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What is a Dichotomous Key?

Dichotomous key is a tool that helps us

identify organisms in biology.
Keys consist of a series of choices that lead
the user to the correct name of a given item.
"Dichotomous" means "divided into two parts.
Therefore, dichotomous keys always give two
choices in each step.
Using dichotomous key
Variation refers to an individual that has
characteristics different from the others.
Individuals within a population are different
from each other.
Word variation means
Key words: Continuous variation and
discontinuous variation

Types of variation:
1.Continuous variation
2. Discontinuous variation
Continuous variation
Continuous variation describes characteristics
that can change over a range of values.
Continuous variation can be measure with a
numerical value or with numbers.
Any variation that you measure using numbers is
known as continuous variation.
Continuous variation
Height is an example of continuous variation.
Examples of continuous variation can be
affected by both environmental and inherited
Discontinuous variation
• Discontinuous variation describe
characteristics that can be one of a limited
number of options.
• Any variation consider as categories is called
discontinuous variation.
Discontinuous variation
Eye colour is an example of discontinuous
Examples of discontinuous variation are
Progress check
Make two columns in your book – continuous variation and discontinuous
variation , and choose which column to put these examples in.

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