Be Proactive

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Be Proactive

Be in Charge of Yourself!
Proactive vs. Reactive

Proactive people choose Reactive people let others

their actions and attitudes. decide how they feel & act.
I can choose to be
nice, even when She made me angry! I
others are unkind to couldn’t help being
me. mean!
Proactive vs. Reactive

When proactive people see a When reactive people see a problem, they
problem, they take charge & fix it. wait for someone else to fix it.
I wish someone
Someone left books on the would clean up
ground. I’ll clean them up so these books!
they are out of the way. They’re in my way!
Proactive vs. Reactive

Proactive people admit when they’re Reactive people blame other people for
wrong or have made a mistake. their actions & mistakes.
It’s not my fault! She
I’m sorry for spilling my bumped into me. She
juice. I’ll clean it up. should clean it up!
Proactive vs. Reactive

Proactive people do the right thing Reactive people only do the right thing if
even if no one else is watching. they know they’ll get a reward.
I’m not going to help
I’ll play with my baby him unless I get some
brother to keep him from kind of reward!
crying, even though no one
is looking.
Reactive People

Reactive people are like a rowboat with no

oars that goes wherever the wind and waves
take it.

They aren’t in control and go wherever life

takes them.

They let other people decide how they feel

and what they do.

And if they never take control of their

emotions and actions….

When the storms come, they might sink!

Proactive People

Proactive people are like a motorboat that can

steer and control where it goes.

They take charge of where they’re going in


When difficult things happen, they choose

their attitude and how they act.

And since they take charge of their

emotions and actions….

When the storms come, they don’t sink!

Do you know the difference?

Do you know the difference between proactive and reactive choices?

In the following stories decide if the person is making a proactive

choice or a reactive choice.

Then click on your answer to see if you’re right!

Proactive Reactive
This was a
proactive choice!

Hannah made
lost aagame
proactive choice byEven
of checkers. beingthough
even though
she was she she
sad, felt sad. She choose
smiled how“Good
and said, to act
Proactive instead
game!” of justshe
Was reacting to how sheorfelt.
being proactive reactive? Reactive
This was a
proactive choice!

Juan saw
When Juana asked
boy who looked
the boy sad he
to play, sitting
was recess. He
proactive by asked
seeingthe boy if heand
a problem wanted to
Proactive play
to fix with
it. him. Was he being proactive or Reactive
reactive ?
This was a
reactive choice.

What would be a
proactive choice?

could asked Lily to pick
be proactive up the bag
by cleaning upnext
the tomess
go outtotoaskrecess
her. after lunch. Lily
Proactive said, “But that isn’t mine!” and wouldn’t pick it up. Reactive
Was she being proactive or reactive?
This was a
proactive choice!

Sarah saw
madea piece
a proactive
of trashchoice
on the by
it away
and even
it instead
no one
Proactive Was
she being
else toproactive
fix it. or reactive? Reactive
This was a
reactive choice.

What would be a
proactive choice?

Megan broke
could her
be proactive
pencil. Sheby waited
until her
teacher getting
noticeda and
new got
or asking
a new theone.
Proactive for a pencil
missed instead
half her of waiting
assignment forwaiting.
while someone Wasto Reactive
she being proactive or reactive?
This was a
proactive choice!

Eric made
sat quietly during
a proactive thebyassembly
choice even
choosing to be
though the ofpeople
in control next toand
his actions himstay
were talking.
quiet even
Proactive Was he being
though he may proactive or reactive?
have wanted to talk like the Reactive
other children.
This was a
reactive choice.

What would be a
proactive choice?

Jack couldcutbein proactive
front of Jack in line fortolunch.
by choosing stay
Jack pushed
calm and nothim say and
meancalled himeven
things a mean
if hename.
Proactive Was he being reactive or proactive?
This was a
reactive choice.

What would be a
proactive choice?

James could
didn’t bebring
proactive by admitting
his homework that he
to school.
When thehis teacher
homework askedandhimcoming
where up withhea
it was
Proactive plan
said to
mom forgot it the
to next
put day.
it in his backpack. Reactive
Was he being proactive or reactive?
I have an “I CAN” attitude!

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