Analisi Materi Ajar Modul 3 - Medi Heri Saputra

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By : Medi Heri Saputra
The condition of the students
• The conditon of students at SMP Negeri16 Krui which is
located in remote areas of Lampung, precisely in Krui Selatan
Subdistrict, Pesisir Barat Regency, where Pesisir Barat
Regency is still classified as an underdeveloped district
because it is a new district, a splinter from West Lampung
district. During times of pandemics, learning takes place
online. However, the problem faced is that students do not
have tools / gadgets that can be used for online learning. They
have to lend to their parents, the second problem is that the
network connection in our area is still bad, so there is difficulty
in internet access so the teachers and students are looking for
a strategic place to get a good signal. Many students pick up
assignments to school so they don't miss the material.
Learning material that will be taught based on
module 3
• In the material English for Social Communication
(Descriptive Text and Report Text) students have some
difficulties such as:
1. Students are confused when looking for the differences
between Descriptive Text and Report Texts
2. Students are not able to make a good descriptive text.
Implementing HOTS
• In implementing HOTS in learning at SMP Negeri 16 Krui,
it is still very difficult because they are accustomed to be
stuffed with conventional methods where teachers still
often use conventional methods and clasical learning
Basic Competence
• 3.9. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure
kebahasaan dari descriptive text sesuai dengan konteks

4.10. Menangkap makna teks descriptive text sesuai

dengan konteks sangat pendek dan sederhana.

4.11. Menyusun teks descriptive text sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaanya.lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
Learning Objectives:
After learning the material, students are able to:
1. Analyze the generic structures of (Descriptive Text)
2. Analyze the social function of (Descriptive Text)
3. Analyze the language features (Descriptive Text)
4. Make Descriptive Text

Have you known the picture above?

Good !!!!
1. Yes, it is bag
2. Yes, it is book
3. Yes, it is shoes
How does this house look?

It looks cozy.

It is simple.

It is small.
What is descriptive text?
• Descriptive text is text that describe, illustrate, or
ellaborate on something such as objects, persons,
animals or certain places.
What is the social function?
• The social function of descriptive text is to describe,
illustrate, or ellaborate on something such as objects,
persons, animals or certain places so that the reader and
listener can understand what we are describing in the text.
The structure of a
1. Identification
2. Description

Identification identifies the

thing to be described.

Description describes
parts, qualities,
characteristics of the
person or something that
is described.
How does the bag look?

My New Backpack
I have a new backpack. Its colours are red
and grey. I always bring it when I go to
school. It is made of strong fabric.
There are some parts of my
backpack. The first is the pocket. I put my
money and my card library card in the
pocket. The second part is the main part. I
put my books and pencil case in this part.
The third part is a small pocket at the left
side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of
water in this pocket.
My New Backpack
I have a new backpack. Its colours are Identification
red and grey. I always bring it when I
go to school. It is made of strong
There are some parts of my
backpack. The first is the pocket. I put
my money and my card library card in
the pocket. The second part is the
main part. I put my books and pencil
case in this part. The third part is a
small pocket at the left side of the Description
backpack. I keep a bottle of water in
this pocket.
Activity 1.
• Analyze the features of this object!

No Colour Shape Materials Size Function

Activity 2
• Please make the descriptive text based on the features
you analyzed!

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