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Reading Disorders

Among Professionals
According to Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (NIH), a reading disorder
happens when a person has trouble
reading words or understanding what they
read. (Hulme &Snowling 2016).
For adults, having an undiagnosed learning
disability such as reading disorders can affect
career choice, limit job advancement and
lead to a number of psychological and
emotional issues including depression and
feelings of low self-worth. (Cicerchia, 2021)

The purpose of this study is to identify the

common problems and reading disorders
and to analyze if this problem is still present
among professionals given that adults are
also prone to this type of disorder.
This study will employ a descriptive
method with informal interview and a
reading passage as the main
instrument or tool to collect data and
analysis for documentation.
Respondents Language Learning Sample Classroom
Problem Instructional Activity

1  Lack of focus
 Forgetting the lines or
 Oral readings/
the part being read  Reading activities by
 Observe a lot of fillers group
like uhm and ahh  Activities which helps
develop confidence like
speech or role playing
2  Mispronounce words
and sentences
 Decoding Games
 Teaching Phonetic
 Read too fast without Awareness
proper punctuation  Comprehension Checks
 Reading without  Oral Readings
 Stop in the middle of
sentence instead of
end/lacks proper
3  Slow and labored
 Reading Tasks
Most Probable Most Logical Supporting
Causes Effects Theories

Lack of phonetic Problems in decoding  Bottom-up View

awareness  The SimpleView of

Lack of focus Skipping lines/parts while  Top-down Processing


Underlying factors Abnormal use of fillers  Behaviorist Theory

such as confidence like uhm and ahh

Undiagnosed disorder Language Learning  Schema Theory

during childhood problem occurs such as  Cognitive
reading disorders Development Theory
Interventions Recommended
Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies Inspiration ( Mapping
Teacher-Read Aloud
Read and Write for Google
Shared Reading/Modeling Writer Universal

The Crazy Professor Reading Game Voice Dream Reader

Fluency Oriented-Reading Voice text Audiobooks

Instruction (FORI) (Learning Ally)

In conclusion, the study affirms that reading

disorders are present among professionals due to
delayed phonetic awareness , underlying factors
such as self esteem and psychological issues as well
as the undiagnosed disorders from childhood which
resulted to reading problems during adulthood.

Omaggio, M. A. 1993. Teaching language in context.

Heinle and Heinle.Reutzel, D. R. 1985. “Reconciling
Schema Theory and the Basal Reading Lesson.”
14Samuels, S. J., and M. L. Kamil. 1988. “Models of the
Reading Process.”
In Carrell, Devine,and Eskey, eds. 1988. 22–36.Smith, F.
1994. Understanding Reading.

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