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Kohlberg’s 6 Stages

of Moral
3.1 Kohlberg’s 6 Stages of Moral Development

01– Obedience 02– Self- – Interpersonal


and Punishment Interest Accord and


04 –
– Universal
– Social
05 06
and maintaining Ethical
Social Order Principles
Obedience and Punishment

In this stage a person knows what is good or bad. And from the
video it says that a person wants to help in a certain commotion
but he is afraid of being caught and punished that is why he
decided not to help.
Self Interest

02 In this stage a person knows that she will be punished by

helping a friend but she still manage to help for a reason that
maybe the person he helped today might help her someday.
Interpersonal Accord and Conformity

In this stage the only matters to a person is the judgement of
the people, although she wanted to stop the commotion.
However, she was more concerned by what others may think
about her so she avoided getting involved in the mess so that
others will say that she is following the ethics of the community.
Authority and Maintaining Social

04 order
This stage is about how will you maintain the orders and laws
that was implemented for example, is in school how can you
sustain it to be a functioning school that follows the orders and
laws and even in a society.
Social Contract

05 A social contract as opposed to a strict orderand was said that

rules only make sense only if they serve the right purpoose.
And this stage questions “Does rule truly serve all the members
of the community”.
Universal Ethical Principles

06 This stage explains why there are rules and why they exist. This
clarifies that rules are only valid if they are grounded in justice,
and also for people to respect and understand each others
One (1) moral dilemma that a person may
experience in each stage of moral development.

There was a car accident happened between the car and motorcycle. The car
is in the right lane while the motorcycle is trying to overtake, and the
motorcycle didn’t know that there is a incoming vehicles. So the three
vehicles crash, and it resulted to a severe damage. Few more minutes have
passed there is now numbers of people in the scene, also the police already
came to investigate what really happened.
Stage 01.
Pablo saw the whole incident and Stage 02.
he knew what was right and wrong Martin saw the incident so he
to prevent the incident yet he didn’t immediately called the rescuers and
do it. Because he is afraid that it police to help the victims because he
maybe reversed that he might be thinks, that if that will happens to
affected or the one to be blamed of him one day there will be people
what happened. who will help him as well.
Stage 03. Stage 04.
Luis saw the incident but he The police will look the angles
didn't want to be involved in any why this happened and be the
kind of incident because he didn't first to respond and they will
want that people around him say explain why it is necessary to
anything about him because he follow the traffic laws to prevent
only wants a good judgement such an incident from happening
about him. again.
Stage 06.
Stage 05. This will cause confusion between the
Lando thinks that this happened two parties because neither one would
because maybe one was driving too fast admit who is at fault, therefore they
and the other was not paying attention will need a counselor to guide or
to the road, it was their fault why such explain to them why we have this
an accident happened. Because if they kind of laws in the road and why this
had just been responsible and careful it exist. And to help them understand
would not have happened. and respect each other in this kind of
3.3 The moral dilemma in Kohlberg's HEINZ DILEMMA

The Heinz dilemma is about Heinz wife, she's sick and there was only one drug that
might cure her but they was selling the drug ten times the price of the production
costs. Heinz couldn't afford to buy the drug because he was poor and he even asked
for his friends help but he can only afford half of the drug price so he asked the
pharmacist to sell it to him but the pharmacist refused to give it to him. In order to
save his wife he broke into the man's laboratory and stole the drug for his wife.
3.4 If you were in the same situation as Mr. Heinz, what would
you do? Support your answer.
If I am in the same situation as Mr. Heinz I would be doing the same thing particularly
if it is the only way that I can do to save the life of the person I love. Then I would do it
with all my heart, even if it is wrong, because just like Mr. Heinz I would do everything
for the sake of the person I love. Even if it takes breaking the law to save the life of the
person I love, I will do it just to save him from death. And for the consequences I will
wholeheartedly face or accept any kind of judgement that they will put on me because I
am responsible of that.
3.5 Universal Abstract Principles
 Dignity  Respect

 Justice  Equality
Universal Abstract Principles

 It means ensuring that everyone has an equal chance or opportunity to make the most of
their lives and abilities. It's also the concept that no one should be denied opportunities in
life because of how they were born, what they believe, or whether or not they have a
disability. Equality is the state of being equal on or to everything around us, it may be
our status, opportunities and also our rights.

Example: There is a family of five, the parents and its three(3) children. Every day when the
parents came home, they don’t forget to bring some “pasalubongs” or take-outs for their
children. They always bring apples and chocolates, the children have 2 apples and 1
chocolate each.
Universal Abstract Principles

 It is also known as esteem, is a good/positive feeling/emotion or action directed at
someone or something that is important or held in high regard. It expresses admiration
for positive or useful attributes. Respect is needed to be gain, if you want others to
respect you, try and do your best to show your respect to them too.

When you are talking or having a meeting with someone, you need to focus or listen to
them to show respect. Let them finish their words first before you speak. Ash encountered
her teacher inside the mall, and the first thing ash did was to great her teacher and to
acknowledge its presence.
Thank you!
Barte, Jenyrose
Cerbito, Edmalyn
Escarlan, Raquel

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