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LESSON 1: Aerobic

By: Tr. Mae Antonette Aranas
Aerobic Exercise
• defined as any form of exercise or activity that uses the aerobic
metabolism which means that oxygen is a vital factor in delivering
energy to sustain any activity.
• also called “cardio” exercises.
• a kind of exercise used primarily to improve the cardiovascular system through
aerobic metabolism.
• Aerobic exercise makes the heart, lungs, and blood vessels more efficient and capable of moving more
oxygen-carrying blood in every single pump.
• Our body becomes efficient in delivering oxygen throughout the body thereby improving not only the
cardiovascular system but also muscular and bone fitness.
• Our heart pumps blood more vigorously, causing oxygen to circulate throughout our body. This allows us to
sustain our aerobic exercise for a few minutes.

• Improves muscular and bone fitness too.


• Moderate – intensity aerobics

requires a moderate amount of effort and noticeably accelerates the heart rate. Other activities of this type
also include active recreation or outdoor activities
• Vigorous – intensity aerobics
requires a large amount of effort and causes rapid of breathing and a substantial increase heart rate.

• Regular exercises can bring about positive health benefits. In addition to strengthening of the cardiovascular
system, the following benefits can also be achieved

1. Improve circulation and helps the body use oxygen better

2. Increase the number of red blood cells in the body
3. Increase the energy, stamina, and mental health
4. Develop endurance, which means that one can work out longer without experiencing fatigue
5. Help reduce the risk of developing heart diseases and other ailments
6. Help reduce body fat for weight loss
7. Help reduce stress, tension, anxiety, and depression
Thank You and God Bless!!
What is Bone
Strengthening Exercise?
• a kind of activity used to
improve the strength
capacity of the bone
and enhance growth
especially among teens.
It is also known as
weight bearing or
weight loading activity.
The force
This is done by impacting the
exposing the bone increase
bone to weight bone density
or force in any thereby increasing
direction, bone strength.
What is Muscle
• the force that impacts the bone are
commonly coming from impact of
the ground or surface and
tool/equipment in contact with any
part of the body.
The Different Exercises


• dance. • lifting weights.
• aerobics. • working with resistance bands.
• weight-training. • heavy gardening, such as digging
• water-based activities. and shovelling.
• running. • climbing stairs.
• sports such as gymnastics, football, • hill walking.
netball, hockey, badminton and tennis. • cycling.
• skipping with a rope.
• dance.
• martial arts.
• push-ups, sit-ups and squats.
• Bone – Strengthening
activities is also called as
Flexibility Exercises
involve stretching
activities that improve
the range of your muscles
and joints. Stretching
exercise makes your
muscle more flexible.
Thank You ang God
Bless, Study well!!!

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