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Ergonomics :  The study of people in their
working environment.

Ergonomist : designs or modifies the work to

fit the worker

- The goal is to eliminate discomfort and risk of

injury due to work.
Ergonomics : is a science concerned with the
'fit' between people and their work .

It puts people first, taking account of their

capabilities and limitations.
Ergonomics aims to make sure that tasks ,
equipment, information and the environment fit
each worker.

Ergonomics is important because when

you're doing a job and your body is stressed

by an awkward posture, extreme

temperature, or repeated movement your

musculoskeletal system is affected.

Ergonomics decreases pain, strengthens muscles,

and increases blood flow.

Combined, this improves mental insight. You and your

employees will experience less anxiety, increased awareness,

improved moods, and focus. This means everyone can

concentrate on their work more.

Ergonomics reduces costs. By systematically reducing

ergonomic risk factors, you can prevent cost

Ergonomics improves productivity. ...

Ergonomics improves quality. ...

Ergonomics improves employee engagement. ...

Ergonomics creates a better safety culture.

There are three types of ergonomics: 

1- physical

2- cognitive

3- organizational.
1) Safety hazards. ...

2) Biological hazards. ...

3) Physical hazards. ...

4) Ergonomic hazards. ...

5) Chemical hazards. ...

6) Workload hazards.

Examples of hazards

Falls and Falling Objects.

Chemical Exposure.
Fire Hazards.
Electrical Hazards.
Repetitive Motion Injury
Work physiology

Work physiology : 
studies how the human body copes with
physical stress and the working environment
Human working conditions cannot be established
without knowledge of the principles of work
During and after dynamic work there are many
changes occur in the blood.
 laboratory diagnosis IS VERY IMPORTANT

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