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• Apache Maven is a build automation tool used

primarily for Java projects.
• It is a software project management and
comprehension tool.
– It is used for projects build, dependency management
and documentation.
• Based on the concept of a project object model
(POM), Maven can manage a project's build,
reporting and documentation centrally
• Maven’s primary goal is to allow a developer to
comprehend the complete state of a development
effort in a small period of time.
Directory Structure
├───pom.xml //Project Object Model or pom XML file – project information and configuration details
│ ├───java
│ ├───resources
│ ├───filters
│ └───webapp
│ ├───java
│ ├───resources
│ └───filters

Using Maven in the IDE
• Maven deals with several areas of concern:
 Making the build process easy
 Providing a uniform build system
 Providing quality project information
 Encouraging better development practices
• Maven addresses two aspects of building software:
how software is built, and its dependencies.
• pom.xml file (Project Object Model) describes the software
project being built, its dependencies on other external
modules and components, the build order, directories, and
required plugins.
• Support for Maven is fully integrated in NetBeans /
Apache Netbeans
• DevOps (development and operations) is an
enterprise software development phrase used to
mean a type of agile relationship between
development and IT operations.
• DevOps aims at shorter development cycles,
increased deployment frequency, and more
dependable releases.
• Gradle, Git, Jenkins, Bamboo, Docker, Kubernetes
Assignment 0
2. Write a short note on REST API.
3. Write a brief note on Sun Microsystems, history
and developed products. (< 100 words)
4. Make a table containing two columns – Names of
Apache Projects and Purpose/Role (Apache
Software Foundation
5. Find how Java is made secure.
Quiz 1
1. What is JVM?

2. Does Java support exception handling?

4. What do you mean by DevOps?

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