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Sarah Fitranty Anggraini S.Pd

Running is Strictly Prohibited!
Always Smile, but don’t lose your teeth
Keep your fingers down!
“cant keep my hands to myself?” –
ask Salena Gomez how to..
5. While serving the guests, avoid
touching or having a direct contact
with the guest
“Jika melayani tamu, hindari
menyentuh atau memiliki kontak
langsung dengan tamu”

6. Prioritize women and young

“Memprioritaskan peremuan dan
tamu muda”
7. Never use slang words, such as:

- When talking to your boss/managers:

It is better to say: “Saya”
Its more polite and appropriate rather than saying

- When talking to your guests:

It is better to say: “Alright” or “Baiklah”
Your mouth will be tired!
Is bad for health!
10. Never count your TIPS in
front of the guest
“Tidak pernah menghitung TIPS
anda di depan tamu”

11. Never touch the guest’s

food in front of them
“Tidak pernah menyentuh
makanan tamu di depan
12. Don’t whistle while
“Jangan bersiul saat berkerja”

13. Maintain good body gesture

while talking to your guests
“ Menjaga sikap tubuh yang baik
ketika berbicara dengan tamu
14. Don’t shout in the hotel area
“Tidak berteriak di daerah hotel”

15. Keep the right gesture. Do not

lean on walls, counters or side
“Menjaga sikap yang tepat. Jangan
bersandar pada dinding, counter
atau stasium sisi”
16. Never enter the hotel area
without your uniform. Always well
“Tidak pernah memasuki wilayah
hotel tanpa seragam anda. Selalu
17. Don’t fiddle with your pen,
keys, lighter, or your fingers
“Jangan bermain-main dengan
pena anda, kunci, atau jari-jari
tangan anda”

18. Do not use your mobile

phones while working
“Jangan menggunakan
ponsel anda saat berkerja”
Whispering is not cool, ask this girl!
20. Don’t solicit TIPS
“Jangan meminta TIPS”

21. Don’t huddle in groups

“Jangan ngerumpi di group
(sama teman-teman)”
22. Avoid personal talks
while working
“Hindari pembicaraan
pribadi saat berkerja”

23. Don’t drag your feet

while walking
“Jangan menyeret kaki
anda saat berjalan”
I dare you not to YAWN!!!
Looks good, but
don’t use it!
26. Do not eat or drink
while working or in a
visible area.
“Jangan makan atau
minum saat berkerja di
daerah terlihat”

27. Never argue with your

“Jangan pernah berdebat
dengan tamu anda”
28. Report Lost and Found
“Laporkan barang-barang
yang hilang dan ditemukan

29. Don’t use the

guest’s elevator
“Jangan memakai lift
30. Don’t eavesdrop
“Jangan mengupping”

31. Don’t interrupt the guests

when they are online
“Jangan menggagu tamu ketika
mereka sedang online”
32. Never ask personal/unnecessary
questions to your guests
“ Jangan pernah meminta pertanyaan
personal atau yang tidak perlu sama tamu

33. Act normally when you

are laughing. Don’t over
“Bertindak biasa aja ketika
anda tertawa. Jangan terlalu
34. Don’t Grumble
“Jangan suka ngomel”

35. Don’t pick your

nose while working
“Jangan pengang
hidung anda saat
36. And last but not the least, say THANK
YOU every time ☺

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