Motor Neuron Disease

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Nicola Sutton

Motor Neurone Disease(MND) includes a spectrum of clinical disorders of the upper and lower motor neurons. Characterised by progressive, degeneration and loss of motor neurons in spinal cord, brain stem or motor cortex
(Rowland 1982, Swash 2000)

4/5 in 100,000 in UK have MND Men: Women, 2:1

(MNDA, 2009)


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS 65% (ALS) Progressive Bulbar Palsy (PBP) 25% Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA)10% Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) very rare
(NHS, 2009)




Involves both Upper and Lower Motor Neurons

Muscle Weakness

Spasticity and contractures

Hyperactive reflexes Emotional Lability Fasciculation Weight Loss (Walton et al, 1993)

ALS Anterior horn cells degenerate Anterior & lateral columns of Motor neurons degenerate in spinal cord harden this area Motor neurons degenerate in this area Replaced by fibrous astrocytes (gliosis)

Muscle fibres denervated

Atrophy of muscle fibres

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

(adapted from Sheehan et al, 2002)

Electromyography (EMG) Nerve conduction tests Laboratory screening tests Muscle or nerve biopsy Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) MRI
(MNDA, 2010)

(Brooks 1994)

(ACTS, 1996)

Mobility & dexterity, ADLs



Muscle shortening, pain, postural effects Decrease spasms, orthotic wearing Care & hygiene Positioning, dressing

Carer burden

(Sheehan, 2002)

(BMJ, 2009)

Modified Ashworth (MAS)

Brashear et al (2002) Naghdi et al (2008)

Tardieu Scale

Haugh et al (2006) Mehrholz et al (2005)

Ordinal scale of tone intensity 0-5 Proven reliable @ elbow

Ordinal scale of tone that measures the intensity of the muscle reaction @ specific velocities V1,2,3

Watanabe (2004) reported clinicians have used massage, cooling, FES but stretching is the most researched Stretching found to be extensively used in practice as its safe, convenient and economical (Tsai et al, 2001).

De Jong et al, 2006 Pilot RCT PEDro = 8 19 post stroke pts (sub acute, 12 wks) 36-63 yrs Intervention: All pts. had conventional rehab 9 pts. had additional positioning (x2) 30 mins p/day, 5/7, 5/52 Measures: PROM Resistance to PROM elbow using Ashworth Scale Secondary outcomes pain, independence in ADLs Outcome: Additional positioning slowed down development of shoulder abduction contracture STRENGTH standardisation of PROM Interrater reliability of measurement protocol explored Therapists used checklist after each session LIMITATION Sample size was small Sampling method of convenience Positioning carried out by several diff nurses and physios

Ada et al, Prospective RCT PEDro = 7 36 post stroke pts (sub acute), ~68 yrs Intervention: (x2) 30min sessions, 5/7, 4/52 in 2 positions Measures: Contracture measured as max.passive ext shoulder rotation and flexion of affected side vs.intact side Measured at 2, 6 wks Outcome: Exp gp. reduction in development of contractures, Ext.rotation range improved STRENGTH Measurements and positioning carried out at diff times, reduces short term effects of intervention First study to show significant effect of positioning on reduction in contractures LIMITATION 8 patients were discharged during the intervention and while it was noted in the discussion, they were included in the results Slings and supports provided, interference?

Pizzi et al, 2005 Pretest Posttest trial 40 post stroke pts (4 months) Intervention: Patients wore immobilising hand splint custom fitted in func.position for 90mins day, 3/12 Measures: Spasticity at elbow- MAS PROM at wrist and elbow Pain at shoulder, elbow, wrist using VAS Comfort and time worn Outcome: Wrist PROM improved, reduction in elbow spasticity, well tolerated STRENGTH Increased internal validity Written instructions given to pts LIMITATION Sacrificed external validiy Results cant be generalised Pts self reported wearing time

Gracies et al, 2000 Crossover trial 16 pts, subacute stroke (>3wks) 36-85 yrs Intervention: Assessment at start and end of 3 hr period during standard rehab day on, day off Measures: Comfort, Spasticity at shoulder, elbow and wrist using Tardieu scale, AROM,PROM Outcome: Garments were comfortable, improved wrist posture and reduced wrist and finger flexor spasticity, Improved PROM at shoulder STRENGTH Used Tardieu Scale Splint fitted by same trained investigator each time Took into account effects of time and learning LIMITATION Convenience sample of pts Small sample size Plastic boning only in the hand splint

Studies De Jong Ada Exp (9) vs Control (8) p=0.042 23 degrees vs -5.3 degrees Exp, development of contractures p = 0.03, no significance of the shoulder being in 90flexion Shoulder ext.rotation range sig dif in exp (p=0.05) PROM wrist improved (p=.001) Reduction in elbow spasticity (p=.002) Wrist pain (p=0.04) RIS was well tolerated Spasticity in wrist and finger extensors reduced (p<0.05) PROM improved at shoulder (p<0.01) Only one to use Tardieu scale



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Mehrholz J, Wagner K, Meisner D, Grundmann K, Zange C (2005) Reliability of the Modified Tardieu Scale and the Modified Ashworth Scale in adults with sever brain injury : A comparison study , Clinical Rehabilitation 19(7) 751-759 Mitsumoto H, Chad DA, Pioro EP. (1998) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Philadelphia: Davis, Naghdi S, Ansari N.N, Azarnia S (2008) Interrater reliabiltity of the Modified Ashworth Scale (MMAS) for patients with wrist flexor muscle spasticity, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24(5) 372-379 Naghdi S, Ansari NN, Azarnia S, Kazemneiad A (2008) Interrater reliability of the Modified Ashworth Scale for patients with wrist flexor muscle spasticity, Physiotherapy Theory Practice 24(5): 372-379 Oliver D. Motor neurone disease. 2d ed.(1994) London: Royal College of General Practitioners, 1-16. Physician's desk reference. (1997) Riluzole. 51st ed. Montvale, N.J.: Medical Economics, 2200. Pierson S.H (1997) Outcome measures in spasticity management, Muscle & Nerve 6 S36 Pizzi A, Carlucci G, Falsini C, Verdesca S, Grippo A (2005) Application of a Volar Static Splint in Poststroke Spasticity of the Upper Limb, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 86 Rowland LP (1982) Diverse forms of motor neuron disease. Advances in Neurology 36:1-13 Rowland LP (1991) Ten central themes in a decade of ALS research. Advances in Neurology 56:3-23.

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