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BSBCRT611 Apply Critical

Thinking for Complex Problem


Muhammad Mubashir Ali

Student ID: SCS2761
 Critical decision & non critical decision
 Characteristics of critical & non-
critical thinkers
 Simple, complex and wicked
 Decision-making process
 Risk and Risk Management
 Problem identification methods:
1. Survey
4.Mind Map
Critical Decision Non-Critical Decisions

 Critical thinking is the ability  Non-critical thinking can

Critical decision & non
to make informed decisions by lead to poor choices, self- critical decision
evaluating several different limiting beliefs, and (to be
sources of information blunt) gullibility.
objectively.  Example
 Example  Non-critical thinkers
 Self-Evaluating Your choose a side and engage
Contributions. in debate (“proving I am
right”) than dialogue
(“listening, learning, and
Characteristics of Critical and non-critical thinkers

Critical Thinker Non-critical thinkers

Characteristics Characteristics

Observation Unclear Observation

Curiosity  Lack of awareness

Think independently imprecise

Accuracy Inaccurate
Simple, Complex and Wicked Problems in your workplace

Simple Wicked
 A Simple Problem has  The problem has an
 Complex problems are
a clear cause and unknown set of potential
typically defined as those consequences
effect that is easily
that include the ability to  The problem is difficult to
identifiable and fixable.
approach them from multiple. define and frame.
 Examples
 Some times competing,  Examples
 Gossip.
. perspectives and which may  Stakeholder
 Bullying. have multiple possible
solutions. disagreements
 Discrimination.
 Examples  Complex roots of the
 Low motivation and
 Lack of Motivation problem
job satisfaction. Trust Issues  Education design
Steps associated with a decision-making process

Identify the decision

Gather relevant information

Identify the alternatives

Weigh the evidence

. Choose among alternatives

Take action

Review your decision

Risk and Risk Management

 Risk refers to the chance that a situation will have a

detrimental impact on people, systems, or assets.
 The process of identifying, evaluating, and controlling risks
to an organization's is known as risk management.
 These dangers can be caused by a number of things,
 Such as economic unpredictability,
. legal responsibilities,
technological problems, strategic management blunders,
accidents, and natural calamities.
Describe Risk Management

 There are three steps of the risk management process are

risk assessment and analysis, risk evaluation, and risk
Risk Assessment & Analysis

Risk evaluationsn

Risk Treatment & Response

Explain Interview

 A structured conversation in which one party asks

questions and the other responds is known as an
 A one-on-one chat between an . interviewer and an
interviewee is referred to as a "interview" in
everyday speech.
Explain Survey and Observation

 A survey is a research technique used to gather
 Depending on the methodology chosen and the
objective of the study, they can serve a variety of
functions and be carried out in a variety of
methods. .
 The active gathering of data from a primary source is
 Observation of living things makes use of the senses.
 Using scientific tools to perceive and record data is another
way that observation can be used in science.
Explain Brainstorming and Mind Map

 Brainstorming is a method design teams use to generate
ideas to solve clearly defined design problems.
 In controlled conditions and a free-thinking environment,
teams approach a problem by such means as “How Might
We” questions.
 They produce a vast array of ideas and draw links
between them to find potential solutions.

Mind Map
 Mind Mapping is a useful technique that supports learning,
improves information recording, shows how different facts
and ideas are related, and enhances creative problem
solving. Read on to find out more.
Any Questions

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