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Skills of Managers (Modern Management)

Technical Skills – Ability to sense and forecast trends in the growth and
development of the organization’s technology, ability to exploit new
knowledge to innovate services or products.
Behavioral Skills – Ability to sense people’s needs and drives, and relate
them to planned accomplishments, ability to coordinate various power
groups, ability to empathize with various lifestyles
Skills of Modern Management

Conceptual Skill - Ability to generate alternatives from present and past

experiences, ability to see the whole from the given constituent parts,
ability to predict ends from certain beginnings even without an orientation.

Implementing Skill – Ability to sense and make use of pace, sequence and
time, ability to work a task to completion with intensified drive, ability to
foresee barriers and pursue circumventing steps.
Modern Management Skills

Economic-Business Skill – Ability to move ahead, as a member of an

organization, towards coordinated ends, ability to undertake a pursuit of
gain in the market-place in the face of risk and uncertainty, ability to
compete for positive results in the free enterprise system.
Evaluative Skill – Ability to analyze a complex mass of information into
numerics and quantities, ability to measure deviations, variation, and drift
from prescribed directions, ability to initiate feedback corrections to reduce
variance within prescribed times.
Responsibilities of Management

Perpetuating the enterprise – grow, think, expand but never terminate.

(advancing the technology)
Giving directions to the firm – initiating plans, operating programs,
making decisions, evaluating and controlling within a coordinated system
that delivers results.
Increasing Economic performance – the most critical responsibility
Satisfying the employees
Contributing to the community
Managerial Effectiveness – 15 standards that make
management practices effective at all levels in the organization

Achievement Accuracy productivity

Proficiency Creativity Progress
Honesty Delivery Reliability
Quality Flexibility Self Development
Succession Satisfaction Renewal
Checklist for a Competent Manager
1. Consistently exceed goals and objectives
2. Show ways in which employees can improve
3. Display a positive and constructive attitude
4. Surround yourself with competent subordinates
5. Relate level and amount of rewards to level and amount of performance
6. Work in a system of priorities that yields payoff
7. Show respect for others even if there is disagreement
8. Continually reach for higher standards of performance
Checklist for a Competent manager
9. Refrain from repeating unfavorable remarks about others
10. Encourage new ideas and new ways of doing things
11. Show interest in helping inexperienced people
12. Discipline subordinates where warranted
13. Avoid wasting time on unimportant things
14. keep in mind higher tolerance of uncertainty in moving ahead
15. Can orally persuade and convince
16. Speak well of the organization, fellow managers and subordinates
Checklist of Competent Manager

17. Impart guidance to subordinates

18. Allow a competitive spirit in the group
19. Encourage striving for excellence
20. Accept development as a personal responsibility
21. Show concern of things that can be improved
22. Complete significant projects in time
23. continually raise questions that indicate search for knowledge and
Checklist for a Competent manager

24. Exhibit complete knowledge about the organization job

25. Write simple, clearly, briefly, and persuasively
26. Offer help to colleagues in their problems.

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