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Lecturer: Ruth Njeri Thuo

For questions/queries:

Contact hours: Tuesday 2pm – 4pm

Module Content

 Introduction to Business Management

 Management Theory
 Organisation Structures
 Organisation Culture
 Leadership
 Communication
 Change Management
 Analysing the General Environment (PEST, Porter)
 Analysing the Internal Environment (SWOT, culture)
 Group & Teamwork
 Corporate Social Responsibility

 To develop a clear insight into the basic principles,

concepts and functions of business organisations

 To build a foundation knowledge on the theoretical

approaches to management and decision making across
national and international boundaries

 To appreciate the influences of the changing

environment in which dynamic organisations operate
Introduction to Business Management

Learning Outcomes

1.1 What is Business?

1.2 What is Management?
1.3 Who are Managers?
1.4 Managerial Roles
1.5 Functions of Management

 Businesses exist to satisfy the needs and wants of people,

organisations and governments
 Some are run by only one person who carry out all of the
required functions
 Others employ thousands of people and provide goods and
services to people all over the world

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 Businesses are started by entrepreneurs who see a need,

recognize the opportunity, and go into business to meet that

 Business and people need each other – there are many

stakeholders – we depend on businesses for products and
services, but also for employment

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What are the business functions that you can name?

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 Human Resources
 Marketing
 Accounting/Finance
 Production/Operations
 IT

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Influences on Business

 Objectives & Strategy

 Legal structure
 Stakeholders
 Competitive environment

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What Is Management?

“To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to

command, to coordinate and to control” – H. Fayol,

Management involves coordinating and overseeing the

work activities of others so that their activities are
completed efficiently and effectively.
What is Management?

Managerial Concerns

 Efficiency
 “Doing things right”

 Effectiveness
 “Doing the right things”

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Who Are Managers?

• Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so
that organisational goals can be accomplished.
Managerial Levels

 First-line Managers
-Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees

 Middle managers
-Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers

 Top managers
-Responsible for making organization-wide decisions and
establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization

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Managerial Levels

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What Managers Do
Three approaches to defining what managers do :

Functions they perform

Roles they play

Skills they need

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 The management theory of Henri Fayol includes 14 principles of


 From these principles, Fayol concluded that management should

interact with personnel in five basic ways in order to control and
plan production/service. 

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Functions of Managers
1) Planning
-Sets the direction - Goals, strategies

2) Organising
-Assembles the human and material resources - Structuring work

3) Leading/Commanding
-Provides encouragement and direction - Guiding, motivating

4) Coordinating
-Harmonize procedures and activities

5) Controlling
-Ensures results -Monitoring, correcting work.
Managerial Roles

Roles are specific actions or behaviors expected of a

manager. In the 1960’s Henry Minzberg conducted a
precise study of managers at work.

Mintzberg found that managers perform 10 different roles

which are included in the following categories.
 Interpersonal relationships
 Information transfer
 Decision making
Management Roles

• Interpersonal roles
 Figurehead, leader, liaison

• Informational roles
 Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson

• Decisional roles
 Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource
allocator, negotiator

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Skills of Managers

Three essential skills that managers need include:

 Technical Skills
- Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field

 Human Skills
- Ability to work well with others

 Conceptual skills
- Ability to think and conceptualize about situations concerning
the organisation

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Skills needed at different Management levels

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1. Working alone, make a list of the behavioural attributes that

describe the “best” manager you have ever had

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2. Work with a nearby classmate. Share your list of attributes, listen

and talk about the list of attributes that each of you have
- working together, create a master list that combines the unique
attributes of the “best” manager

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What makes managers successful?

Larry Page
Steve Jobs

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What Makes Managers Successful?

 Hard work
 Patience
 Innovative
 Out of box thinking
 Knowledgeable
 Ethical consciousness
 Collaborative relationship
 Perseverance
 Detail Oriented
 Focused
 Commitment

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Steve jobs talks about managing people -

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What are some of the things that Steve jobs mentions in regards to
managing people:

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Virgin Airways – How to manage your

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Rewards and challenges of being a manager

Discuss and make a list of what some the rewards and challenges of
being a manager would be:

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Rewards and Challenges of Being A Manager
How managers’ jobs are changing

 Increasing importance of customers

High quality customer service is essential for survival

 Emphasis on Innovation
Doing things differently, exploring new territory

 Technology – virtual workplaces

 Diversity

 Ethics

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Ethics scenarios

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Universal Need for Management

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Terms to know
 manager  management roles
 first-line managers  interpersonal roles
 middle managers  informational roles
 top managers  decisional roles
 management  technical skills
 efficiency  human skills
 effectiveness  conceptual skills
 planning  organization
 organizing  universality of management
 leading
 controlling

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