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Functions as Mathematical Models

  One important application of functions is using them to represent
real-life phenomena. That is we use equations to relate certain situations
and these equations are called mathematical models.
Suggestions for Solving Problems Involving a Function as a Mathematical Model

1. Read the problem carefully.

2. Determine the known and unknown quantities. Identify the independent variables and
denote it by some symbol, say x and the dependent variable will now be denoted by some
function say f and will be written as f(x). Note that, you may use other symbols provided
you define them accordingly and maintain consistency throughout your solution in the

3. Write down known numerical facts about the variable and the function value.

4. From the information in number 3, you may now write two algebraic expressions, one
in terms of the independent variable and another in terms of the function value. From
these two expressions, form an equation that defines the function. This will now serve as
the mathematical model of the given problem.

5. You may now solve for required function values using the model formed in number 5.
Incorporate appropriate units whenever necessary.
1. Express the area A of a square as a function of its perimeter.

The dependent variable is the area of a square and
the independent is its perimeter.
Let A denote the area and P denote the perimeter.
---------- x --------- We want to express A in terms of P.

Let x is the side of a square and let A be the area of a square and P
be its perimeter.
So, A = x and P = 4x. Solving for x in terms of P, we get x 
Substitute this to A = x2,
2 P2 P2
A  . So, A  or A( P ) 
4 16 16
2. A rectangle with base of length x is inscribed in a circle of
radius 2. Express the area A of the rectangle as a function of x.

The length of the rectangle is x. To express
the area A of the rectangle in terms of x, the
width should also be in terms of x.
--------- x ---------
Let y be the width of the rectangle. Using
the radius of the circle and by Pythagorean
x2 + y2 = 42.

So, y  16  x 2 . Thus, the area A = xy as a function of x is

A  x 16  x 2 or A( x )  x 16  x 2
3. A rectangular field is to be enclosed with 240 meters of
fence such that an adjacent river will serve as a natural
boundary on one side. Find the mathematical model
expressing the area of the field as a function of its length.
Let x and y be the length and width of the
rectangular field respectively. The area of the
field is
A = xy and
------------ x ------------
The perimeter is
x + 2y = 240.
Solving for y, 240  x
And so the area as a function of x is
 240  x 
A  x 
 2 
4. A closed rectangular box having a volume of 400 cm3 has a base
with one side that is twice the length of its other side. Express the
surface area of the box in terms of the side of its base.

The volume of the box is V=LWH. So,
(x)(2x)(y) = 400.
Solving for y, y 2
. y
The surface area is x
A = 2(2x)(x) + 2(2x)(y) + 2(x)(y) 2x
A = 4x2 + 6xy.
Hence, the area as a function of x is
 200  1200
A  4x 2  6x  2   4x 2 
x  x
or A( x )  4 x 2  .
1.The daily payroll for a work crew is directly proportional to the
number of workers, and a crew of 12 workers earns a payroll of
$810. (a) Find a mathematical model expressing the daily
payroll as a function of the number of workers. (b) What is the
daily payroll for crew of 5 workers?

2. The regular adult admission price to an evening performance

at the Coast Cinema is $7, while the price for children under 12
years old is $4 and the price for seniors at least 60 years of age
is $5. (a) Find a mathematical model expressing the admission
price as a function of the person’s age. (b) Sketch the curve of
the function in part (a).
3. A cardboard box manufacturer makes open boxes from square pieces of
cardboard of side 12 cm by cutting out equal squares from the four corners
and turning up the sides and sealing the edges. Find a mathematical model
for the volume of the open box in terms of the side of the square that is cut

4. A 20 cm long wire will be cut at point x and the two parts will be made
into a circle and a square. Express the sum of the area of the two figures as
function of x.

5. A one-story building having a rectangular floor space of 13200 ft 2 is to be

constructed where a walkway 22 ft wide is required in the front and back
and a walkway 15 ft wide is required on each side. (a) Find a mathematical
model expressing the total area of the lot on which the building and the
walkways will be located as a function of the length of the front and back of
the building. (b) What is the domain of your function in part (a)?

6. A closed tin can of volume of 60 in3 is to be in the form of a right-circular

cylinder. (a) Find a mathematical model expressing the total surface area of
the can as a function of the base radius.
7. A parking lot light is mounted on top of a 20-foot tall
lamppost. A person T feet tall is walking away from the
lamppost along a straight path. Determine a function which
expresses the length of the person’s shadow in terms of the
person’s distance from the lamppost.

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