1 Stranger Things Tcotmwr

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What is the purpose of reading a mystery?

The purpose of reading a mystery is to solve the

case or to figure out who committed the crime.

What type of literature is this? Fiction

The Case of the Missing Wrist Rocket Beginning – During - After-
Reading Strategies

1. Predict (Activate Prior

CASE FILE (Group Name): 2.

3. Make Connections
4. Retell
5. Compare and Contrast
The Case of the Missing Wrist
Back story: Rocket
The Demogorgon has captured Will and taken him to the Upside
Down. The kids Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Mike will do anything to
save their friend Will! The kids are looking for their missing Wrist
Rocket, so they can defeat the evil Demogorgon! The
Demogorgon is a scary monster that can use its mysterious
powers to go between the Upside Down and this world. The
Upside Down is the mirror image of our world but it’s cold, dark,
damp, and contains dangerous monsters! If a person spends too
much time there it can be harmful to their health, in more ways
than one! They will have to figure out who stole the Wrist Rocket
from Joyce Byers’ house in the town of Hawkins, Indiana. By
solving this mystery they can now use the Wrist Rocket to defeat
the Demogorgon and save Will!
“I have an idea, said Mike!” “Let’s research UFO’s to find out about the Demogorgon and how we can defeat it!” They
responded through their walkie talkies that they would all watch the UFO show at 6:00 p.m. "That was a neat program on
UFO's," said Mike to his friends Dustin, Max, and Lucas as they rode their bikes down the street. "I think what really amazed
me was that UFO's were reported as early as 1800."
"That's pretty hard to believe," said Max. "Anyway, do you really believe there are such things?" Lucas started to answer
when they heard a loud scream coming from Joyce Byers’ house.
"Come on," shouted Dustin. They ran into the yard where Joyce was staring at a broken window in her house.
"Look at that!" she demanded. "Just look at that."
"That's terrible," cried Max. "Who could have done it?"
Joyce looked disgusted. "I had to kick out three students from the Hawkins’ Convenience Store. They were pretty mad at
"First thing, we'd better find out what’s missing," said Lucas. "Then we'll figure out who did it."
Dustin remembered leaving the Wrist Rocket and a large stack of Dungeon and Dragon cards on Will’s bed before he went
“You’re right Dustin, I do remember seeing them on his bed,” said Joyce. I’m so sorry kids, I’ve been so busy trying to find
Will that I must have left his bedroom window slightly open.
“The intruder must have broken the window trying to get into Will’s room,” said Mike! There’s only glass lying on the inside
part of the house in Will’s room.
Lucas, Max, Dustin and Mike helped repair the broken window. Joyce then invited them in for milk and Oreo cookies.
"Now," said Lucas. "Am I right? You kicked out Sam, Troy, and James."
"And you kicked them out for knocking over fruit cans," added Max.
“Yes, they were trying to say that the cans were already dented so that they could get them for half price,” said Joyce
Joyce raised her hands in anger. "I know, that is like stealing."
"I'll bet one of them did it to get even," said Dustin. "How about we nose around a little?"
"Let's see," said Max after they left. "Joyce said the window was all right when she looked out at 9:00 p.m. But shortly
after 10:00 p.m., she found the window broken."
"So, we check to see who doesn't have an alibi between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Look!" Lucas pointed. "There's Sam
over at the Dairy Bar."
Sam looked up as they came in, "what do you nerds want," he grumbled.
"Hey, yourself," said Max. "We missed seeing you at Hawkins’ Convenience Store."
"I don’t want to talk about it, and now since I was reported by Joyce Byers, I am grounded for two weeks!”
"Where you been all morning?" asked Mike.
"I've been right here since 9:00 p.m." He turned to the girl behind the counter. "Isn't that right, Amy?"
"Uh huh. You helped me carry in that heavy box."
"So you weren't anywhere near Joyce’s house?" asked Max.
Sam looked surprised. "No, I'm not mad at her, but I don't intend to visit her."
After they left, Max looked down the street. "That's Troy’s house. Let's see what he's been doing."
"What do you dorks want," growled Troy when he came to the door.
"Hey, lighten up, Troy," said Dustin. "Can we talk with you?"
“I really don’t want people seeing me with you Goonies!”

" Come on in but keep on the floor mat." He pressed a button on his remote control and turned off his VCR. "I've been
watching Super Mario Brothers Cartoon to improve my gaming."
"We wondered what you were doing between 9:00 and 10:00 this evening," said Dustin.
"I was right here watching that program on UFO's."
"That was a good program," said Dustin. Remember when that guy from Roswell, New Mexico insisted he had been
"Yeah," laughed Sam. "The one with the bushy hair. Funny how this has been going on for so long. That pilot,
Kenneth Arnold, started it back in 1947 with the stuff he saw."
"Very interesting," said Max, trying not to look bored, "But we have to get going."
"Maybe we can find James working out at the gym," said Mike as they left.
"Probably," agreed Max.
They found him on the treadmill. "Hey, you weaklings want to join down here? It's a great place to work out."
"Not right now," said Lucas. "We were wondering about what you were doing from nine to ten this morning?"
"Right here. You can check the log book. Why?"
"Just curious," said Lucas with a smile as they went back to the desk. Sure enough, James had signed in at 8:55
This is great," Mike groaned. "They all have alibis."
"I'm not so sure of that," said Dustin. “I think I know who has it! Once we can prove it, we will be able to rescue
Will from the Demogorgon!”

Highlight terms that seem interesting to you. These might be words that you are not familiar with. How could we find the
meaning of these words? (Let’s use the computer! www.google.com)

Disgusted- a strong distaste; nausea; loathing.

Replant- plant again

Alibi- a claim that you cannot be guilty of a crime because you were somewhere else when the crime was committed; proof
that someone who is thought to have committed a crime could not have done it

Growled- to make a deep threatening sound

Roswell, New Mexico

Abducted- being taken without your consent.

Hawkins’, Indiana
1. Who are the suspects and how would you
describe them? (Use evidence from the passage.



2. What crime was committed?

3. Describe the setting of the crime (when
and where).
4. Who committed the crime? What evidence from
the passage/mystery led you to this conclusion?

5. What is most likely the reason the crime
was committed?
6. Visualize what you have read and draw a
picture about it.

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