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Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente

Departamento de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Inglés Técnico II


Actividad Inicial: Traducción de texto
Line and Paragraph Spacing
As you design your document and make formatting decisions, you will need to
consider line and paragraph spacing. You can increase spacing to improve readability or reduce it to
fit more text on the page.
About line spacing
Line spacing is the space between each line in a paragraph. Microsoft Word allows you to customize the
line spacing to be single spaced (one line high), double spaced (two lines high), or any other amount
you want. The default spacing in Word 2013 is 1.08 lines, which is slightly larger than single spaced.
To format line spacing:
1. Select the text you want to format.
2. On the Home tab, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing command. A drop-down menu will appear.
3. Move the mouse over the various options. A live preview of the line spacing will appear in the
document. Select the line spacing you want to use.
4. The line spacing will change in the document.

Giving instructions
⮚ Use the Imperative form of the verbs and sequence words.
Some sequence words:
First, next, then, after that, finally
Examples of the use of sequence words:
First, use the mouse to select the text.
Then, choose the cut command from the edit menu.
Next, choose paste from the edit menu.
Finally, check that the text has appeared in the right place.

Following instructions
⮚ To check you have understood instructions, use expressions like:
Like this? Is that right?
⮚ To signal that you are ready to move on to the next step, use expressions like:
OK, I’ve done that now. What next? I am done!
⮚ To ask if the process is completed, use expressions like:
Is that everything?
Anything else?

IMPERATIVE Definition: Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, warning or
instructions, and (if you use "please") to make a request. It is one of the three moods of an
English verb (indicative, imperative and subjunctive). For example:
• Give me that tape, please.
To make the imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without "to" For example:
• Come here! • Sit down!
To make a negative imperative, put "do not" or "don't" before the verb: For example:
• Don't go! • Do not walk on the grass.
You can also use "let's" before the verb if you are including yourself in the imperative. The
negative of "let's" is "let's not". For example:
• Let's stop now. • Let's have some lunch. • Let's not argue • Let's not tell her about it.

For Orders: Adults do not usually give each other orders, unless they are in a position of
authority. However, adults can give orders to children and to animals. The intonation of an order
is important: each word is stressed, and the tone falls at the end of the sentence: For example:
• Sit down now! * "Sit", "down" and "now" are all stressed, and the tone falls on "now"
Warnings: You can use the imperative to warn someone of danger. All the words in the warning
are stressed, but the last word has a higher tone than the first word: For example:
Watch out! • Look out! • Don't cross!
Advice: When you give advice using the imperative, the words are stressed normally. For
• Don't tell him you're resigning now! Wait until Monday when he's in a better mood. • Don't
drink alcohol • Don't eat heavy meals

Requests: You can also use the imperative to make a request, but you should use a polite word
before the verb: For example:
• Please take a seat. • Please wait here. • Please hold the line. • Please don't smoke here.
Notes: Note that an imperative sentence does not require a subject; the pronoun "you" is


Match the two columns to make instructions:

a)Feed have a drink
b)Wash put on your jacket; it´s hot.
c)Don´t your bedroom
d)Do go to class; it´s eight o´clock.
e)Let´s the dishes
f)Tidy your homework
g)Don´t the bird
h)Let´s leave the door open
Sequence Words to give Instructions
ACTIVIDAD 3 Sobre secuencia de palabras

Escucha el audio del ejercicio 3A de la pagina 70 de tu libro Infotech y completa la

siguiente conversación.

El imperativo es igual que el infinitivo, pero sin el to

Para formar el imperativo tomamos la base del verbo, esto es, el imperativo sin el to. No va
acompañado del sujeto, pero se entiende que se refiere siempre a la segunda persona: el
contexto nos permitirá saber si es singular o plural. Algunos ejemplos:
● Go away!
● Shut up!
● Clean your mess!
● Wake up!
Para dar órdenes negativas, utilizamos do not + el verbo en cuestión:
● Don’t go! Don’t make a mess!
● Don’ttalk! Don’t fall sleep!

Para formar la primera o tercera persona, usamos el verbo auxiliar let + un pronombre

Como es lógico, solo podemos dar instrucciones directas en segunda persona de singular (a
otra persona) o de plural (a varias personas). Pero en ocasiones, es posible que quieras
expresar una orden o un deseo referido a ti mismo o a terceras personas. En este caso,
recurrimos a la forma let + pronombre + imperativo. Por ejemplo:
● Let me go
● Let him/her/it go
● Let us go
● Let them go
Recuerda que el pronombre solo debe ponerse si la orden se dirige a primeras o terceras
personas, nunca en la segunda.
Podemos contraer algunas de las formas de imperativo
● Ya sabes que en inglés usamos contracciones para hablar de forma coloquial; en
algunos contextos, usar todas las palabras completas no suena natural. Así que te
conviene tener en cuenta que hay dos formas del imperativo que se pueden contraer:
● La negativa: do not — don’t
● La primera persona de plural: let us — let’s. En la práctica, esta forma de imperativo se
emplea con mucha frecuencia. Seguro que has oído frases del tipo Let’s go to the
beach o Let’s behave en muchas ocasiones.
Nota importante:
● Los ingleses son extremely polite, por lo que usar el imperativo sin más puede
parecerles descortés en algunas ocasiones. Hay dos recursos diferentes que puedes
usar para suavizar tu petición y parecer más educado:
● El please (por ejemplo, please do not come in). Si te fijas, verás que muchas
instrucciones lo llevan.
● Convertir la orden en una pregunta: come in, will you?
● ​
Práctica 4 sobre imperativos:

Ahora que ya tienes muy claras las reglas del imperativo, el siguiente paso es ¡ponerlas en
Cuando hables en inglés, intenta ser consciente del tipo de situaciones que requieren usar verbos
en imperativo y probar las diferentes formas que hemos visto.
⮚ Practica imaginándote alguna situación que requiera dar instrucciones sobre el uso de
Microsoft word.
⮚ Piensa que le estás indicando los diferentes pasos a otra persona y usa el imperativo de
diferentes maneras para hacerlo. 
⮚ Escribe 5 Oraciones imperativas apoyándote en el vocabulario de tu libro Infotech y las
compartirás en la próxima reunión síncrona con tus compañeros y docente.


Standard toolbar (barra de It is located just below the menu bar. It contains buttons representing commands
herramientas estándar) such as New, Open, Save, and Print.

Header (encabezado) It is the top margin of each page. Headers are useful for including material that you
want to appear on every page of a document such as your name, the title of the
document, or page numbers.
Bold text (texto resaltado)  It is highlighted text to capture the readers’ attention. It is used for strong
Italic text (texto en cursiva) Characters set in type that slants to the right and to distinguish certain words from
others within the text.

Hyperlink (hipervínculo) It is a reference to data that the user can follow by clicking or tapping.A hyperlink

points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document.

Typeface (tipo de letra) is the design of lettering that can include variations in size, weight (e.g. bold),
slope (e.g. italic), width (e.g. condensed), and so on. Each of these variations of the
typeface is a font.
Formatting toolbar (barra de It is located by default next to the Standard toolbar. It contains buttons representing text
herramienta de formato) modifying commands, such as font, text size, bold, numbering, and bullets. 

Menu bar (barra de menu) A menu bar is a graphical control element which contains drop-down menus.
Its purpose is to supply a common housing for window- or applications - specific menus
which provide access to such functions as opening files, interacting with an application, or
displaying help documentation or manuals. 

Increase indent (aumentar sangria) It adds structure to your document by allowing you to separate information. Whether you'd
like to move a single line or an entire paragraph,

Drawing tools (herramientas de They are tools that allow you to add lines, shapes, shadings, etc. to documents. You can
dibujo) use these tools to assist in the creation of detailed publications, newsletters, company
logos, etc.

Insert picture (insertar imagen) A feature that allows us to insert an image or picture file directly from our computer into
our projects. You’ll be able to edit the pictures inside and also customize their look.

Footer (pie de pagina) It is the bottom margin of each page. Footers are useful for including material that you
want to appear on every page of a document such as your name, the title of the document,
or page numbers.
( Exercise 4A from page 71)
Trabajar la traducción del dialogo tomando en cuenta las reglas de traducción

Completa las oraciones con las características y funciones con ayuda del vocabulario
de las diapositivas (15-16)

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