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Nature and Elements of


Communication (from Is a systematic process in

Latin word communicare which individuals interact
meaning “to share” or to through symbols to create
be in relation with.” and interpret meaning.

Is a process that involves May take place between

the exchange and two people among three or
development of ideas to more individuals or even a
achieve a particular goals hundreds and thousands of
or purpose. participants.
Ways of Understanding

• 1. Communication, broadly, may be seen as

synonymous to behavior – some experts
considers all behavior (speech, bodily
gestures and all observable acts) as
• 2. Communication may be seen as a flow of
information and
• 3. Communication may be seen as
synonymous to interaction.

• The communication process refers to the

steps through which communication
takes place between the sender and the
receiver. This process starts with
Conceptualizing an idea or message by
the sender and ends with the feedback
from the receiver. In details
Communication process consists of the
following seven steps.
Sender (Speaker) is the one who conveys the message, oral or written,
influenced by past conditioning, knowledge about the subject, manner of
speaking or speaking skills. Ensure that his/her intended message is the
message that is actually communicated.

Receiver (Listener) is the one who listens and decodes the conveyed message.

The message: is whatever the sender communicates to the receiver or the

information received by the receiver from the sender. Messages are the ideas
and feelings that make up the content of the process of communication.
The Channel: (medium) – or means through which the message is transmitted
. The channel for oral communication is the sound waves written through light
waves. The primary channel channel for face-to-face communication are sound
and sight. Public announcements and advertisements are sent through radio

The noise: also known as the interference that keeps a message from being
understood or accurately interpreted. Noise occurs between the sender and the
receiver. It can be internal or external interference.
The situation: is the time and place in which communication occurs.
Communication adapts to the setting . For example, the language of students in the
classroom is quite different from the language they use at home.

Feedback: the final step of communication process is feedback. Feedback means

receiver’s response to sender’s message. It increases the effectiveness of
communication. It ensures that the receiver has correctly understood the message.
Feedback is the essence of two-way communication. Can be in form of verbal or
non-verbal response.
The use of jargon. Over- complicated, unfamiliar
and/or technical terms.

TO EFFECTIVE Emotional barriers and taboos. some people may
COMMUNICATION: find it difficult to express their emotions and some
topics may be completely “off-limits” or taboo.

Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or

irrelevance to the receiver.
Differences in perception and viewpoint.

Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.

Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see

the non-verbal cues gestures, posture and general body language can
make communication less effective.
Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar

Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or

stereotyping. people often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is said
and jump to incorrect conclusions.

Cultural differences: the norms of social interaction vary greatly in different

cultures, as do the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the
concept of personal space varies between cultures and between different social
1. Verbal
• verbal communication entails the use of words in delivering the intended message .

Types of
Communicati Written Communication
– this type of communication is indispensable for formal business communications and issuing legal

on instructions. (traditional pen and paper letters, and documents, typed electronic documents, e-mails, text
chat, SMS and anything else conveyed through written symbols such as language)

Oral communication
- is the spoken word , either face-to-face or through phone, voice chat, video conferencing , or any other
medium . Various forms of informal communications such as the grapevine or informal rumor mill, and
formal communications such as lectures, conferences are forms of oral communication . Oral
communication finds use in discussion and causal and informal conversations.
Non- Verbal Communication
Physical nonverbal communication – Paralanguage – the way something is said, rather than
- entails communicating by or body language, includes facial
expressions, eye contact, body posture,
what is actually said. Is an important component of
nonverbal communication. This includes voice quality,
sending and receiving gestures such as wave, pointed finger and intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone, and style of
the like, overall body movements, tone of speaking and communicates approval, interest or the
wordless messages. These voice, touch and others. lack of it.
messages usually reinforce
verbal communication, but
they can also convey
thoughts and feelings on
their own.
Aesthetic communication – Appearance – the style of
Other forms of
creative expression such as dressing and grooming
communication. dancing, painting and the which communicate one’s
like. personality.

Space language – such as

paintings and landscapes Symbols – such as religious, status,
communicate social status or ego building symbols.
and taste.
Visual communication

A third type of communication is visual

communication through visual aids such as signs,
typography, drawing, graphic design, illustration,
color and other electronic resources.
Practice task
2 is a 1.________________ in which a source sends
and encodes a message through a channel to a destination. It is basically
two-way, so there should always be a 2._____________ as the source of
the message and the 3._____________ as the destination. In the process
of encoding the message, the source/speaker chooses to express the
message through either 4. ____________ communication –which makes
use of spoken or written words or 5.____________ communication –
which makes use of actions or symbols other than language.
What Causes Communication

1. No Clear 2. No Clear
3. No Clear
Communication Reporting
Plan. Relationships
Strategies to
avoid Use appropriate language. Tailor the
words you will use based on your

Apply positive self-talk and
audience or listener. Keep it simple and
perception. Positivity is the best
understandable. For example, figurative
encouragement. It welcomes good vibes
language.(simile, metaphor) is usually

n breakdown
and pleasant outlook in all
used in literature and in formal
conversations , not in ordinary or casual

Be open. Suspend your own judgement,

Give and accept feedback. Feedback
ideas, and beliefs. Give the speaker time
keeps the communication going.
to develop and express his/her ideas or
Respond to what has been heard. Keep
points before you conclude if the
an open mind and avoid overreacting
message has any value, little value, or
emotionally to a message or feedback.
none at all.

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