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Chapter 3

Rediscovery and
Colonization of the Philippines
Prepared by:

Arnold O. Adante, AB, MA, EdD


The Philippines was not known
in Europe prior to the 16th
century. Ferdinand Magellan
claimed the Philippines for
Spain in 1521,and for the next
333 years, the country was
subjected to Spanish rule. Philippine Map

This period was an era of
conversion to Roman

St. Bees Abbey Church in

England , 16th Century, interior
Prelude to Magellan's

European becomes powerful in almost all continents in the

Western Europe were at this time highly centralized and
financially capable of supporting exploration and expansion.

Technologically advance in the system of navigation and ship design
enabled navigators to undertake longer voyage.

Europeans wanted to take possession of the fabulous riches of lands
outside Europe, particularly gold, pepper, ivory, and even African

Gold African Slaves

European kings and merchants
were eager to find alternative
routes to avoid import taxes
imposed by Ottoman Empire
on goods coming overland
from Asia by caravans.

For Spain and Portugal,
religion played a very vital role.

The first to move was Portugal.
Portugal started searching for a
sea home route to tap the
wealth of the Atlantic Islands,
Africa, and Asia. Portugal’s Flag,
During 16th Century
In the 1430's Prince Henry The
Navigator, the brother of the
king of Portugal, utilized the
royal treasury to finance
voyages down the African

Henry was the third surviving

son of King John I and his wife
Philippa, sister of King Henry IV Prince Henry
of England.

Thus by 1498, Portuguese
had already gained a
foothold in Asia.

By 1498,Spain moved
westward to the Americans
as a result of the voyage of
Columbus to the New

Was an Italian explorer,
navigator, and colonizer,
Born in the Republic of Christopher
 England, Netherlands, and France joined the

Flag of

Flag of England Flag of France

Rediscovery of the
Ferdinand Magellan was a
Portuguese explorer who
organized expedition to the East
Indies from 1519 to 1521.
Magellan was born in northern
Portugal on February 3, 1480.
Son of Pedro Afonso de
Magalhães and wife Quinta de
Sousa) and wife Alda de
Mesquita .
Died: April 27, 1521
Ferdinand Magellan

Disgruntled by the
ingratitude of King Manuel,
the Portuguese King,
Magellan volunteered his
services to the king of Spain,
Charles V.

Spices were not cheap in
Europe and there was a high
King Manuel of
Commerce with the Spice
Islands was one of the best
solutions for raising funds.

The king of Spain thus

provided Magellan with a
fleet of five ships: Trinidad,
Victoria, Concepcion,
Santiago, and San Antonio.
King Charles V of Spain
Five Ships:

Victoria Santiago Concepcion

Trinidad San Antonio

Fleets sailed westward from
Seville to Moluccas.

After various incidents, it
takes a whole year to arrive
at this turn. But this time
only three ships were left.
The Santiago had sunken
and San Antonio secretly
sailed back to Spain.

Magellan’s Fleet
Samar Sighted

On March 6, 1521, after an exhausting voyage, the explorers
reached the Ladrones Island Group (Marianas).

March 16, a body of land unexpectedly before their eyes, the
coast of the Island of Samar.

The former names given to Samar were Zamal, ibabao, or
Zibabao, Achan, and Tandaya.
Magellan named it as
Island of St. Lazarus for
it was Saturday before
the Passion Sunday.

Later, it was name to

the whole archipelago.
Next day, the reached Island of Homonhon, where
they rested from the fatigue of such long navigation.

On March 28, they headed to Limasawa Island in the

southern tip of Leyte.
Upon landing on the island, Magellan
was greeted, Enrique who was
Magellan's Malay slave and interpreted
from Malacca, bade them to come.

Enrique of Malacca was a native of the

Malay Archipelago who became a slave
of the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
Magellan in the 16th century
Italian historian Antonio Pigafetta, who
wrote the most comprehensive account
of Magellan's voyage, named him
"Henrique“. Enrique of Malacca.
The First Mass

On March 29, Magellan
made a blood compact
with the Chieftain Rajah

March 31, on the Island of
Limasawa the first Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass was
Limasawa celebrated by
Father Pedro de Valderama.
After the mass the
natives express their
desire to be Christians
and for this Magellan
planted a big Cross on
the top of the hill, this
was the first Holy
Cross planted in the
Magellan’s Cross
First Christian
Filipinos in Cebu

King Seripalda Humabon,
demanded that they must
first pay the tribute imposed
on all incoming ships.

Magellan refuse to pay the

tribute boasting that he
represented a great king who
pays no tributes.
King Seripalda
Then a Moro trader warmed
the king that the newcomers
were subjects of a powerful
king who had already
conquered Calicut, Malacca
and the whole of India.

 There was the formal

meeting between the
Cebuanos and the European
Moro traders visitors.
 The King asked Magellan
the token of friendship.
Both put a drop of blood
from his right arm into the
cup mixed with wine and
drunk from it this was the
"Kasi-Kasi” the blood

Blood Compact
Magellan grabbed the opportunity to explain the Christian
law of love and respect for parents and elders even when they
were old and weak. He also narrated the Bible stories of the
creations Adam and Eve life after death and other Christian
Magellan offered to baptize
them if they wanted and to
bring priest the next time they
came to interact them in greater
depth about the Catholic

 Father de Valderama erected

and blessed the Holy Cross in
the middle of their settlement.

Father De Valderama
The King was given the
name “Don Carlos” in
honor of King Charles V
and the Queen was
named “Dona Juana” in
honor of King Charles'

 After baptism, as a gift to the queen,

Magellan gave her the statue of the Infant
Jesus when the Filipinos later called "Sto.
Nino of Cebu".
The Battle of
According to tradition, Sri
Hamabar (also known as Rajah
Humabon) was the son of Sri
Bantug, and the grandson of Sri

Raha Humabon who was given the

name Don Carlos told Magellan
that not all chieftains obeyed him,
because they said they were good
men as he.
Rajah Humabon
 Rajah Zula, one of the chief
of Mactan sent 2 goats as
present to Magellan,
apologizing that how could
not give more since Lapu-
Lapu the other chief refused
to obey the King of Spain.

Rajah Zula
However, instead of sending
reinforcement, Magellan without knowing
the terrain volunteered to fight Lapu-Lapu.
The next morning at three o’ clock,
Magellan with sixty men arrived on
Mactan shore.

Thus, under the bright morning sun, the fight did not last
long. The cannon balls did not destroy but flew through
the flimsy nipa huts, because their guns were no use.
Magellan ordered his men to burn the houses. This only
made the native aggressive.
 One of the natives attacked
him with a bamboo spear but
Magellan killed him with his

Another dashed on Magellan

and wounded his left leg with
a large cutlass.
 Finally Magellan
fell down Lapu-
Lapu and his men
rushed on him with
their iron and
bamboo spears and
their cutlasses.
By defeating Magellan,
Lapu-Lapu was hailed as the
first Filipino freedom fighter.

 His triumph over the first

circumnavigator of the globe
was significant, considering
that he was the first Asian
ever to repulse a foreign

The Return to
After Magellan's
defeat the Cebuanos
lost heart and
repudiated their
alliance, killing the
remaining 20
Europeans and burning
their ship the
 Spanish survivors
embarked and continued
their voyage to the
Moluccas. The other two
ships arrived in the
Moluccas under the
command of the sub-
officer, Juan Sebastian
del Cano.

Juan Sebastian del

 The flagship, however of del Cano, the Victoria, succeeded
the epic feat of circumnavigating the globe in one journey. It
docked in the port of Seville on September 6 , 1522.
 This men survived the horror of this travel of 52,300
kilometers of unknown bodies of water.

Victoria Port of Seville

Significant Results
of Magellan's
Magellan’s voyage was
a very significant event
in the history of

For the first time, man

was able to
circumnavigate the
globe, thus providing the
idea that the world is
really round.
In additional to this, Europeans learned
that the greatest oceans in the world are
lying between Asian and the New World.
As a result of Magellan’s voyage,
geographical knowledge.
It was enhanced, which motivated
Europeans to conquer and explore the
Pacific Region.
Magellan’s rediscovery of the
Philippines market the
commencement of the Spain’s
colonial rule in the archipelago.

It, likewise, marked the entry

of the Philippines into the
historic period through the
accounts of Antonio Pigafetta,
Magellan’s chronicler.
Antonio Pigafetta
Spanish Expeditions
Magellan’s Voyage
Charles V sent another fleet under
the leadership of Juan Garcia Jofre
de Loaysa on 24th of July, 1525,
from the port of La Coruna.

The expedition resulted in the

discovery of the Sea of Hoces,
south of Cape Horn and, the
Marshall Islands in the Pacific. One
ship ultimately arrived in the Spice
Islands on New Year's Day of 1527.

Juan Garcia Jofre de

Loaysa died in crossing the Pacific Loaysa
on July 30, 1526.
To ascertain the faith of Loaysa and his crew, a fleet was
readied in Mexico under the direction of Alvaro Saavedra de
Departing on October 31,1527 the fleet sighted the islets of
Surigao on February 1, 1528.
Finally, Martin Iniguez de Carquizano by passed the Philippines
and headed to Moluccas but could not break Portuguese

Martin Iniguez de
Alvaro Saavedra de Ceron
The hostile inhabitants forced the Spaniards to
sail on. On other way, they pick-up some
stragglers Loaysa’s expedition.
 They stop at Tidore, one Spice Island, for the
spices and turned back towards Mexico.
But this was a great mistake. In
the lower latitudes, contrary
winds blew them back and they
hit the Caroline Island.

Caroline Island or Caroline Atoll

(also known as Millennium Island
and Beccisa Island), is the
easternmost of the uninhabited
coral atolls which comprise the
southern Line Islands in the Caroline Island,
central Pacific Ocean. in North Western Pacific
There, Saavedra died and
Pedro Laso took
command. Unfortunately,
he died also a week later.
Thus, the crew went back
to Tidore and surrendered
to the Portuguese.

Pedro laso de la Vega

Having settled the claims of
the Moluccas by the Treaty of
Zaragoza, Charles V ordered
Antonio de Mendoza.

was the first Viceroy of New

Spain, serving from April 17,
1535 to November 25, 1550,
and the third Viceroy of Peru,
from September 23, 1551,
until his death on July 21,
Antonio de Mendoza 1552.
The viceroy of Mexico to prepare
an armada for the east this time to
colonize the “Islas de
Poniente”(Isles of the West).

The commander of the expedition

was Ruy Lopez de Villalobos who
departed from Mexico on November
1, 1542.
Ruy Lopez de Villalobos
• He arrived at Bangaga Bay in
Davao Oriental on February 2,
1543. And named the area of
Philippines in honor to Philip,
the Prince of Asturias, son and
successor of Charles V to the
throne of Spain.

Philip, Prince of
Later, this name was
extended to the whole
country to replace the old
name given by Magellan,
the Archipelago of Saint
Villalobos fleet sail
northward, but instead of
going to Cebu, storm
brought them to Leyte.

On April 24, 1544, they

reached Tidore.

Ruy Lopez de Villalobos

Villalobos died in
Amboina, in the Spring
of 1546, victim of deep

The other member of

crew stayed in the East ,
while others returned to
Europe on board a
Portuguese ship.
Among those who returned
were four Augustinian
fathers; Jeronimo Jeminez,
Nicholas de Perea, Sebastian
de Trasierra and Alonso de

These were the first priests

Fr. Jeronimo Jeminez and missionaries who
circumnavigated the world.
Conquest of the
Philip II ascended the Spanish throne in 1553. The
council of Indies wanted to abandon the idea of
colonizing the Philippines. Thus in 1559, he ordered
the viceroy of Mexico Don Luis De Velasco to equip
an armada for the spiritual and the material conquest
of the Philippines.

Philip II Don Luis de Velasco

 Fr. Andres de Urdaneta, an
Augustinian priest ,a mariner
presented himself who told
them that it was easy to sail
west to reached the East and
return via the same route.

- He was asked to join the

expedition as the chief Pilot.

Father Andres de Urdaneta

Legazpi’s Expedition
Don Miguel Lopez de Legazpi was chosen
to command the fleet.
There were four ships in this fleet; San
Pedro(the flagships), San Pablo , San Juan
de Letran, and San Lucas.
also known as El Adelantado and El Viejo
(The Elder), was a Basque-Spanish
navigator and governor who established
the first Spanish settlement in the East
He was the first Governor-General of the
Spanish East Indies which included the
Philippines and other Pacific archipelagos,
namely Guam and the Marianas Islands. Don Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
Joining the expedition were four
priests who became the first
missionaries of this expedition.
Namely; Fr. Andres de
Urdaneta ,Diego de Herrera, Martin
de Rada, Andres de Aguirre and
Pedro de Gamboa.

Fr. Andres de Urdaneta

Fr. Diego de Herrera

Fr. Martin de Rada Fr. Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa
January 8,1565, land was
sighted and the cannon was fired
but it was just a mirage.
Next, day actual land was
sighted and was called the
Barbados Island for its people
were bearded.
Two weeks later, Guam was
reached. They did bit of
bartering for some of their
On February 3,, they sailed
again and ten days later, they
saw the eastern coast of Samar.
Proceeding to Bohol , Legazpi
befriended two native kings,
Sikatuna and Sigala.

On, March 16, 1565, he made

the famous blood compact with
the chieftain Rajah Sikatuna.
A monument of the blood compact in
Tagbilaran City
Legazpi then proceed to Camiguin Island. March 16,
1565, they reached the province of Bohol . The people of
Bohol was also angry to Legazpi’s fleet because Legazpi
captured a Filipino boat captain who was going to trade
in another country.
The Boholono’s mistakenly pointed
Legazpi’s fleet to be that of the
Portugese which is bringing havoc to
their shores.

Legazpi explained that they were not

Portugese and that they were accepted
by their leader, Rajah Sikatuna.

 In this time, Sikatuna and Legazpi

had made the Blood Compact in the
Rajah Sikatuna
shores of Bohol.
The Conquest of
On April 25,1565, the
fleet entered the Sugbu.
Legazpi use their cannons
and bombarded the town
since King Tupas and his
people refused to receive

Legazpi and King Tupas

Spaniards landed, and established their first Spanish
settlement ,a triangular town ,named as the City of
Most Holy Name of Jesus in 1525 by Legazpi, which
is now the City of Cebu.

The 16th Century Basilica Minor del Sto.

Nino, Cebu City Colon St., Cebu City
After establishment ,Legazpi
implemented a Policy of
attraction to win King Tupas and
his people.
He invited the Cebuanos to
return to their community,
rebuild their homes and live in
peace with the Spaniards.
Legazpi was able to win the
friendship with King Tupas,with
the help of Cid Hamal (Sidamit)
-a Muslim Malay who helped
Legazpi to succeed to convince
Rajah Tupas the natives.
The Conversion of
King Tupas
On June 4,1565, four messenger arrived and
announced that Rajah Tupas would arrive at noon that
Rajah finally made a peace Treaty with Legazpi.
King Tupas and other chiefs put their weapons on the
ground and knelt before the General, they kiss his hand
and promised to be faithful vassal of the King of Spain.
Father Martin de Rada, explained
to the royal entourage the
significance of the ceremonies.

Fr. Martin de Rada

 Father Diego de Herrera performed

the rites and Legazpi acted as
Godfather. She was given the name
Fr. Diego de Herrera
Isabel in memory of his wife.
The Governor became the godfather of King
Tupas who was named Felipe in honor of Philip
II, King of Spain, and his son was called Carlos
like the king of Spain’s son.

Carlos Philip II
The Conquest of Panay
and other Islands
The peaceful alliance did
not solve the problem of
food shortage.
Legazpi sent his trusted
officers to scout the
neighboring islands.
Martin de Goyti and Mateo
de Saz made trips to Negros
and Leyte islands.
Martin de Goiti
1570, de Goyti went to North
to Manila and conquered it.
Legazpi transferred his
government to Panay Island.
The conquest of Mindanao was
nominal. Spaniards were able
to do was to build strategic
garrisons against the moro
Conquest and
Occupation of Manila
Martin de Goyti and the grandson of Legazpi, Juan de
Salcedo went to Manila.
They lost no time in establishing friendly relations
with Rajah Matanda and Rajah Soliman, lords of

Martin de Goyti Rajah Soliman Rajah Matanda

Rajah Soliman, plotted a
surprised attack on the Spanish
Squadron however De
Goyti ,successfully assaulted
the entrenchment capturing
Soliman’s entire artillery.

Rajah Sulayman, sometimes

referred to as Sulayman III.
was the Rajah or paramount
ruler of the Kingdom of
Rajah Sulayman
May 15,1571, Legazpi arrived in
Next four days, Legazpi
negotiates and made friendly
alliance with Rajah Matanda and
Rajah Lakandula.

May 18,1571, the “Adelantado”

debarked all his forces to take
possession of the city in the
name of the Crown of Castille.
Rajah Lakandula
Miguel López de Legazpi
also known as El Adelantado
and El Viejo (The Elder), was
a Basque-Spanish navigator
and governor who
established the first Spanish
settlement in the East Indies.
Legazpi died in Manila on
August 20,1572 and was
buried in the church of the
Augustinian inside the
walled city of manila.
Salcedo explored the
northern part of Luzon.
Motives of Spanish
Colonization of the
-the foremost goal of Spanish
colonization was to take control
of the economic wealth of the
archipelago. This goal resulted
from the economic rivalry among
European nations to control the
spice trade in the Orient.
Magellan and other navigators
blazed their way across the
Pacific to secure spices.
-the second goal of
colonization was the desire of
Spain to spread Christianity.
This was attested by the last
will and testament of Queen
Isabella, by the Catholic spirit
of the laws of the Indies, by
the apostolic labors and
achievements of missionaries
and by the actual result of
Spain’s more than 300 years of
-Spanish desired apolitical grandeur. By colonizing the
Philippines, Spain emerged as a mighty empire whose
frontier comprised both the Eastern and Western
Thank you!

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