Perdev Adolescence

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Adole cence

‘adolescere’ Latin = “to grow, to mature” i.e.

achieving an identity.

WHO def
10 -19 yrs
• “A period between childhood and
» Oxford’s Dictionary

• “Adolescence is that period of life of an

individual when society no longer views
him as a child but does not as yet
concede him either the roles or the
functions inherent in the status of adult”.
» Holinshead.

…that part in our life where

nothing seems to go
smoothly yet our best
Some Definitions

• Puberty
Physical characteristics that occur during
• The Growth Spurt
Rapid changes in height and weight during
• puberty.
Primary Sex Characteristics
The changes that mark the beginning of puberty for
• girls and boys.
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Other external changes that make adolescents look like
mature men and women
CSN Vittal
Comprise 2nd largest population group. (16%)
over 1.3 billion world over

• 30 million in the Philippines

Salient attributes of Adolescence

Physical, psychological, emotional
and social development

Rapid but uneven physical growth

Sexual maturity and onset of sexual

Desire for exploration and

Development of adult mental process
and self identity

Transition from dependence to
relative independence
Factors affecting the adolescent

• Socioeconomic circumstances
•The environment in which they live and
•The quality of relationships with their
• Communities and peer groups
•Opportunities for education and

Early : 9-

13 years Mid : 14-15

years Late: 16-19


 It begins with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and ends when
somatic growth is completed and the individual is psychological mature.
 Through formal operational thinking, adolescent can deal with a problem.
Physical growth:


• Height of grails will be maximum between the age 16-17

• By the age of 13, the adolescent triples his birth length.

• Males gains 10 to 30cm in height.

• Females gains less height than males as they gain 5 to 20cm.

• Growth in height ceases at 16 or 17 years in females and 18 to 20in males

Physical growth

• Growth spurt begins earlier in girls (10–14 years, while it is 12–16 in boys).

• Males gains 7 to 30kg, while female gains 7 to 25kg.

• Trunk broadens
• Digestive, circulatory and responding system fully develops

• Body tissues, skeleton starts growing

• Tissues other than bones continue to develop

Appearance of secondary sex characteristics

Secondary sex characteristics in girls

• Increase in transverse diameter of the pelvis.

• Development of the breasts.

• Change in the vaginal secretions.

• Growth of pubic and axillary hair.

• Menstruation (first menstruation is called menarche, which occurs between 12 to

13 years).
• Endocrine system temporary imbalance of the entire endocrine system in early
adolescence and sex grounds become functional
Appearance of secondary sex

Secondary sex characteristics in boys

• Increase in size of genitalia.

• Swelling of the breast.

• Growth of pubic, axillary, facial and chest hair.

• Change in voice.

• Rapid growth of shoulder breadth.

• Production of spermatozoa (which is sign of puberty).

Emotional development

 This period is heightened emotions, glands function comes under socials pressure
 Problem related to romance
 Easily excited and explode emotionally( 14 years)
 Temper tantrums, mood swing
 Intense self consciousness
 Day dreaming in common
 Adolescent exhibits alternating and recurrent episodes of disturbed behavior
with periods of quite one. He may become hostile or ready to fight, complain or
resist every thing.
Adolescent developmental stages
Central question
Early Middle Late

Am I normal? Who am I? where I am going?

“ where do I belong?”

Major developmental issues

o Coming to terms puberty o New intellectual powers o Independence from parents
o Struggle for autonomy commence o New sexual drives o Realistic body image
o Same sex peer relationships o Experimentation and risk- taking o Acceptance of sexual identity
o Mood swings o Relationships have self- Clear educational and vocational
centered o goals, own value system
o Need for peer group acceptance
quality o Developing mutually caring and
o Emergence of sexual identity responsible relationship
Adolescent developmental stages
Main concern

Middle late
o Influence of peers o Self- responsibility
o Anxieties about body shape and
o Tensions between family o Achieving economic independence
changes and
individual over assertions of autonomy o Developing intimate relationship.
o Comparison with peers
o Balancing demand of family and peers
o Prone to fad behavior and risk taking
o Strong need for privacy
o Maintaining ethnic identity
while striving to fit in with dominant
Adolescent developmental stages

Cognitive development

Early Middle Late

o Still fairly concrete thinkers o Able to think more rationally o Longer attention span
o Less able to understand subtlety o Concerned about o Ability to think more abstractly
o individual o
Daydreaming common freedom and rights More able to synthesis information
o Difficulty identifying how their o Able to accept more responsibility and apply it to themselves
immediate behavior impacts on the for consequences of own behavior o Able to think into the future and
future o Begin to take on greater anticipate consequences of their
responsibility within family as part actions
of cultural identity
Psychosocial Development
With Parents Rebellious Reacceptance
Puberty changes Concern Acceptance

Friends / peers All important More selective

Behaviour Risk taking Put self limits

Attitudes Highly Realistic

“The sum total of one’s thinking, feeling,
attitude and behaviour towards sex”
Human Sexuality
• The physical aspect
to enjoy beauty is not a sin, but not at the
cost of someone’s discomfort.
• The mental aspect
“giving type” – finding happiness in making
the partner happy.
• The spiritual aspect
“do not hurt someone if possible &
do not hurt yourself ever”
Adolescent Sexuality & Sexual Behaviour
• Adolescence is a period of
heightened feelings, ar ousal,
urges and sexual feelings directed
towards self and the other s
• During adolescence sexual exploration
and expression is common
• Cer tain
r estlessness of character
Adolescent Violence, Injuries & Sexual abuse

• Physical Injuries
• Alcoholism & drug abuse
• Delinquent behaviour
• Eating and sleep disorders
• Reproductive health problems
• Post traumatic stress disorders
• Depression and anxiety
• Suicidal behaviour and self harm
Mental Health Problems
– Behaviour disorders
– Emotional problems
– Stress & anxiety
– Depression
– Scholastic issues
– Substance usage
– Psychiatric
Other Adolescent Health Problems
• Infections
– Tuberculosis
– UTIs
• Sleep Disorders
– Insomnia
– Day time sleep
• Skin Problems
• Orthopedic problems
– Slipped Femoral Capital epiphyseal disk
• Chronic Diseases
– Head ache
– Refractive errors
– Goiter
– Asthma
• As adolescence approaches, the family’s influence diminishes

• The peer group becomes an important social force

• The need for peer approval can affect decisions concerning participation in
physical activity positively or negatively
one is asser tive one can :
– Stand up for one’s own values and needs
– Take control of one’s own decisions
– Trust and value one’s own feelings
– Recognise the attempts of others to control

Nobody has a right to touch you unless you want

them to, be firm and say ‘NO’

Learn to say ‘NO’ the first time itself, it will be much

easier than doing it later.
Remember while saying NO don’t hurt the person, rather
make the person feel how hurt you yourself are, having
say NO.
Adolescents Inside
Handle with Care

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