Infinitives EXERCISES

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Correct these sentences:

1. We want practice our English.
2. It’s really expensive living in New York.
3. I’ll call the hotel for cancel our reservation.
4. It’s important don’t be late for a job interview.
5. He said he forgot do his homework.
Translate these sentences:
1. Este libro es fácil de leer.
2. ¿Qué necesitas saber?
3. Intenta no hacer eso.
4. “¿Por qué salió?”"Para comprar el periódico.”
5. Llámale para decirle que quieres que venga.
 Complete these sentences in order they have the same meaning as the
ones in parenthesis.
 1. (They say you shouldn’t swim if you’ve just eaten.) They say you shouldn’t
swim after…
 2. (Why is it good to live in a big city?) What are the advantages of… 
 3. (We were worried we would miss the concert.) We were worried about…
 4. (If you don’t practice, you can’t learn the piano.) You can’t learn to play the
piano without…
 5. (I run with those shoes, but I don’t use them for anything else.) I only use
those shoes for…

 Translate these sentences into English using the gerund.

 1. Deja de llamarme.
 2. Estoy cansado de estudiar.
 3. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre pagar ahora y pagar más tarde?
 4. No tener dinero es un gran problema.
 5. Es más fácil aprender italiano que aprender alemán.

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