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Name: Dr.

Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh

Faculty: Faculty of Data Science and Information
Technology (FDSIT)

What is Big Data?

- illustration will be made based on
Difference between Data Analysis
& Data Analytics. Some Data
Analytic Tools to deal with Big Data

Some Practical Examples /

Applications of how big data is
used today to deliver real value.
Big Data is
fueled by two
The increasing ‘datafication’
of the world - which means
we generate new data at
frightening rates.

Our increasing ability to

exploit and analyze large
and complex sets of data.
Activity Data
Simple activities like listening to music or reading a book are now
generating data.
Digital music players and eBooks collect data on our activities.

Your smart phone collects data on how you use it, and your web
browser collects information on what you are searching for.
Your credit card company collects data on where you shop, and
your shop collects data on what you buy.
It is hard to imagine any activity that does not generate data.
Conversation Data
Our conversations are now digitally recorded.

It all started with emails but nowadays most of

our conversations leave a digital trail.
Just think of all the conversations we have on
social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.
Even many of our phone conversations are now
digitally recorded.
Photo and Video Image Data

Just think about all the pictures we take on our

smart phones or digital cameras. We upload
and share 100s of thousands of them on social
media sites every second.
The increasing amounts of CCTV cameras take
video images and every minute we up-load
hundreds of hours of video images to YouTube
and other sites.
Sensor Data
We are increasingly surrounded by sensors
that collect and share data.
• Take your smart phone, it contains a global positioning
sensor to track exactly where you are every second of
the day,
• it includes an accelometer to track the speed and
direction at which you are travelling.

We now have sensors in many devices and

We now have smart TVs
that are able to collect and
process data, we have
The smart watches, smart
Internet fridges, and smart alarms.
of The Internet of Things (IOT)
Things connects these devices
Data that are able to collect and
exchange data in real time
using embedded sensors.
Big data is a collection of large datasets that
cannot be processed using traditional
computing techniques.

Big data involves data produced by different

devices and applications.

Big data is a term used to describe a

collection of data that is huge in size and yet
growing exponentially with time.

Big Data is one of those things and is

completely transforming the way we do
business and is impacting most other parts of
our lives.

The basic idea behind the phrase 'Big Data' is

that everything we do is increasingly leaving a
digital trace (or data), which we (and others)
can use and analyse.
With the datafication comes big data, which is often described using the four Vs: Volume, Velocity, Variety and
Volume refers to the vast Velocity refers to the Variety refers to the Veracity refers to the
amounts of data generated speed at which new data different types of data. In messiness or
every second. We are not is generated and the the past we only focused on trustworthiness of the
talking Terabytes but speed at which data structured data that neatly data. With many forms of
Zettabytes or Brontobytes. moves around. fitted into tables or relational big data quality and
databases, such as financial accuracy are less
 Just think of social data. In fact, 80% of the controllable but
media messages going world’s data is unstructured technology now allows us
viral in seconds. (text, images, video, voice, to work with this type of
Technology allows us social media posts & data.
now to analyse the data conversations, photos, sensor
while it is being data, video or voice
generated. recordings.
Capturing data Transfe

Curation BIG DATA Analysis


Storage Presentation
Turning Big Data into Value: The datafication of our world gives us unprecedented amounts of
data in terms of Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity. The latest technology such as cloud
computing and distributed systems together with the latest software and analysis approaches allow
us to leverage all types of data to add value.

Data Analytics
The ‘Datafication’ Volume Analysing
of our World; Big Data:
Text Analytics
• Activities Descriptive
• Conversations Velocity Analytics
• Words Face recognition
• Voice Voice Analytics
• Social Media Value
• Browser logs Analytics
• Variety
Photos Diagnostic
• Videos Analytics
• Sensors Predictive
• Etc. Analytics
Analytics, etc

Cloud computing - the delivery of computing services over the internet.

Data Analytics - broad field of using data and tools to make business decisions.
Processes in
data analytics
Data pipeline:
1. Collecting data
2. Categorizing the data into
structured/unstructured forms, which might
also define next actions.
3. Storing the data / Managing the data,
usually in databases, data lakes, and/or
data warehouses.
4. Performing ETL (extract, transform, load)
5. Analyzing the data to extract patterns,
trends, and insights.
6. Sharing the data to business users or
consumers, often in a dashboard or via
specific storage.
Through data analytics and data analysis, both
are essential to understand the data as the first
Comparison one is useful in estimating future demands and
the second one is necessary for gaining insight
by analyzing the details of the past data.

Data analysis Data analytics

Data analysis is a process involving the Data analytics is taking the analyzed data
collection, manipulation, and examination and working on it in a meaningful and useful
of data for getting a deep insight. way to make well- versed business
Data analysis helps design a strong business plan Data analytics helps businesses in utilizing the
for businesses, using its historical data that tell potential of the past data and in turn
about what worked, what did not, and what identifying new opportunities that would help
was expected from a product or service. them plan future strategies. It helps in
business growth by reducing risks, costs, and
making the right decisions.
Tools used for data analysis are Open Refine, Tools used in Data analytics are Python, R, SPSS
Rapid Miner, KNIME, Google Fusion Tables, Tableau Public, SAS, Apache Spark, Excel,
Node XL, Wolfram Alpha, Tableau Public, etc. Power BI, etc.
Data analysis is actually studying Whereas data analytics predicts ‘what will
past data to understand ‘what happen next or what is going to be next?’
Practical Examples of how big data is
used today to deliver real value

Better understand and target customers: companies

expand their traditional data sets with social media data, browser,
text analytics or sensor data to get a more complete picture of
their customers. The big objective, in many cases, is to create
predictive models.

 Telecom companies can now better predict customer churn;

 Retailers can predict what products will sell, shopping patterns,
customer preference:
 Customer segmentation - correlate purchase history, profile
info, behaviour on social media, generate portfolio advice, and
 Car insurance companies understand how well their customers
actually drive.
Practical Examples of how big data is
used today to deliver real value

Understand and Optimize Business Processes:

Retailers are able to optimize their stock based on
predictive models generated from social media data,
web search trends and weather forecasts.
Supply chain or delivery route optimization using
data from geographic positioning & radio frequency
identification sensors.
Practical Examples of how big data is
used today to deliver real value

Improving Health: The computing power of big data

analytics enables us to find
new cures and better understand and predict disease
We can use all the data from smart watches and wearable
devices to better understand links between lifestyles and
Big data analytics also allow us to monitor and predict
disease outbreaks.
Complete digitization of a patient’s medical info such as
profile, disease treatment, pharmacy visits etc.
Practical Examples of how big data is
used today to deliver real value

Improving Security and Law Enforcement:

Security services use big data analytics to hinder
terrorist plots and detect cyber attacks.
Police forces use big data tools to catch criminals and
even predict criminal activity and
Credit card companies use big data analytics it to
detect fraudulent transactions - fraud detection systems
Practical Examples of how big data is
used today to deliver real value

Improving Sports Performance: Most elite sports

have now embraced big data analytics.
Many use video analytics to track the performance of
every player in a football or baseball game,
Sensor technology is built into sports equipment such
as basket balls or golf clubs, and
Many elite sports teams track athletes outside of the
sporting environment – using smart technology to
track nutrition and sleep, as well as social media
conversations to monitor emotional wellbeing.
Practical Examples of how big data is
used today to deliver real value

Improving and Optimizing Cities and Countries:

Big data is used to improve many aspects of our cities
and countries.
 It allows cities to optimize traffic flows based on real
time traffic information as well as social media and
weather data.
 A number of cities are currently using big data
analytics with the aim of turning themselves into Smart
Cities, where the transport infrastructure and utility
processes are all joined up.
 Where a bus would wait for a delayed train and
where traffic signals predict traffic volumes and
operate to minimize jams.
Top 14 Applications Of Data Analytics to look out
for in 2022

1. Transportation System
• Example - During the Wedding season or the Holiday season, the transport
facilities are prepared to accommodate the heavy number of passengers
travelling from one place to another using prediction tools and techniques. 
2. Logistics and Delivery 
• Example - When a shipment is dispatched from its origin, till it reaches its
buyers, every position is tracked which leads to the minimizing of the loss of
the goods. 
3. Web Search or Internet Web Results
• Example - When you search for a product on amazon it keeps showing on
your social media profiles or to provide you with the details of the product to
convince you by that product.
Top 14 Applications Of Data Analytics to look out
for in 2022

4. Manufacturing
• Example - The unit can figure out the number of products needed to be
manufactured according to the data collected and analyzed from the demand
samples and likewise in many other operations increasing the operating
capacity as well as the profitability.. 
5. Security
• Example - No business can foresee the future, particularly where security
dangers are concerned, yet by sending security investigation devices that can
explore security occasions it is likely to identify danger before it gets an
opportunity to affect your framework and main concern.
Top 14 Applications Of Data Analytics to look out
for in 2022

6. Education
• Example - Mostly used in adaptive learning, new innovations, adaptive
content, etc. Is the estimation, assortment, investigation, and detailing of
information about students and their specific circumstances, for reasons for
comprehension and streamlining learning and conditions in which it happens.
7. Healthcare
• Example - Can be utilized to channel huge measures of information in
seconds to discover treatment choices or answers for various illnesses. It give
accurate answers for exceptional worries for specific patients. 
8. Military
• Example - It empowers captains and technologists to make associations
between information investigation and such fields as augmented reality and
psychological science that are driving military associations around the globe
Top 14 Applications Of Data Analytics to look out
for in 2022

9. Insurance
• Example - Several data, such as actuarial data and claims data, help insurance
companies realize the risk involved in insuring the person. Analytical
software can be used to identify risky claims and bring them before the
authorities for further investigation.
10. Digital Advertisement
• Example - Data analytics and data algorithms are used in a wide range of
advertising mediums, including digital billboards in cities and banners on
11. Fraud and Risk Detection
• Example - Data analysis was used to examine recent spending patterns and
customer profiles to determine the likelihood of default. It eventually resulted
in a reduction in fraud and risk.
Top 14 Applications Of Data Analytics to look out
for in 2022

12. Travel
• Example - To improve the traveller’s purchasing experience that able to
create customized offers and packages that take into account the preferences
and desires of their customers. 
13. Communication, Media, and Entertainment
• Example - When it comes to creating content for different target audiences,
recommending content, and measuring content performance, organizations in
this industry analyze customer data and behavioural data simultaneously.  
14. Energy and Utility
• Example - Many firms involved in energy management apply data analytics
in areas such as smart-grid management, energy distribution, energy
optimization, and automation building for other utility-based firms. 
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