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You´ll be able to talk about problems and solutions by using modal verbs
1. John worked hard and ____________ his
best at his job, but he still wasn’t
2. The teenagers were ____________ such a
noise that the neighbor called the police.
3. She ____________ a payment on her debt
every month. Soon she’ll have finished
paying it off.
4. So many chores to ____________! I need
to clean the bathroom and the kitchen,
hoover and change all the beds.
5. Sorry, I ____________ a mistake. The
restaurant isn’t here, but on another street.
6. It’s late, and we should go home. Let’s
____________ a move.
Modal Verbs
Here's a list of the modal verbs in English:

can could may might will

would must Shall should
ought to have to
Modals are different from normal verbs.

1: They don't use an 's' for the third person singular.

2: They make questions by inversion ('she can go' becomes

'can she go?').

3: They are followed directly by the infinitive of another verb

(without 'to').
Probability: (Could/ Can/Might)
First, they can be used when we want to say how sure we are
that something happened / is happening / will happen. We
often call these 'modals of deduction' or 'speculation' or
'certainty' or 'probability'.
For example:
I don't know where John is. He could have missed the train.
This bill can't be right. $200 for two cups of coffee!
John might be late today, he said some issue with his car.
Ability: (Could/ Can)
For example:
She can speak six languages.
My grandfather could play golf very well.
Necessary or unnecessary (Must/ Need to)
For example:
You must do your homework
I need to find my keys, soon.
You must not spend your money
He doesn’t need to buy anything for me
Advice (Should)
For example:
You should stop smoking.
You should eat healthier
Obligation (must/ have to/ ought to)
For example:  
Students must do the exam Habits (Will/ Would)
Parents have to pay attention to their kids For example:
You ought to know how bad you acted When I lived in Italy, we would often eat in the
  restaurant next to my flat.

Permission (May/Might/Could/Shall) John will always be late!

For example:
Could I leave early today, please?
You may not use the car tonight.
You might do anything without your parents’
Shall we go early?

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