the yard.
Сполучники and (і), or (чи, або), but (але)
Ми використовуємо and, or та but для з'єднання двох частин
речення подібних за граматичним статусом.
Сполучники не змінюють своєї форми, в реченні не виступають у
якості певного члена речення і не використовуються самі по собі.
Ми використовуємо сполучник:
and (і) для додавання інформації до вже існуючої.
The dog is a faithful and clever animal.
Panda’s fur has just two colors: black and white.

Or (чи, або) для надання альтернатив.  

Is it Wednesday or Friday?

But (але) для надання неочікуваної або зовсім іншої інформації.

Pandas always like to eat bamboo, but they can eat meat too.
Their four legs and feet and ears are black, but the other parts
of the body are white.

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