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Groups and Teams

 A set of people who have come together to achieve particular

 A collection of people who share the following characteristics:

 A definable membership
 A sense of shared purpose
 Interdependence
 Interaction
 Ability to act in a unitary manner

 Type, or form, of group that has additional

characteristics beyond a group

 Individuals are put into a group and the group

may or may not go on to become a team

 Organisations strive to have their work

groups develop and evolve into teams
 Teams are typically more
close-knit groups of people
who work together over a
long period of time to
accomplish a goal.

 Three or more individuals that
interact about a common goal
and have influence over one
Reasons for Formation of Groups or Teams

 Goals of the organisation

 Competitive advantage

 Certain tasks can be performed only through combined


 Opportunities for interaction and sharing knowledge

 Psychologicalneeds - companionship and provides a

sense of belonging

 What makes an effective team?


There are two types of groups:

 Formal – established by the organisation

 Informal – established by particular individuals

 Put together by the organisation

 Have a formal structure and function for which

they are held responsible

 Leaders may be chosen within the group, but are

typically given authority by the organisation.

 Created to achieve specific organisational

Types of Formal Groups

1. Command (supervisory)
 One supervisor with a number of subordinates
 Based on basic work units
 Relatively permanent and membership changes slowly

2. Project / Task Force

 A group put together for a specific purpose
 Temporary, specific limited purpose

3. Committees
 Can be either permanent or temporary
 Members meet only periodically
 Members have other permanent jobs, low commitment
 Not established by the organisation, voluntary

 Can cut across formal structures, may include people from

different parts/levels of the organisation

 Workplace clique, groups of ‘mates’ who socialise in and/or

outside work

 Purposes - related to group and individual member satisfaction,

rather than to a task.

 Natural formations in the work environment that appear in

response to the need for social contact.
Characteristics of Groups & Teams

Characteristics of groups and teams could be


1) Structural
▪ Size
▪ Composition
▪ Differentiated roles
▪ Differentiated status levels

2) Behavioural
▪ Norms
▪ Group cohesiveness
Structural Characteristics of Groups & Teams

1. Size of the group

 Smaller rather than larger.

 Large groups lead to problems with coordination, productivity,

communication, conflict, and satisfaction

 Large groups reduces personal responsibility for output/performance

 Roles could be structured to encourage full participation - Example –

swimming team

 Cohesiveness becomes more difficult when a group exceeds 12

Structural Characteristics of Groups & Teams

 Group can be composed of individuals who are similar
(homogenous) or dissimilar (heterogenous)
 Most groups have diversity depending on:
▪ Age
▪ Gender
▪ Race
▪ Ethnicity
▪ Religion
▪ Values
▪ Skills
▪ Knowledge

 Does a greater diversity within groups help or

prevent good performance?
Structural Characteristics of Groups & Teams

3. Differentiated roles
 Members in groups perform different roles i.e
sports teams
 Quicker response to changes when roles are
 Complications :
 role ambiguity
 role conflict
Structural Characteristics of Groups & Teams

4. Differentiated status levels

 Standing or prestige that a person has in a group
 Can be based on – leadership qualities, seniority or
special skills
 Status differences can influence group
 If status differences are too extreme,
communication and decision making is affected
Behavioural Characteristics of Groups & Teams

1. Norms
 A standard or pattern of behavior, that is
typical or expected of a group.

 Guides behaviour of its individual members

 Norms help reduce ambiguity and provides

cues and guidelines

 Conforming can be positive or Negative


 How do group norms affect behaviour?

Asch conformity experiments

 Why would conformity be a problem within a


 What can managers/leaders do?

Behavioural Characteristics of Groups & Teams

2. Group cohesiveness
 The degree to which members stick together in a

 Benefits of group cohesion:

 Generates high performance
 Creates better and more effective communication
 Better commitment and team loyalty

 Dangers of group cohesion:

 Group think

 Ways to improve cohesiveness in groups?


1. Time
2. Diversity
3. Similar work
4. Group size
5. Proximity
6. Communications
8. The prospect of rewards
Stages of Group Development
(Tuckman, 1977)

Tuckman (1965) saw groups as moving through 5 key stages of


1. Stage 1 – Forming
 Initial stage

 Finding out about the task, behaviour, rules & methods;

acquiring information & resources’ relying on the leader

 Great deal of uncertainty about the group’s structure, purpose,

code of conduct, individual roles & responsibilities & leadership.

 Period of orientation and acclimation


2. Stage 2 – Storming
 Internal conflict develops; members resist the task at the emotional

 Questions arise who is leading and what its structure and purpose
should be.

 Conflict on who will control the group and group goals

3. Stage 3 – Norming
 Conflict is settled & cooperation develops. New norms develop

 Close relationship develop & group demonstrates cohesiveness

 Strong sense of group identity & camaraderie

Stages of Group Development

4. Stage 4 – Performing
 Teamwork is achieved, solutions are found & implemented

 Created structure & cohesiveness to work effectively as team

 A period of productivity, achievement and pride as the team

members work together to get the job done.

5. Stage 5 – Adjourning
 Temporary groups disperses on completion of tasks.

 Attention is directed towards wrapping up activities.

Issues Critical in Building & Managing
Groups & Teams

1) Developing team competencies

2) Dealing with team conflict

3) Improving the effectiveness of groups and

Developing Team Competencies

 What competencies are required in a team? /

What does it take to be a good team player?

What it takes to be a team player

 Knowledge: understanding team work skills,

team characteristics, norms and objectives

 Attitudes: shared vision, trust, good team

attitude, commitment

 Skills: Conflict management, problem

solving, communication, flexibility,
adaptable, decision making, feedback
Dealing With Team Conflict

 Conflict can decrease cohesion

 Conflict is common and not always to be
 Conflict can bring about improvements
 Absence of conflict can be a concern
 Types of conflict : task conflict, process
conflict, relationship conflict
Improving the Effectiveness of Groups
& Teams
 Have clear mission/purpose
 Develop appropriate group structures
 Set specific performance goals
 Compose the right team size and mix
 Ensure everyone has a chance to contribute
 Provide access to or control of the resources
 Offer a mix of group and individual rewards
 Develop appropriate support
 Know how to effectively resolve group conflict

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