Use of English Exercises

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Sheepy Sheep and the Lost Village

It was a heavy winter, in the middle of December. The snow was as tall as houses, and the boughs of trees were glistening with
silvery glass. Sheepy Sheep was inside her cozy, warm house, seated next to the crackling fireplace and drinking hot chocolate.
Sheepy was super relaxed when suddenly a strong and loud knock was heard at the door.
She went to see who it was, and, when she opened the door, at first she didn’t see anyone. But after a few moments, she heard
a small voice shouting at her from the vicinity of her feet.
“Hey! Hey you! I’m here!”
“You need to come very quickly! There’s someone new coming to our town!’’
“O…k? Who is it?”
“If you come, you’ll see.”
Therefore, Sheepy hurried to take her coat and hat and rushed out the door with the tiny baby mouse.

As they arrived in the town center, there were lots of

animals, but the rumors were true. There was someone
new coming to town.
They all gathered around the stranger and stared at him. He was something they had never seen before. He was…….an……..elf.
They had never seen an elf in this part of the world, only read about them in their story books for children. But he was not alone.
He was riding a magical ram. The most fabulous and beautiful ram Sheepy had ever seen. His wool was shiny and soft like snow,
and his majestic horns were gigantic and curly. Sheepy felt like fainting.

“You ok?!” Said the little baby mouse.

Sheepy didn’t answer. She was too busy watching the ram.
“Ok”, said the mouse.
“Greetings to all!” said the mighty elf. “I have come here to your tiny town because our Village needs help. We are under
attack from the Fire-breathing Dragon of the Summer. He hates our kind and wants us to DIE. We cannot live where there is a
lot of sun and hot weather. We are the people of the snow and winter, the White Elves. My friend Cornel the ram came with
me to ask for your help. We have read in our secret prophecy books that here in your town there is someone with a special
inborn power to defeat the Dragon of the Summer.”
“Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow”, said everyone, surprised.
“Who will be the lucky one?” thought they. But lucky was not the right word in this case. The elf slowly walked among the
animals, when he stopped and said:
“I FOUND HER!!!!!!”
And guess who it was.
“ME?! AH, NOPE! You must be mistaken. I am no hero. I am just Sheepy the Sheep. I like to drink hot chocolate and sleep until
noon. I am not part of some ancient prophecy about dragons and elves and GOD KNOWS WHAT. I think this elf is crazy. I’m
going home. You are all insane.”
“I simply don’t care”, said the elf. “You are coming with us no matter what. Got it?”
“And how do you know that I am the CHOSEN ONE? You have never even seen me before.”
“Well, it’s easy. You have 178 eyelashes. The Chosen One was prophesized to have 178 eyelashes. I have a special power in my
left eye that can automatically count eyelashes. You are the only one here with that number of eyelashes. You are The One.
There’s no doubt about it.”
“Aha. And you want me to believe an elf? Good one.”
“There is no running from your destiny, however much you want to fight it. It is written in the stars.”
After he said that, he blew a sparkly white powder over Sheepy’s eyes. She fell asleep at once. Cornel took her and put her
gently on a wooden sleigh. And off they went.
And then Sheepy woke up. She was still dizzy.
“Wow guys! I dreamt about an elf and a handsome ram!!! He was so handsome….
And then the elf kidnapped me, that was sad. But the ram….” said Sheepy.
“The ram what?”, asked the ram smiling.
NOOOOOO. OH GOD X2! I didn’t say anything
about a ram, you misheard me!
I was saying that the rat was handsome.
There was a beautiful rat next to me.”

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