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Local Network
 It entails relationship and connections of
individuals through proper linkages of
communications within a prescribe
society or community.
 Local networks concerns primarily within
the internal surface of the organizations
and be best understood by knowing the
application and definition of both
strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.
Strategic Analysis
 It is one of the most effective and
efficient standards used for the success
and development of all organizations,
companies, corporations, businesses,
government institutions and the like.
 This is considered as a powerful
medium to attain unified advancement.
SWOT Analysis
 Refers to a definite protocol and observance
undertaken by the administrators, leaders,
stakeholders and owners of an organization to
determine and examine the positive and
negative indicator for development coupled by
the execution of a thorough study on the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats being affected by the organization.

 This analysis is commonly used in strategic

planning of an organization in order to
maintain stability and sustainability.
Strengths Weaknesses

- Positive attributes that empower the - Factors that immobilize and affect the
organization in attaining development quality performance of an organization

- Strong foundations of an institution - Requires attention to prevent serious

loss or injury that may result to financial
- Strengths show why an reverses or distress to an organization
organization manage to stand despite the
difficulties and unending challenges

Opportunities Threats

- Possible occasions and chances that - Misfortunes, unforeseeable events,

leads to the advancement of trials, problems and danger
- One of the reasons behind the
- Perfect time or good chance in order to downfall of the organization
progress in all aspects and for the
advancement of the organization - Great obstacle for the organization’s

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